OK, this was in really poor taste; I apologize.
Originally posted by: Greenpanda
Before my mod amnesty expired, I wanted to pose this question. I suppose I'll get branded as troll for it, but I'm actually trying to make a point here. I honestly intended for this to be a topic of discussion and I sincerely doubt anyone can refute my line of logic.
Why not lock up all of this nation's liberals in concentration camps and make them do real work for a change instead of making movies about euthanasia and writing "women's studies" dissertations?
Important points to consider regarding this:
1. Liberals are obnoxious and annoying.
2. Even though the U.S. government is precisely what's safeguarding their freedom and secruity, liberals all believe they are already being persecuted and oppressed by "Bushitler."
3. Judging by their apologies (and in some cases outright support) for authoritarian tinpots like North Korea and the Baath Party, liberals apparently prefer brutal repression and abject poverty to peace and prosperity.
Since liberals are annoying (point 1), locking up liberals in concentration camps would make life easier for those of us still living in reality. And since liberals already believe they're being persecuted (point 2), they probably wouldn't see concentration camps as any worse than their current state and wouldn't complain about this policy. Heck, since they love authoritation states so much (point 3), they might even regard it as an improvement, and it would be a good way for Michael Moore to lose weight, so it would be a win-win solution!
OK, mostly I just wanted to point out the fallacies of liberal dogma. If you insist that you're already hopelessly oppressed, you can't really complain if someone actually treated any worse. But, hey, maybe we can yet melt down your gold teeth. Arbeit macht frei, you cocksuckers.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Damn I wish I would have seen this. Hey Greenpanda why don't you bring your bitch ass to Iraq like this liberal and see how long you last. I really would like to see how you react when you see dogs and cats feasting on the bodies of dead people. This is my reality. What's yours?
All you "cons" on this board are a bunch of bitch ass pussies and I wish I could find you and shit down your mouth. I wish you faggots would really take get a good case of shut the fuck up or at least a case of fucking think before you attempt any type of communcation. I don't know how you mouth breathers continue to spawn.
EDIT - Thanks RE4 vs. SH4 I feel better now that I can read this clap trap.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Things like this make me wish his great-great grandmother would have learned to take it in the face so we would have been spared 3 generations of the ingnorance that spawned him and people like him.
Greenpanda said:OK, this was in really poor taste; I apologize.
Greenpanda said:OK, this was in really poor taste; I apologize.
Mandark said:"You destroyed half a city block,"
Drinky Crow
A Zesty Enterprise
(02-17-2005, 12:53 AM)
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THE FREEPER LOVE FORTNIGHT: Mod Amnesty For Right-Wing Posters
(Today[03-03-2005], 04:42 AM)
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Serious discussion: Should liberals be put in concentration camps?