He swung at the air a bit with it and said that it was too slow, deciding to never try it on an enemy.I still don't understand why he isn't just using the Halberd.
He swung at the air a bit with it and said that it was too slow, deciding to never try it on an enemy.I still don't understand why he isn't just using the Halberd.
He swung at the air a bit with it and said that it was too slow, deciding to never try it on an enemy.
Hunter x Hunter is so firmly in the category of shit they're wrong about. I've been going through the 2011 show and am nearly done with Chimera Ant and it's been fantastic.
People also talk about the Yorknew arc, which is also often considered one of the greatest shonen arcs. It's only like 40 episodes in the new anime, and the stuff before that point is also good and provides the foundation for the rest of the show. I think the slow burn is greatly exaggerated.
It doesn't take 40 episodes for it to become a good show. It takes 40 episodes for it to go from good to great. And by the time the Chimera Ant arc is going on, it's legendary.
Super Best Friends Thread 19: Hunter X Hunter |OT|
Don't you dare.
Don't you dare.
I'd be down in a heartbeat for this
I'm going to be honest, I've been watching the show on Toonami and I'm still kinda eh.
I mean, its not bad, but thus far I've not really clicked with it. Gon vs. Hisoka in that arena thing was decent but its still just kinda meandering, I feel.
As an aside, my friend and I (who watch the show at the same time and snark on it and other stuff) went nuts about how Wing just COULDN'T FUCKING TUCK HIS SHIRT IN.
...until the very last scene he showed up and it was tucked in. Bravo~
Anyway, we're sticking with it, if nothing else, but its not done much to wow me. I read the manga up to the next arc (Yorknew) so I know a bit of what's coming and maybe this'll improve for us.
Super Best Friends Thread 19: Hunter X Hunter |OT|
AlsoHoly shit man. Who looks at the lantern for a millisecond then turns around? He missed Marguerite's spider arm reaching for it and pulling it away.
Pat: "I'd blow a guy for a hundred grand."
Paige: "You'd blow a guy for a hundred grand?"
Pat: "I can buy a house, I'm providing for our future!"
I love these two, seriously.
Pat: "I'd blow a guy for a hundred grand."
Paige: "You'd blow a guy for a hundred grand?"
Pat: "I can buy a house, I'm providing for our future!"
I love these two, seriously.
Who wouldn't, honestly...
Who wouldn't, honestly...
Who wouldn't, honestly...
Damn, you guys are crazy, 100k would cover 4 years of school with plenty to spare.
Life changing amount of money.
Hell, I'd do it for 10k...
Forgot how super tense this last bit of Until Dawn is, holy shit.
Matt on another vacation next week lol
I'm having a delightful time watching Pat use up all the burner fuel.
I'm really happy they didn't try a harder difficulty let me tell you what.
The game tells you specifically the burner fuel is for margerite and the bugs....
Oh like actually? I didn't see that either but maybe that was on the description of the parts that they didn't show off for long.
Oh like actually? I didn't see that either but maybe that was on the description of the parts that they didn't show off for long.
Matt on the beach drunk yelling at kids from Kansas about his Predator statue is the Matt I fell in love with. I don't want to hear another word from the Matt who shotgunned all of Downton Abbey.
You stop growing up, sir. Grow back down.
I watched the Scary Game Squad guys use it on a number of enemies and it didn't really seem to do much to them (like the molded). I mean, it did damage, to be sure, but the things didn't really react to being on fire and so kept coming, whereas at least with headshots you'd make them stumble and pause.
edit: Oooh, DS1 part 23:Lautrec strikes!
Man there are some salty motherfuckers about the pace that Woolie is playing at.
I'd take this style of playthrough a thousand times over the trash that was Dark Souls 3. Pat has no self control and it ruined that LP in a lot of ways. More snailborne, pls.