Isn't Punk a Cubs fan?
Cena with the ankle injury. MORE ODDS.
10 bucks he won't be selling the knee by the end of the match.
I believe this angle ends with Punk losing the title, losing Heyman after some Team Punk & Lesnar vs Cena & Trips, and learning respect from Cena. Respect, if you were to ask Cena, is pandering to women and children. All the time.
Then CM Punk begins saluting folks, making goofy faces, making wishes to children...You know, Cena stuff.
Too much offense by Punk.
Don't know who could match Cena in strength? ....WHAT?
I can't overstate how great a job JBL is doing tonight. Dude is scary good...
It's been a slow prodding match.Is it just me or is this crowd dead? They're practically comatose compared to other Cena/Punk matches. I mean, I can pick out individual voices most of the time.
Is it just me or is this crowd dead? They're practically comatose compared to other Cena/Punk matches. I mean, I can pick out individual voices most of the time.
I can't overstate how great a job JBL is doing tonight. Dude is scary good...