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Schwarzenegger Wants Strays Killed Faster

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I'm a dog lover, but it's a sad fact of life that there are too many strays and millions have to be euthanized every year. You just need to provide a reasonable time period for missing pets to be recovered from shelters by their owners.

I wonder if there is any data to establish how quickly lost pets are recovered from shelters. You know, something like (I'm just making this up) "98% of pets that are not picked up within their first three days at a shelter are never claimed at all." If this were true, then it could make sense to have a shorter waiting time before euthanizing them.
Although not exactly a good solution financially, I don't see why we kill off animals that are strays at all. We're not about to kill off an orphan to save some money. It's a sick double standard imo.
ManDudeChild said:
Although not exactly a good solution financially, I don't see why we kill off animals that are strays at all. We're not about to kill off an orphan to save some money. It's a sick double standard imo.

US > THEM uh dur :D


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
ManDudeChild said:
Although not exactly a good solution financially, I don't see why we kill off animals that are strays at all. We're not about to kill off an orphan to save some money. It's a sick double standard imo.

Um, that's because a dog is a little different from a human being, contrary to what PETA may be telling you...


The problem is that people think, "Oh, it'll be so fun to get a dog. They're so cute!" Then a few weeks later, they're sick of feeding the dog, taking the dog for walks, playing with the dog, and paying for shots/vet visits/food/grooming/toys/pooper-scoopers. Now the dog isn't so cute because *gasp* it take r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y to care for a dog. So the lazy sons-a-bitches drop the dog off at a pound or in most cases, a park.

Or people think, "Let's get a German Shepard/Rotweiler/Pitt Bull/any other big dog." Then a few months later when it gets to it's full size and is breaking things around the house and having behavior problems because of a lack of proper training and discipline, they drop off the dog.

It's really sad what happens to these animals because of the lack of people's foresight.

BTW, where's Wario's avatar?
:( my sister just gave back her two dogs to the SPCA too, guess this means they're dead. Apparently she couldn't "handle" them. I was pissed. HOw do you GIVE AWAY dogs? thats pussy shit!


We need population control. I'm 100% behind Arnie on this. People pine over cats and dogs, but they are becoming a nuisance. Here in Miami, stray cats are killing off populations of native birds. They are simply too efficient at killing. I must admit my cat is part of this problem. He's an outdoor cat, and whenever I check out his claws, he's got the remnants of death on them. Cats and dogs kick ass...a bit too much ass. ;) So Bob Barker says, "Control pet populations. Have your pet spayed, neutered or run over by a car." :D PEACE.


If i saw a puppy Boarder Collie look at me i would just cry, knowing they were going to be put to death. It has to be done though. There are way too many strays here in california. And its due to stupid people that dont Spay and Neuter there animals that this happens. Over population of animals will become a epicdemic if not already.

If you want to change this why not adopt a animal, instead of buying a dog or having someone breed one for you. Breeders should all die though, they are writing thousands of death warrants for animals all across the US.

Its a touchy subject.
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