What? wow. That game looked promising though edgy.
So, is Platinum as a company in trouble? I get that vibe from some posts, but this thread is moving so fast I can't really get a handle on news
This might not really be the right time or place.
But I do wonder what will be the point of releasing KH3 on Xbone.
FF13 series did okay, and at least established the brand on the system so FF15 did good enough.
But with all the HD collections releasing on PS4 only. If a 2.9 collection doesn't come on Xbone.
I really do wonder the point of porting it to Xbone, unless it's a really cheap port.
Actually not only do they have to make for Xbone, but they have to make for the Scropio.
lol this game would at best be a winter 2017 release. So yeah. Think again.I'd like to think they're just shelving it for Scorpio instead. The rumours about Kamiya's health issues are a concern though.![]()
For Scalebound or Phantom Dust?
If you mean Phantom Dust, originally it was a multiplayer only game then they asked them to turn it into a 30 hour JRPG whilst still keeping the same budget.
Phantom Dust dev collapsed under Microsoft's demands
Watch Microsoft gesture towards some vague unknown surprises in 2017 in their statement, attempting to put a quick band-aid on the wound.
Heartbreaking, my thoughts go out to Kamiya. What a talent, I hope he can clear his head and get himself well quickly.Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)
Saddening news if this is true.
Is Below still a thing? Pls say yes.
So, is Platinum as a company in trouble? I get that vibe from some posts, but this thread is moving so fast I can't really get a handle on news
I've been looking for new on it for the past few days but there's not much out there it seems. To be honest I was surprised when I read the game was announced almost four years ago and had already been in development for a few years even before that. So at this point it's at least been six years in development? Insane.Is Below still a thing? Pls say yes.
I'm literally crying and the whole thread is clapping.
Just hopeful for a Scorpio release instead of xbo.
I wonder why Platinum pressured their staff like that.
Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.
give it to Sony, they don't abandon games that ran into a bit of a trouble
*unplugs Xbox One*
*removes batteries from controller*
*takes two games off shelf*
*loads up ebay*
Good fucking riddance.
Maybe Scorpio revival?
Any chance of that happening ,moving assets to new system?
Jez from Windows Central said he received a statement from MS 10 minutes ago and to stay tuned
Sony should buy it so they can launch it as Lair 2.
This isn't a good sign for Scorpio.
Do we know what engine it's on?
Platinum needs to find that one hit like From Software. Get better Kamiya.
I had a feeling MS only greenlit this game because for some reason everyone was going crazy about Platinum. But most of their games seem to bomb.
Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)
Saddening news if this is true.
Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)
Saddening news if this is true.
I wonder why Platinum pressured their staff like that.
LoL @ so many people making threads about this.