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Scotty (James Doohan) suffering from Alzheimer's disease

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It's sad to see all of these people from a show and films I love just getting so old and getting ill. Of course, Doohan has been in ill-health for a long-time now, so it's just another to add to the list.

The tribute referred to is the dedication of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame I believe.

But geez, it's gonna be a sad day when either Leonard Nimoy or William Shatner goes!! :(


The actor who played Scotty in TV's Star Trek has Alzheimer's disease.

James Doohan, 84, also has Parkinson's disease, diabetes, lung fibrosis and suffered a bout of pneumonia.
My lord, he's really sick.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
So there really was some type of radiation leak in the engine room all those years....


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I remember watching some documentary on Trekkies a couple summers back, and there was this one segment where he was talking about some woman who was a huge fan and wrote him letters telling him how she hates her life and wanted to killer herself. He convinced her to come to the conventions every year, and it was the only thing that kept her going. After a while she stopped coming, and years later she wrote again telling him how her life is back on track and how wonderful it is now, and that if it weren't for him she would have been dead years ago, and Scotty broke down crying when he read that letter. I don't really give a shit about Star Trek, but it almost brought a tear to my eye.

I saw him at a comic convention about 3 years ago, and he looked terrible. He could barely walk, so he was driven around in a golf cart (with "Enterprise NC-1701" written on the side). After seeing him there, I'm surprised that he's even lasted this long. Poor guy.


demon said:
I remember watching some documentary on Trekkies a couple summers back, and there was this one segment where he was talking about some woman who was a huge fan and wrote him letters telling him how she hates her life and wanted to killer herself. He convinced her to come to the conventions every year, and it was the only thing that kept her going. After a while she stopped coming, and years later she wrote again telling him how her life is back on track and how wonderful it is now, and that if it weren't for him she would have been dead years ago, and Scotty broke down crying when he read that letter. I don't really give a shit about Star Trek, but it almost brought a tear to my eye.

aaah that's a sweet story... :)


Crispy said:



My grandpa had Alzheimer's. It's really sad and hard to see someone who knows you then the next year barely know you :(


Man that sucks. I hope the rest of his life is at least pain free and that when he does go, he can go with dignity.
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