On a DC kick and finishing up a run through 3 games I picked up recently.
Space Channel 5: Mentioned above. Seems all style and no substance to me, and while I enjoy that kind of game every once in a while (I did play Rez to completion after all, heyoooo), there just doesn't seem to be enough "game" here to hold my interest. I'm pretty big into some rhythm games, but I like them to be a little more involved than this.
Power Stone: Beat arcade mode with every character. It's fun, but I expect that I'll enjoy the sequel more, especially in VS. Even without playing it, I can see how 4-player and an increase in stage hazards could wreck competitive nuance, but honestly? There doesn't seem to be enough nuance here to sustain this game for long anyway. Way too many of the non-powered moves seem universal or only broken into 2 distinct classes, and I figure I'd enjoy the game's signature power-up mode more in a 4P setting where you have 3 opponents each scrambling to not be the target. It's a little frustrating in a 1v1 setting. VOOT remains the preferred game for 1v1 arena fighting.
Jet Grind Radio: Where the fuck has this game been all my life. What took me so long. Man. Once it clicks, it's golden. Definitely has those score attack legs. I'm almost done with the story mode and can see me coming back for a lot more. Also Japanese as fuck--SUDDENLY ROB ZOMBIE.
Napple Tale should be coming in the mail later today.