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Shadow Man Remastered made me realize how some of these remasters are better left in the past


I had this on my Switch for a while now, I never played the game back in the day but I remember seeing and hearing about it, and being a fan of Nightdive's work I decided to pick it up. This is one of those deals, where it's like I can easily jump into a lot of old games, but this made me realize how a some of these remasters can essentially be for fans only. I say that because if you were to check out the reviews, most of them are positive, but most of those reviews also seem to be from people who played the game back when it was new, having strong nostalgic ties to it, where remembering it can make it a lot easier to play. As someone who just started playing this for the first time, it just feels like a reminder of why I think a lot of these 3'rd person action games from that era haven't aged that well.

Anyone else have similar experiences? I think all the 3'rd person action games I played since this era (PS1 - DC) sorta spoiled me. Some of the best examples from that era have aged rather well with me (like the original MGS for example), but they are usually games that I played back in the day or something very special. Playing Shadow Man like this, it made me realize how strongly nostalgia can factor into how fun it is to play these games. That and I also think this is one of those genres that experienced a ton of advancement over the years, like with some genres it can be fun to go back and play some of the early examples, but with these early 3D 3'rd person shooter/action titles, going back IMO can really show off how far we have come. All those little things we can take for granted, gameplay standards and mechanics that we have gotten used to, advancements to level design, pacing, checkpoints, mapping, and so on. Don't get me wrong, I still love retro gaming, but this made me realize why I have largely narrowed that down to certain and favorite genres over the years.


I spent months drooling over Shadowman (fab coverage in N64 uk) in magazines before release. Bought it on dc for £5 and took it back after a day.

Everytime I try it I just get bored. It was well put together and the art and story looked great but it just didn't click with me at the time or since.

I love revisiting games and a spruce up is always welcome, but if that game didn't click back in the day, chances are higher res / fps wont change that.
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I spent months drooling over Shadowman (fab coverage in N64 uk) in magazines before release. Bought it on dc for £5 and took it back after a day.

Everytime I try it I just get bored. It was well put together and the art and story looked great but it just didn't click with me at the time or since.

I love revisiting games and a spruce up is always welcome, but if that game didn't click back in the day, chances are higher res / fps wont change that.
Yeah I think what got me to get this remaster is how I just never really had any experience with it back in the day, but I remembered seeing it so I guess I just wanted to finally give it a go and see what it's like. In many ways it kinds reminds me of playing some of those early PS1 Tomb Raider games, which I was never really a fan of back in the day despite how iconic they are. Something about the movement, emphasis on platforming, and the way you shoot enemies.

I never understood the interest in Shadowman. I thought the game stunk back then, and it sure wasn’t going to be any better decades later.
Yeah I mean I just think it's gotta be one of those cult classic kinda games where it's got it's audience that thinks highly of it, but most people probably won't relate, and most reviews you find will be from that cult audience.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
It has its fans and now they have a definitive version to play if they want it. I don't think you're forced to buy every new game release in existence so that every one you end up not liking shouldn't exist at all. Do better research according to your tastes before committing or stick with safe choices 🤷‍♂️
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It has its fans and now they have a definitive version to play if they want it. I don't think you're forced to buy every new game release in existence so that every one you end up not liking shouldn't exist at all. Do better research according to your tastes before committing or stick with safe choices 🤷‍♂️
Well that's sort of the thing, most of the feedback and reviews were very positive, and after playing the game, only then did I realize how most of that had to of been from a cult fanbase. I usually don't just go out and buy anything, but I happen to be a fan of most games Nightdive remaster. This is different from most games they seem to work on as well.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Well that's sort of the thing, most of the feedback and reviews were very positive, and after playing the game, only then did I realize how most of that had to of been from a cult fanbase. I usually don't just go out and buy anything, but I happen to be a fan of most games Nightdive remaster. This is different from most games they seem to work on as well.
Oh well, now you know not to buy everything just cos of the studio. It's not a case of a bad remaster for it to have bad opinions like Kingpin, just a core game that's not for you (or me tbh). Others might feel like this for System Shock 2 but I'll buy the fuck out of it (again, have it not remastered too).
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Nostalgia is a huge part of it, sure. I loved Shadow Man back in the day. And the sequel. I played it at a friend's house and was incredibly hooked. The music still is some of the best I've heard in a video game to date. The metroidvania 3D gameplay was great. The story and acting were top. It's just such a great game. Very good game.

But I also think expectations are an issue. I imagine a lot of people who didn't play the original might be quite disappointed with the game in some ways but Shadow Man was a real achievement back in the day and very successful on each platform it was on. It's success kept Acclaim going long enough for a last hurrah but it fucked that up too.

I think when I play something like that you've got to remember it's a product of its time. Like Turok, System Shock, Forsaken etc. never played them myself so I try and temper expectations as now. I really do still enjoy some of these older games. Graphics alone don't make a game for me. I can regularly play retro games happily.

I suppose regardless of what you think of it yourself the point of remakes and remasters in many cases is first and foremost the nostalgia kicks. Capcom and resident evil have shown that it can be very profitable indeed.


