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SDCC Adult Swim Panel: WTF HAPPENED?

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Did anyone go to that panel today? What the hell happened? Any video tapes of it? PLEASE LET THERE BE...

For those of you who didn't go:
After the standard showing off their new shows and talking about future products and whatever they opened the mics for questions/comments from the audience. There was one guy who sounded a LOT like Meatwad/Bunsen(the greenish muppet from The Muppet Show) but totally unintelligible who started to ask a question. A couple of people in the crowd were giggling at him because he sounded ridiculously funny. Then one of the voice actors from Sealab/Aqua Teens said something like "You're the most retarded sounding person I've ever heard" right in the middle of his question. And the crowd erupted in laughter. It was followed by "You win the prize (?)." After the initial laughter slowed down the woman voice actor (who plays Debbie on Sealab) said something like "What was his question? I didn't understand a word he said." More laughter. Then there was garble i really didn't hear and the guy in charge said "NEXT QUESTION".

This was the CRUELEST FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER BEEN A WITNESS OF and i didn't even catch the last half of it because I was laughing too hard. Was anyone else there to see this? Or know where i can get a manuscript. And what the hell happened to the guy who was laughed off?


Gold Member
I liked the Jar Jar basher who got booed out of the giant Star Wars presentation in Hall H by 6,000 people.

My favorite thing today was the FIVE MINUTE standing ovation that Ray Bradbury got at the end of his panel. I'm glad I went to that.

No one really wanted to say it, but there was a feeling that this may be one of the last years he is able to show up at the con.


Unconfirmed Member
Gen.Wedge said:
Thats a great picture because the kid standing behind teh winnar gives the illusion he is fatter and hunched over, untill you look at it closer.


scola said:
Thats a great picture because the kid standing behind teh winnar gives the illusion he is fatter and hunched over, untill you look at it closer.

the kid "standing" behind him is in a wheelchair...


Unconfirmed Member
fbcamp said:
the kid "standing" behind him is in a wheelchair...
don't discriminate. he can do whatever he sets his mind too.

I am being sarcastic now, but I didn't see he was in a chair before


Quadrophenic said:
I thought MC Chris said "You sound like Meatwad if he were retarded". I can't remember what the guy's question was though.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Thank god everyone who asked a question had to sign a release form. It's like that fat Canadian kid pulling off those Soul Calibur (mistaken for pretending to being Darth Maul) moves in front of a video camera but without the lawsuits.

Man, i wonder how long it'll be until Adult Swim sticks video from this panel on their website. I HOPE THEY RELEASE THE Q&A PART.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Did Debbie show her boobs?
From where i was sitting (way in the back, because the place was PACKED) the voice actor (too lazy to look her up on IMDB) looked pretty hot.

All the Cartoon Network panels this year rocked. The Cartoon Network Studio ended up bashing giant robot anime (they still love the stuff though) and I got a DVD of Megas XLR (or whatever).
The next panel after that showed off the new DC universe cartoons. Teen Titans had a HUGE upgrade on action scenes (better, not bigger), Justice League Unlimited looks like it will be just as good as last season. However, The Batman cartoon looks to be a disappontment. Corny dialogue, not unlike Teen Titan's first season. The only freebies i got from this panel were only postcards of these shows.

The Adult Swim panel was just damn hilarious throughout. I managed to score 4 packs of Adult Swim playing cards and a DVD with one episode of ATHF and another of Sealab 2021.
And I'm giving the extra packs to friends (unless someone from here wants to trade for something just as cool).

On a sad note, i found out that the actor who did Captain Murphy's voice for Sealab 2021 died. His son is doing the voice for the new captain.
luxsol said:
On a sad note, i found out that the actor who did Captain Murphy's voice for Sealab 2021 died. His son is doing the voice for the new captain.
Sadly, Harry Goz passed away last September of cancer.
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