Dude, I was terrified vicariously until the two flights of stairs bit. Were you jump scaring a pig in an apartment complex? Are you making a sequel to Postal or something?
Holy shit.. please give me more details on this one. That sounds straight out of a horror movie. Are you just estimating 300 lbs? Where were you and how the FUCK did that thing manage stairs??
Hahaha. Completely true story but that first response damn near made me piss myself.
So I grew up in Maryville TN, and my buddy's mom was a lawyer in a poor-ish area, and his dad was an electrician. Long story short, they had what I'd call a "rich, white trash house", in that it was fairly large, but only because it was arbitrarily three floors. Not like New England homes, like where I live now, which are just big because they're big; no no, this was an east TN home that was TRYING to seem big, but wasn't. The living room, which was small, was up two flights of stairs, and down the two flights of stairs was a small den area and my buddy's room.
I'll walk ya through it, and you'll see I deserved it. I was bored, and I noticed that Wilbur, (the pig's very stereotypical name), was getting quite sleepy, and he's irritable when he's sleepy. I had my other buddy lure him around the couch up stairs with tis chocolate candy that he definitely wasn't supposed to be eating, and I hid behind the leather couch in front of the window. My friend eventually got him directly in front of the couch, I stood on the back of the couch, and I jumped off and landed directly behind Wilbur and screamed.
He jumped HARD and squealed, turned around, snorted exactly three times while staring at me and slowly approaching with a gradually increasing pace, and then screamed, and I mean full blown screamed at me dude. It sounded fuckin awful seriously. I knew he was truly fuckin pissed, so I immediately blast down the narrow flights of stairs in this hillbilly palace, and shoot right into my buddy's room, closed the door, locked it, and the door immediately damn near opened as Wilbur smashed into it from outside the door, still screaming all the while. I held the door shut and listened, I heard him back up slowly across the room, and he ran towards the door and hit it again. Damn near took me off my feet man.
Not gonna lie, at this point, I jumped up in my buddy's top bunk, and straight up started screaming for my friends to help me. They thought it was hilarious, but understood that Wilbur was gonna take the fuckin door down for sure, so they helped calm Wilbur down, and then proceeded to laugh at me for quite a while.
Wilbur never liked me much after that, but it did make the next time I tasted bacon almost a holy experience for me.
As for how I knew he was 300 pounds, I don't actually know, but he was huge and my buddy's dad always claimed he was "over three hundred pounds", so I assumed he was right. Probably one of the scariest moments of my life, but it is hilarious in retrospect.
Oh, and pigs can go down flights of stairs real fuckin fast guys.....just so ya know.