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September 11th - The Game





Replay Studios develops multi platform Disaster Surviving Game


Hamburg - October, 4th 2004

German game development Studio, Replay Studios, located in Hamburg announces 3rd person action game Survivor. Survivor will be developed for all systems, PC and consoles. The Game establishes the all new genre Reality Gaming.

SURVIVOR is a 3rd-person Disaster Survival Game with highly interactive locations, based on famous, authentic-historical disaster scenarios. In independent game episodes, the player will experience some of the most dramatic disasters of the 20 - 21st century. The original single player game concept has never been seen before. We call this unique genre REALITY GAMING. Anyone who likes to know how it feels like being aboard the Titanic after she has hit the iceberg, could go for a try.

Survivor offers GTA like player freedom game play mechanics that forces the player to participate in the most dramatic and well known disaster scenarios: sinking of the Titanic, Hurricane Andrew, 9/11, Hiroshima and the giant earthquake in Mexico in 1985. While many subquests must be fulfilled within the disaster scenarios, the main goal of the game is always pure survival.

For more information, screenshots, concept art, logos, a downloadable game concept document and a web forum please refer to www.replaystudios.de/survivor


What will you do?

Play a terrorist: hi-jack a plane and try to hit both the towers at once?

Play a businessman: try to get out of the building alive, ruin like hell without helping anyone?

Play a fireman: be powerless in front of such a disaster, watching people falling down from the top of the building?
yes but its done us germans...

on one hand with have gothic which is good

on the other we have singles flirting your life...

only time will tell, I just feel it will be arcadish or a collectathon

or in hiroshimas case, move like ........resident evil *gets hit by lighting bolt*


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ZombieSupaStar said:
yeah..... Im going to hell............

The quote on the box really made me laugh... I'm going with you apparently. ;)
Play a terrorist: hi-jack a plane and try to hit both the towers at once?

Play a businessman: try to get out of the building alive, ruin like hell without helping anyone?

Play a fireman: be powerless in front of such a disaster, watching people falling down from the top of the building?

I wanna play a politician and exploit the tragedy for political gain


As liberal, as free-thinking, as open to pretty much anything that doesn't involve me being raped in prison as I am, I have to say that this is just shameless, sick and way, way, way too soon. Hell, I think the games based on Vietnam are "too soon."

I hope these dicks go out of business.


pilonv1 said:
Do you hope Vietnam game developer "dicks" go out of business too then?

I think we should leave it at, simply: I don't think incredibly highly of developers who don't see anything wrong with making a game out of an unpopular war that was lost, and that karma always finds its way back to those who neglect it.


MrAngryFace said:
some vietnam vets work for those companies!

Point? Some Vietnam vets feel it's their duty to smear others who were also there (see also: OT forum discussions regarding Bush/Kerry, about two month ago.) :p


Game makers can make their game about ANY event, and I don't have a problem with it. Although, I just don't see how to create an interesting game based on the events of September 11th. Will it be about the war in Afganisthan that followed? Maybe the war in Irak? There are SO MANY WAR GAMES, and none of them interest me anyway...
im thinking it might be more of being like a rescuer, or navigating the disaster sites

if they can make the game enthralling without falling into the medal of honor JUMP into teh gun turrets to take down teh japan planesZ!

The more interested ill be


xsarien said:
As liberal, as free-thinking, as open to pretty much anything that doesn't involve me being raped in prison as I am, I have to say that this is just shameless, sick and way, way, way too soon. Hell, I think the games based on Vietnam are "too soon."

I hope these dicks go out of business.

The rest of the world instantly moved on when america invaded two countries based on vague intel. Have a nice day.

edit: the game, if well done, could be really interesting. I'll be looking forward to playing, even if I dont think the game will ever come out


shuri said:
The rest of the world instantly moved on when america invaded two countries based on vague intel. Have a nice day.

One country, thankyouverymuch. :p And if you knew my politics at all, you'd know that that the only words I have for our fearless leader are unkind ones. But thanks for painting me with the same brush you use for the hawks, it makes me feel all warm and tingly.

All of that said, I stand by my opinion of this game.


Too soon? maybe..

Sick? Possibly to some invloved closely with these tradgedies..

Totally irresponsible and liable to only further damage the reputation of the industry? definately..

Whoever thought making this game was a good idea needs to be hunted down and shot for the good of all gamers and developers everywhere.


There was a game, maybe a mod in development (maybe it was a hoax) within a year after the attack. I haven't seen anything since though.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I feel this is too funny to not be posted again. Yes I know it was terrible what happened, etc... but come on from strictly a humorous stand back from the event point of view... I can't be the only one that finds that Bin Laden head shot and quote hilarious.... or maybe I am... yeah I'm racking up those Hell points...



xsarien said:
I think we should leave it at, simply: I don't think incredibly highly of developers who don't see anything wrong with making a game out of an unpopular war that was lost, and that karma always finds its way back to those who neglect it.
So, wait... A war is only OK if the USA wins it?

And how do you feel about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then? (Google if you don't know about Chernobyl.)

(Also, you're forgetting about Afghanistan in your reply to shuri. That's two countries.)


For those calling it a Disaster Report ripoff you're right. However, keep in mind how unpolished DR was as well as that the vast majority of the gaming mainstream probably never knew it even existed. I think a new "Disaster" type game marketed right could be a potential seller.


aku:jiki said:
So, wait... A war is only OK if the USA wins it?

And how do you feel about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then? (Google if you don't know about Chernobyl.)

(Also, you're forgetting about Afghanistan in your reply to shuri. That's two countries.)

I didn't forget about Afghanistan, but the reasons behind going into that country (as opposed to the U.S.'s reprehnsibly misguided invasion of Iraq) are better left explained in the OT forum (if you'd like to discuss it.)

And no, I'm not saying "War is OK only if the US wins." How you even arrived at that ludicrous conclusion...I don't even want to know. I think through my posts in this thread that I've made it perfectly clear that I think making games whose central focus is "fight in this real war," or "survive this real disaster which killed plenty of people!" is skirting the edge of taste. If you'd like to go through a game-by-game list to find some level of hypocrisy in my reasoning, please don't bother. You won't find any.


xsarien said:
How you even arrived at that ludicrous conclusion...I don't even want to know.
All right, but I'll say anyway. I assumed what I did because you said "unpopular war that was lost".

The flaw I was trying to find with the STALKER example is if it matters if you don't know what it's based on, since I'm guessing most americans have no idea about Chernobyl. It wasn't really meant as criticism towards you, sorry. It's just that you hear a lot of whining about, say, Vietnam-based games, but I've never heard a negative word about STALKER's setting. It doesn't depict the actual nuclear meltdown (or whatever), sure, but it still capitalizes on a huge tragedy. (Personally, I think it's a cool setting, but...)


Laurent said:
What will you do?

Play a terrorist: hi-jack a plane and try to hit both the towers at once?

Play a businessman: try to get out of the building alive, ruin like hell without helping anyone?

Play a fireman: be powerless in front of such a disaster, watching people falling down from the top of the building?

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