Well here's a story involving a female to balance the thread out. Don't view the mugshot pics if you don't want to ruin the fantasy, also don't read the entire story.
Well here's a story involving a female to balance the thread out. Don't view the mugshot pics if you don't want to ruin the fantasy, also don't read the entire story.
Anyway, reading stories like the one in the OP are annoying for me because
1) It makes it that much more difficult for me (a male with an Elementary teaching license) to find a job, because of beliefs about male teachers (even moreso at the Elementary level)
2) Why can people like this get teaching jobs, but I can't
Well here's a story involving a female to balance the thread out. Don't view the mugshot pics if you don't want to ruin the fantasy, also don't read the entire story.
Most of the hot for teacher cases that end up in Off-topic are slam dunk cases with full confessions and heaps of evidence. I guess it takes a special kind of stupid to actually go through with something like this.