GBA is amazing on the Wii U Gamepad
This a million times. It is not too late to buy a few of these.
The GBA had the minish cap. Switch has BOTW. It's beyond compare.
Yeah. Minish Cap was actually very fun.
Exactly. What is this “incredible amount of quality output” for the GBA? The hardware itself made it very hard to make games that didn’t have to compromise one way or the other, making almost every game basically gimped, and the system’s library lacks a true identity because of this.
Nintendo basically made NES/SNES ports - the system launched with goddamn SMB2, a 1988 game - plus some iterations of some of their IPs like F-Zero and Zelda, all of which would have been better with a couple more buttons, not to mention a better screen and a dedicated music chip. Then you had some quality games like Golden Sun, which would have been worthy of a home system just a few years earlier, but were severely kept back by the hardware, way too ambitious for it.
I find that this is largely exaggerated. GBA does have its own identity and a ton of games made specifically for it, either by Nintendo or third parties. I don't find that having more buttons would have changed anything. This was a handheld console, and Metroid Fusion is actually simpler to play than Super Metroid. Especially with this useless Run button gone.
The SNES ports were actually very well made, and included some new features. Sure the console did not have an exclusive Mario game, but the ports are all very good, and Nintendo made many other new games, that were perfectly optimized for the console : Fire Emblem, Golden Sun, Minish Cap, Kirby games, Pokemon games etc...
Then you have a ton of third parties that are fantastic (Racing Gears, Riviera, Yggdra, Hajime no Ippo, Sonic Advance, Final Fantasy Tactics, Gunstar Heroes, Castlevania games, Dragon Ball Supersonic, Megaman Zero games, Sword of Mana etc...), and also a lot of shitty games but that's really the standard situation for any console that had a bit of success.
Sound chip (or its absence, again another utterly stupid hardware decision from Nintendo, to keep on the legacy of always cutting costs in the dumbest way possible) is definitely the big weakness of the console, and the fact that it was not backlit had developers wonder how contrast had to be managed in their games. So you do get a difference between early and late titles. But most of them are fine, and emulators mitigate this. On the Wii U Gamepad for example, it looks very good.
Overall I find that this is a very good console and it does have a strong identity, and this begins with this gorgeous low resolution of 240x160. I love low resolution handhelds and pixel-art

It was also compatible with the entirety of the GBA library, that was pretty cool.