The young guys need to take notes from Foley. That was what promos should be.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't wait to see John Cena overcome the odds and win Hell in a Cell.
Yeah, it's gonna be Team Hell NO.
I get it...though there's occasionally some good stuff on there like 60's Batman.
Where I am, it's an over-the-air, basic cable broadcast channel. So I think a shitload of people get it, although they probably don't realize it. I didn't know it existed until they started airing Wonder Years episodes for like a month a few years ago.ion?
Who the heck gets that channel?
Who the heck gets that channel?
I get it...though there's occasionally some good stuff on there like 60's Batman.
They really tried to bury Punk out of the championship division.
Ryback's grown on me.
33-0? lol
I have Ion but not Ion HD -_-
Anyone that likes the Ryback character sucks and isn't invited to my wedding.
Anyone that likes the Ryback character sucks and isn't invited to my wedding.
As far as I can tell they're a minor network that only does a little bit of original programming and mostly does reruns of crime shows and Psych.
If you're in a major US market you probably have an ION affiliate you can catch on broadcast TV.
Ryback likes 50 Shades of Gray. Daniel Bryan said so.
For real.
I hate people who chant "Goldberg" at Ryback. They are nothing alike. Their only similarity is the winning streak. Why not chant "Goldberg" at Sheamus or Cena or Brodus Clay?
Best network ever?
Did that sign say "Feed me Ore"?