A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Catch as catch can!
Wow, that was a sick European uppercut.
He has spoken in other languages quite often before getting back on topic. They just don't want to lose the audience by keeping away from English too long.
Kane really has slimmed down.
Listen to JBL put over Zack Ryder even though he clearly says he doesn't like his broski shit. It's really great. Why isn't he full time?
Fat Shirt is that good. Just ask Rey.
Ssssshhhhhhhh.I didn't know you lived in Germany, SoulPlaya.
Zack could win back the US title right now. Zack Ryder the last survivor after Punk loses the title
Kane really has slimmed down.
Not meant to be.
All Kane did was lose his bulk (which was all muscle).Fat Shirt is that good. Just ask Rey.
DB's face saved that from being an embarrassing botch.
Seriously, Kane using DDP's yoga program seems to be doing wonders.DDP yoga BANG
bye Ryder see you next time
Really? The one night when it would actually be APPROPRIATE to wear a pink shirt?
Two matches left after this. Hmm.
Also, I have a feeling that Ryder is now going to be in the title hunt for a few PPVs.
Heels want women to get breast cancer.
Dolph "Overrated" Ziggler!
Ryder's got a new shirt coming out just a small push to get people to buy the T-shirt. His sales must have dipped after being a jobber for so long again