Barkley's Justice
Question: I was trying to rip some Dreamcast games in OS X and it just wasn't happening...It would rip the audio partition but not the data. Is this just not possible in a convenient method?
Question: I was trying to rip some Dreamcast games in OS X and it just wasn't happening...It would rip the audio partition but not the data. Is this just not possible in a convenient method?
Question: I was trying to rip some Dreamcast games in OS X and it just wasn't happening...It would rip the audio partition but not the data. Is this just not possible in a convenient method?
You can also use a custom serial cable instead of a broadband adapter, but I don't know of any place that sells pre-made ones anymore. I got mine form Lik-sang before they were shut down. It should be noted that it takes about 25 hours to rip a full GD-ROM via the serial port as opposed to 1-2 hours via the broadband adapter.Only the Dreamcast can rip Dreamcast games, if you want to rip a Dreamcast game, the only method I heard about needs a Dreamcast Broadband Adapter, put in a special CD and then connect the Dreamcast to a server where you'll be able to get the GD-ROM files from your computer.
Does the Saturn emu have any shader options?
No. Games run at native resolution. The most it does is offer an option to replace the grid/pattern transparencies by real transparencies.
Are there any good FMV games or really embarrassing games on the Saturn? I have Street Fighter The Movie of The Game, but I'm always on the hunt for quirky random stuff for non-gamer friends. I only picked up my Saturn a month ago, I don't really even know where to start.
Damn. I'll get it if it's cheap enough. If worse comes to worse I'll catch a ride to the arcade, they have it there.
Bought my Saturn around October last year, haven't really had the excess $ to splurge on the games I want to buy. Need to cap an old CRT tube as well since the thing looks absolutely awful on my Samsung LCD. I've always preferred the real thing to emulation but the prices of games has really deterred me from grabbing Shining Force 3, Dragon Force, Panzer Saga and others.
1up retronauts has a great Sega Saturn podcast from a couple years back, as well as a nice Dreamcast podcast worth listening in.
Ah the memories. It's almost criminal nobody posted a screenshot from the best Saturn game ever until now! I know know how I will be playing PDS again! I wish you could up the resolution, but it appears that can't happen.
Probably because the game is still super expensive.
No. Games run at native resolution. The most it does is offer an option to replace the grid/pattern transparencies by real transparencies.
I agree. A few years ago it was going for $150 on ebay in every auction. I was lucky. I was able to pickup Panzer Dragoon I, II, and Saga for $200.
Some days I consider going to eBay, just hitting one of the Buy It Nows and hoarding the game away somewhere just for the hell of it.
I spent $7000 in the last few months this way :x
I spent $7000 in the last few months this way :x
I spent $7000 in the last few months this way :x
I've done something similar, but over a year. How many games did you bag, and for what systems?
Holy shit!
Made for an awesome 2 months, though. Every day was like christmas, getting a new package every day.
For rizzles. Really gives you a reason to get up on rainy workdays.
It was weird because my mail lady actually started to know me at that point. Every day, "oh what package from around the world do you have this day?" I guess I have to get her a christmas present now.
And PDS is only the best Saturn game if you're into RPGs. For me, the best Saturn game is Soukyugurentai or something.
For me, the best Saturn game is Soukyugurentai or something.
Probably my all time favorite shmup.
The games are rendered using the native resolution, but it actually outputs in double the resolution, with no way to change the output.
This is my biggest beef with SSF: it's unusable on my retro-gaming PC, which is connected to a CRT via RGB, since it outright refuses to run if the desktop resolution is smaller than 800x600.
I would actually pay money for a version that could run at the actual native resolution. Specially if it switched resolutions to match whatever the game is using like Kega Fusion can do.
Probably my all time favorite shmup.
Are there any good FMV games or really embarrassing games on the Saturn? I have Street Fighter The Movie of The Game, but I'm always on the hunt for quirky random stuff for non-gamer friends. I only picked up my Saturn a month ago, I don't really even know where to start.
Damn. I'll get it if it's cheap enough. If worse comes to worse I'll catch a ride to the arcade, they have it there.
Virtual Hydlide has some pretty embarrassing digitized graphics, and the game is supposed to be horrible... never played it myself though.
How was MK2 on the Saturn?
How was MK2 on the Saturn?
What's so bad about this game? I know it got mediocre reviews, but I got it recently, and it seems fun enough... very 16-bit in gameplay, but it seems like decent fun for a 2d (or is it 2.5d) platform-action game. I like the jetpack too. The one real negative I saw was that its save system is through 26 character passwords. WHAT? This is the PS1 and Saturn, not the NES or something...One of the few games that came with my Saturn was this turd.
Brought back horrible memories of playing it on the PS1 lol.
I need to get one!
Too bad it's so easy to pick one from where I live. Ebay is a bit expensive consindering the extra, international shipping.
Sorry for my ignorance but would you mind posting a link? Dont know any assembler site.
My wife actually bought me PDS a few years ago for Christmas. She's never said how much it cost, and I haven't asked. I've only played through it once so far (on the Saturn, which doesn't look great on a HDTV), but keep threatening to replay it on the emulator.I'm getting my wife to read the last few comments. Then I'm going to tell her I don't want to hear it anymore.
Not exactly a saturn-game but I feel this is the most appropriate palce to ask.
I've been looking for an old arcade game that I loved when growing up called Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder. I've managed to get all the other old Golden Axe games as they're now available on Steam/GMG etc but not this particular title. If anyone knows where I'd be able to pick up a copy from, I'd love to know.
My wife actually bought me PDS a few years ago for Christmas. She's never said how much it cost, and I haven't asked. I've only played through it once so far (on the Saturn, which doesn't look great on a HDTV), but keep threatening to replay it on the emulator.
I'd like to get a decent pad for it - never found Saturn games all that comfortable with a keyboard, but not sure I play enough to make a controller worthwhile.