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Shenmue rumors refuse to die


From Shenmue Dojo forums http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~shenmuedojo/forum/viewtopic.php?p=419359&highlight=#419359

Wish this news is true. Since 27/07/2004. many chinese game sites, updated an article aboutt Sega is negotiating with chinese game companies to seek partners for distributing three online games (chinese online games). Including "Shenmue Online" and "Phantasy Star Online" (not sure if that's PC online or not, no matter what, online games are very popular here, in whatever platform, including PC). Waiting for more news, Sega will announce this on August in Shang Hai, officially.
I personally think the possibility of shenmue-online-PC-version is not high but I just don't understand why that article appears in so many chinese online game magazines... and they said it's reliable information from "reliable source"...

So basically Sega will have some press conference about their strategy in China tomorrow, and chinese game sites reported one of the games they're planning for chinese market is Shenmue Online....now it's probably just a rumor, but anyway don't kill the messenger.

Sho Nuff

Trust me when I say I know the people involved on the AM2/D.Rex side and that there will NEVER BE ANOTHER SHEN MUE (unless it's like a GBA game or cell phone game or something)


force push the doodoo rock
Sho Nuff said:
Trust me when I say I know the people involved on the AM2/D.Rex side and that there will NEVER BE ANOTHER SHEN MUE (unless it's like a GBA game or cell phone game or something)

stop it, your hurting my heart :(


Chili Con Carnage!
Sega dont seem to be into big investments in games anymore (Since Sammy took the reigns), so i would say that we will never see Shenmue concluded. God damn every single one of you who doesnt own both games.

Hope im wrong though.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Wow, Shen Mue online? Do you get to do cool things like live out a life you could in the real world, only severely limited?



What in the blue hell would you do in an online Shenmue game? I honestly just don't see what would be the reasoning behind it.


There's a reason Shenmue was neck and neck with the CD-I Zelda game for the #1 worst game of all time on G4's "Filter," and hinty-winty, it's not because they were full of it. Though I find it odd that the Zelda game got #1 and they didn't even show any actual gameplay footage, just the cartoon cut-scenes.

What in the blue hell would you do in an online Shenmue game?

That's a w-hole lot of sailors.


Chili Con Carnage!
What in the blue hell would you do in an online Shenmue game? I honestly just don't see what would be the reasoning behind it.

70 man battle redux!

If it were real (i really really doubt it is) it might be a collection of all the mini games/fights


lordmrw said:
What in the blue hell would you do in an online Shenmue game? I honestly just don't see what would be the reasoning behind it.

Move boxes and books :) Though I would love to see a Shenmue 3.


teiresias said:
There's a reason Shenmue was neck and neck with the CD-I Zelda game for the #1 worst game of all time on G4's "Filter," and hinty-winty, it's not because they were full of it. Though I find it odd that the Zelda game got #1 and they didn't even show any actual gameplay footage, just the cartoon cut-scenes.

That's a w-hole lot of sailors.

The cartoon footage was enough to justify it getting #1. Anymore than that and I think Miyamoto would have had them assassinated.


teiresias said:
There's a reason Shenmue was neck and neck with the CD-I Zelda game for the #1 worst game of all time on G4's "Filter," and hinty-winty, it's not because they were full of it. Though I find it odd that the Zelda game got #1 and they didn't even show any actual gameplay footage, just the cartoon cut-scenes.

I'm sorry, but that's a crock of shit. I'm not even a big fan of the Shenmue games, but I can at least recognize that they have some good features, and even pioneered a few parts of the open-ended genre. There is absolutely NO WAY it is one of the 10 worst games ever. The music alone guarantees that.


It's not like he, or Nintendo made those games. They just stupidly let Philips use the LOZ franchise to promote thier crappy CD-I system. I think he just wants those CD-I games buried & forgotten.

And that Filter show was fucked up. Shenmue never deserved the #2 spot. Even the people they interviewed to talk crap about it didn't agree. Some ass at G4 must have put Shenmue as one of the nominees, and many stupid voters just saw the recognizeable name & clicked on it.

Musashi Wins!

Drinky Crow said:
There's always the Xenosaga series for you gameplay-hating types!

lol. With the kid around, you have to break out the heavy guns (Shenmue) to get Drinky riled up these days.
I don't care what you say...If they made another Shenmue on any platform, Xbox, PC, PS2, GC, PSP, NDS, whatever...I'd be happy.