Hidden movement: these things are made for people to buy on nostalgia and deep sales more than actually play.
Every time I try to play this one I get bored and if I'm being honest I feel the same about most of these types of remasters. Tho I did enjoy Quake and Powerslave.

I still say keep these old remasters coming as I'm a console gamer and appreciate having access to a good version of these old games!


Depends on the game, gunna sound old here but imo 16bit era games are way more playable then games that were released on ps1/n64 and DC, we had megaman x series that was remastered still holds up, konamis tmnt not to mention a shit load of other games from capcoms alien vs predator, every treasure game, under rated games like sunset riders, fuck even 8bit games like midways saturn gauntlet game and snowbros


100% these old remasters are there for people who were fond of the original mostly, and then probably a small percentage like yourself that missed out on it back in the day and wanted to check it out.

I have a friend who has Shadow Man Remastered as his game of the year the year it released (I think last year?) and was a big fan of the original when it came out. In particular he was raving about this remaster having new content, like new levels and a new “horror” mode or something like that which he really enjoyed.
Depends on the game, gunna sound old here but imo 16bit era games are way more playable then games that were released on ps1/n64 and DC, we had megaman x series that was remastered still holds up, konamis tmnt not to mention a shit load of other games from capcoms alien vs predator, every treasure game, under rated games like sunset riders, fuck even 8bit games like midways saturn gauntlet game and snowbros

Pre-PS2 3d games were rough for the most part.
I was excited for it back in the N64 days, but I played it and hated it.

For some reason though my brain associates the name with the excitement before playing it, but don’t worry forum friends, seeing the images made me remember the disappointment of playing it so I did not get sucked in by nostalgia… this time.
I gave up at the first boss. Something about it just got on my nerves control-wise and I play plenty remasters and emulated old stuff from this era.
Every time I try to play this one I get bored and if I'm being honest I feel the same about most of these types of remasters. Tho I did enjoy Quake and Powerslave.

I still say keep these old remasters coming as I'm a console gamer and appreciate having access to a good version of these old games!
Both Quake and Powerslave sucked me in like crazy. Those new Quake levels are top tier and the game is still amazing.
Pre-PS2 3d games were rough for the most part.

Sarturn, Ps1 and n64 were the roughest gens. Honestly? This may sound crazy but I think games weren't truly smooth experiences until the ps4/Xbox one and only this gen have we completely cleared that hurdle. The Camera and controls issues of early 3d gens carried over a bit into the 360 gen.

The next step is for framerate and image quality issues being a thing of the past. We still get games on console that have rough iq and framerates but it's becoming rarer thank goodness but we still have a ways to go. Probably by late next gen it will be a thing of the past.


Shadow Mans problem is that it has a terrible opening, enough to put you off then and there. But if you can stick with it the game gets pretty amazing (well take that with a grain of salt, I played it on the DC in it's time). Some of the locations and music are surprisingly great. I don't want to spoil anything in case someone dares to stick with it.


I played it on Dreamcast at the time but did not really like it.

And yes, some games don't age well. I was on the fence of buying Enclave remastered recently, but ended up buying another game instead for that exact reason.


Played the SM remaster too. My biggest problem with this game is, that the enemies(especially the bosses) are way to spongy. This results in very boring shootouts that drag on for way too long.

Played the original Kingpin this week. Same problem. Enemies too spongy, shooting therefore not fun.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
it is very much a product if it's time. I love a lot this game, but I can understand how one can't like nowadays

This game should have a remake, not a remaster


Well i understand where you come from OP, and all of Nightdive's remasters are mostly taliored to the fans of the originals, but Shadow Man ain't one to be left in the past.

I was personally hyped to reply the game again (and technically for the first time) cause i was cursed with the PS1 port and was too young to make any progress.

Not only does the remaster update the controls to make it playable, a lot of QoL changes and cut content make it the only valid way to play.

The game isn't bad (and fuck the naggers!), it's just not for everyone. The game doesn't help you in any way and like one reviewer on YT said: the Joy of Getting Lost. Either you like obscure hints and zero hand holding or you play something else.
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I had never played it before touching the remaster, I remember seeing all over the N64 and Dreamcast magazines at the time and wishing I had it. Having no "nostalgia" for it I went in blind, and thought it was absolutely amazing. I'd go as far to say its my favorite Night Dive remaster to date, I've since finished it 3 times over.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug but also remasters have QoL improvements that makes me realize how stupid the game was without them.
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I think Soul Reaver needs its remaster because in its current state, it plays way too janky.

As for the quality of those older third person games, I'm going to disagree. Games like Shadowman or the original DMC games are infinitely more fun to me than newer age counterparts -- see God of War.

Even the more mediocre first person shooters (like Turok 3) are more fun than what that genre has become. Nevermind the better ones, like Perfect Dark, which are the best gaming you could ever experience.

I've been playing the PC port of Zelda: OOT, modded to have the 3DS version textures and models and I have to say, there's a reason why that game was considered GOAT by miles when it came out -- and that perception lasted for years.

When you finesse the right quality of life improvements into a game from this era (whether it's graphics or a gameplay mechanic), you can craft an experience that eclipses most of the modern AAA games.
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