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SCi Games announces the release of ROLL CALL with screens


SCi Games Ltd, one of the UK's leading computer games publishers announces the release of ROLL CALL (working title); an original game developed by Argonaut Games Plc for Sony PlayStationTM2 and Microsoft XboxTM.
Set in the not too distant future, ROLL CALL (working title) follows a year in the life of Nick Mason, returning from military service to find his home city ravaged by gang warfare. He is quickly enlisted into the ranks of the newly formed G18 Counter Gang Division; an elite enforcement unit granted special emergency powers over all other public services and tasked with securing the city and its citizens at any cost.

With direct control over Paramedics, Police and the Fire Department, you must work together to save lives, property and your city. An innovative, voice activated control system issues orders to offer protection and tactical guidance in the fight for survival.

An original first person shooter with unique online and offline gaming, ROLL CALL (working title) is scheduled for release in 2005.

"ROLL CALL is yet another exciting addition to add to our 2005 portfolio. We're looking forward to working with Argonaut and we're clearly confident that this game will be a great success." Said Bill Ennis, Commercial Director

Jez San, Chief Executive Officer at Argonaut said, "Argonaut are very excited to be working with SCi Games Ltd. ROLL CALL is an innovative title, bringing a new direction to this genre."

About SCi Entertainment Group Plc

SCi Entertainment Group Plc is one of the UK's leading publishers of computer video games, with a unique strategy, a valuable portfolio of intellectual property and a track record of chart success with titles such as Carmageddon, Thunderbirds, The Italian Job, The Great Escape, Futurama and Conflict: Desert Storm I & II. SCi has recently acquired the rights to develop games based on Reservoir Dogs. www.sci.co.uk

"Playstation" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Microsoft, Xbox and the Xbox logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp ration in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.





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