Queen of Denmark
Maybe they'll just update their website one day with,

"It was all a dream.

The End.

We're not making anymore Shenmue games."


SEGA can't blame us for killing the series...Releasing Shenmue 2 on XBOX was the dumbest move ever...and not releasing it for DC in US was even dumber.


I can see it now, thousands of Ryu's running around asking for sailors. It'll be the biggest online joke ever.


Ramirez said:
The least they could do is give us a book telling us the conclusion or SOMETHING...:(

Yeah, the only thing I'm sure about is that they should not maintain this situation forever.

They should either officially and publicly cancel the series or publicly announce they are releasing Shenmue III some day.

And if they cancel the series, they should release the rest of the story in some form. It will do no good for Sega to build a fan comunnity (smaller or larger, that doesn't matter) and then piss them leaving such an involving story forever in one of the biggest cliff-hangers I can remember. If this had happened after Shenmue I, it would have not been as irritating, but after the Shenmue II ending (which in addition finished with "The story goes on..." printed in big letters), they can't simply sweep the series under the carpet and pretend it never existed.

I really think even the biggest of the Shenmue haters has no reason to be against the ending being released in book or web form, too.


I am just a Shenmue sucker...T_T I loved both games and I am very sad I won't see an iteration... I just wanted everyone remembered the samurai boy from japan by his original game.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Mama Smurf:
Wow, Shen Mue online? Do you get to do cool things like live out a life you could in the real world, only severely limited?
No; you'd hopefully get to train as a martial artist and journey around encountering great battles using the deep 3D beat-em-up engine it has, like in the regular game.

Releasing Shenmue 2 on XBOX was the dumbest move ever...and not releasing it for DC in US was even dumber.
When SEGA was going to release Shenmue II on the DC, they were in serious consideration of cancelling the series. The DC system was discontinued, and the game wouldn't have sold more than a few hundred thousand tops (stores were beginning to not stock DC games and product anymore; Sonic Adventure 2 was far more popular, came out earlier, and still only sold around 300k). Shenmue II on the DC would've never come even close to breaking even.

As Peter Moore wrote in the apology letter, signing the deal for Xbox exclusivity was an attempt to at least give the future of the series a chance, for Microsoft paid them for the release and paid for the porting and publishing. Even if it didn't sell as much on Xbox, it was better than grabbing a marginal amount of extra sales on DC and having to give up on the series there for lack of a porting deal and lack of more return on investment.


I'm still amazed at Microsoft's decision to buy Shenmue 2 and kill the DC version, only to do nothing with it a year later. It's almost as retarded as their purchase of Rare.

And why dumb fucks that hate the series continue to invade these threads is beyond me, particularly when they wave their fingers at other fanboys for doing the same thing.

With all that said, Shenmue Online makes zero sense at this stage.


Those Shenmue Dojo forums are freakier than shit. Go through that whole thread and watch the kids argue over who's the most religiously faithful in their eternal hope for Shenmue III. Fucked up.



Oh please, I owned and played through Shenmue 1 for the Dreamcast for as long as I could take it. The music is great, but the game was just DUUUUULLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Then, of course, the second one didn't come out for the DC (I considered importing the UK version, but I didn't). So I'm justified in my criticism.


MaddenNFL64 said:
At the least they should do some cheap CGI movie to finish the story off. Sell it on DVD.
Yeah, no kidding. The series was just starting to get really interesting by the end of Shenmue 2 and MS & Sega had to go and fuck it all up. I realize Shenmue isn't for everyone, but I dont understand all the hate on this boards. Oh well, I'm used to Sega fucking me over as a customer and thats really why I haven't even considered any product of theirs in the past 2 years. But it'd be nice if they could put some closure on the series after promising a 16 game epic. Haha.


works for Gamestop (lol)
teiresias said:
There's a reason Shenmue was neck and neck with the CD-I Zelda game for the #1 worst game of all time on G4's "Filter," and hinty-winty, it's not because they were full of it. Though I find it odd that the Zelda game got #1 and they didn't even show any actual gameplay footage, just the cartoon cut-scenes.

