they would have a point if Dems hadn't done the exact same fucking thing, writing their bill behind closed doors, letting insurance industry lobbyists write the bill.
maybe if it had been an open process w public option from the start you would have more defending it. as is, can't blame Republicans for doing the exact same thing Dems did.
I don't know if that's an accurate characterization of the situation:
Vox Reporter on ACA said:My professional life in 2009 and 2010 was an endless string of Affordable Care Act hearings aired on C-SPAN. I lived in New York at the time. It became a regular ritual to sit down in my cubicle, plug my headphones into my laptop, and listen to an entire day of Senate debate.
”There were hundreds of hearings and markups that lasted days — or in the case of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, months," Rovner recalls in her piece.
Senators wanted to talk about the Affordable Care Act and why they believed they needed to pass it. They gave floor speech and after floor speech defending its provisions. Patients had months to lobby their legislators on particular issues that they thought were important. A few months ago I interviewed one woman, for example, who successfully lobbied former Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) to add a ban on lifetime limits in health insurance.
I remember Christmas Eve 2009 in particular, when I lived in New York and my roommate's family came to visit for the holiday. They opened presents in our living room. I was holed up in my bedroom watching the Senate vote on the ACA, the culmination of a 25-day floor debate.
I don't doubt that Democrats did some behind-closed-doors sessions for the ACA, and honestly I'm not that concerned that they did, or that Republicans might do the same. The problem is that Republicans want to push out a bill we haven't even seen, while Democrats openly debated their bill for months and gave the public a chance to respond.
Don't try to "both sides" this shit.