Ninja Scooter
So they haven't really hinted at a PCB breakup, have they?
I meant like behind the scenes. He's usually said stuff to piss someone off which results in him getting shit on like this for months. Things were looking up for him, seemed like he may have had a thing against Cena, he was sneaking back up into the main event scene. Then got killed by Owens who was one night removed from a ladder match and now this..?
Fuck charlotte for ruining the bellabration
Becky's arms are huge, friends.
Cesaro/Show sounds like it will be great
How come Team BAD has been in the backseat for this dumb revolution? Why are they even together?
Oh no, Brie's injured and can't have her match next week.
Charlotte has the charisma of a damp rag.
cena finally teaming up with his brother
Becky's arms are huge, friends.
Charlotte is more masculine than me
Nikki has the belt
is that blonde girl really called Becky?
So they haven't really hinted at a PCB breakup, have they?
I've never left!Spin, where were you when Joker Sting appeared?!
Nikki cuts a better promo than Ryback and doesn't need cue cards and has Steiner-esque ring psychology.
I can't wait to hear what the shitty Shymalan twist is this time
Nikki cuts a better promo than Ryback and doesn't need cue cards and has Steiner-esque ring psychology.
Think about the fantastic handies, brehs.
Oh shit
Also Show will probably just be there for Cesaro to toss around and then eat a Neutralizer
I'd be too terrified to say anything
"Do you like butt stuff?"
No lies detected and he even used the last name, right?#ShootMonday
David Flair differentiated himself more from the success of his father than Charlotte