From what I hear, the CEO, Eddie Lampert, basically went in intending to destroy the company. He set up his own little company on the side, Seritage, to which he has been gradually siphoning off all of SHC's unencumbered properties. Where possible, he's closed the Sears/Kmarts on such properties so he could lease them to more upscale tenants. He's also been making a lot of secured loans to SHC. Many are expecting that when the properties pass the clawback period (which would happen this month) or perhaps a little bit later so he doesn't make it look completely obvious, he'll declare BK on the thing. He'll be first in line as a creditor, and Seritage will end up with a lot of possibly valuable retail real estate, and all the employees and most of the outside creditors will get shafted. Basically a long game of vulture capitalism. One can only hope that he did not anticipate the rapid death of retail in general, and all that real estate will be basically worthless due to the glut of it opening up everywhere.