I don't need a bunch of fanboys from a crappy show network to tell me what's bad and what's not


Lazy8s said:
Mama Smurf:

stock DC games and product anymore; Sonic Adventure 2 was far more popular, came out earlier, and still only sold around 300k). Shenmue II on the DC would've never come even close to breaking even.

Wait, i read on some mag. or website that shenmue 2 sold close to 1 million copies wordlwide...BS ?


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Shenmue II DC sold a couple hundred thousand copies in Japan and a little over a hundred thousand in Europe (thanks to being the second-most imported game ever).

Shenmue II Xbox has sold under 150,000 in the US and not much else anywhere.


teiresias said:
Oh please, I owned and played through Shenmue 1 for the Dreamcast for as long as I could take it. The music is great, but the game was just DUUUUULLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Then, of course, the second one didn't come out for the DC (I considered importing the UK version, but I didn't). So I'm justified in my criticism.

If you want to say you're justified in being a dumb fuck troll, then just say that...it's easier to type. Nobody cares that you made a bad purchase decision...you're hardly the first person in history to do so. Everyone already knows that you hate the game to death (though I would've thought you'd be all over the sailors...), so why keep beating a dead horse?


I want another Shenmue because of the second one. Where Shenmue was boring and went nowhere, Shenmue II was loaded with things missing from the first game (way more fights, more QTEs, more stuff happening storywise), and it had one of the most kickass final bosses of this gen.


I still like Shenmue 1, but yeah, Shenmue 2 was absolutely incredible. Especially the chase through the building, the faceoff and last boss fight...just epic stuff. Even teiresias would love it! Shoot, I need to replay it soon...just gotta find some time for it.


I liked playing Space Harrier in Shenmue 1. And then there was all the rest.

As my boy Colin Williamson once summed it up, "Shenmue is the story of a guy who gets on a boat."



works for Gamestop (lol)
I think everyone agrees that Shenmue 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shenmue 1. Damn, what a cliffhanger too. Sega leaving us hanging with that kind of cliffhanger is just wrong


ourumov said:
I am just a Shenmue sucker...T_T I loved both games and I am very sad I won't see an iteration... I just wanted everyone remembered the samurai boy from japan by his original game.

Ourumov I love you


Online Shenmue would be crayzay, but I still want Shen3 (preferable on my GC) :(


If you want to say you're justified in being a dumb fuck troll, then just say that...it's easier to type.

Yeah, stating my opinion that Shenmue 1 was a pretty damn dull game makes me a "dumb fuck troll." I'm sure there's something in the TOS about that kind of attack as well.


The Inside Track
Boogie9IGN said:
Ourumov I love you


Online Shenmue would be crayzay, but I still want Shen3 (preferable on my GC) :(
Personally I'll just get Shenmue 3 on any console as long as it gets released one day. I'll buy the console and the game the day it's out in Japan, prices be damned !


Yeah, they can't leave us hanging where they did. It's too much!

There's the magic floating sword, giant Phoenix & Dragon mirrors, Quizhang Chen most likely close to catching up with them, Ren salivating over getting his hand on treasures (and who knows what he might do to get them...), all the locales we're yet to visit, the sure to be epic fights with the Chi You Men members, and of course the gigantic climactic battle between Lan Di & Ryo. Also, what the hell is going to happen when the mirrors are inevitably connected?

I must know what happens!


The ghost of Dreamcast past
In the English scene where Lan Di tells Iwao, "Get up. I'll allow you to die like a warrior", it would've actually been more accurately translated as, "Rise, so that I may deliver a strike befitting (worthy of) this home."



teiresias said:
Yeah, stating my opinion that Shenmue 1 was a pretty damn dull game makes me a "dumb fuck troll." I'm sure there's something in the TOS about that kind of attack as well.

Oh come on, you've been doing this for years...enter any thread related to Shenmue and yapping on about how much you hate it. That I believe constitutes trolling, unless you've got a different definition of it. You're hardly the only one mind you, just one of the most prominent.


Lazy8s said:
In the English scene where Lan Di tells Iwao, "Get up. I'll allow you to die like a warrior", it would've actually been more accurately translated as, "Rise, so that I may deliver a strike befitting (worthy of) this home."


Wow. The game still looks great.


Let's face it, Shenmue was way overambitious for its time. The game of that potential scope doesn't belong on any current gen hardware. Too bad SEGA had to rush it.
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