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Shenmue rumors refuse to die


Izzy said:
Let's face it, Shenmue was way overambitious for its time. The game of that potential scope doesn't belong on any current gen hardware. Too bad SEGA had to rush it.

Shenmue started way earlier than that... it began on the Saturn when they couldn't get Squaresoft to do a Final Fantasy or something (though I've heard Xenogears began on the Saturn from somewhere).


Damn, I just want a novel series. Something. Anything to end Shenmue. It's such a great series. And it's the only reason I bought an Xbox at first.


AniHawk said:
Shenmue started way earlier than that... it began on the Saturn when they couldn't get Squaresoft to do a Final Fantasy or something (though I've heard Xenogears began on the Saturn from somewhere).

Yeah, it was this close to being a Saturn game. Saturn is my favourite console ever, but it had no way of doing that concept a justice. And quite frankly, neither do current gen consoles.


Holds a little red book
Yeah, seriously. If Sega is looking for its long-lost glory, China ain't the place. It's gone, baby -- it's not coming back.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Only those who appreciated their accomplishments of the years passed in the first place could know anything about them getting back lost glory.


Holds a little red book
Christ, what have I been doing all my life? I've failed to appreciate the accomplishments of a Japanese videogame company.


I appreciated their accomplishments just fine, thanks - Shenmue was not one of their finer accomplishments.

Unless pissing away $20M is somehow a fine accomplishment for Sega :p

I think the Sega of old is never to return, personally.
Shenmue 2 was good. No matter what anyone says. Shenmue 2 was good. Until you had to list to that damn recorded tape for like half an hour...


Some of the conversations on the tape recorder were pretty funny though...

Shenmue 2 was a huge improvement over 1, although I loved both


The ghost of Dreamcast past
what have I been doing all my life?
Characterizing business entities with traits like gloriousness and then reveling in their success and failure at embodying them.


Junior Ace
Sho Nuff said:
Trust me when I say I know the people involved on the AM2/D.Rex side and that there will NEVER BE ANOTHER SHEN MUE (unless it's like a GBA game or cell phone game or something)

tee hee
The Shenmue series is an interesting one for me. On the plus side, Shenmue 1 is the most atmospheric game I've ever played; few games have gotten close to the level of immersion this game had. Just walking around the streets, seeing the shops close a the right times, seeing people Ryo knew going about their daily business etc...amazing. Also, the music was brilliant, the graphics were/still are stunning, and the attention to detail is jaw dropping. Even more, some of the cut scenes are just geniu - how about that whole motor cycle sequence where Ryo fly kicks a dude off a motorcycle, jumps on and chases the thugs!? AMAZING. The fighting was great too. On the other hand though, the game often lacked direction and you'd find yourself wandering around for ages, and simply find yourself getting bored - this happened so much that it really was a real detractor from the overall experience, I'd even say the only truly major one. Overall, Shenmue was an amazing game.

Shenmue 2 though, although a better GAME than Shenmue 1, was not imo, a better experience. It just lacked the atmosphere of the first, and the world just wasn't as convincing, going for a less real, more gaudy, flashy look. It did however have better pacing, technically better graphics (although IMO it only looked more aesthetically pleasing than the first on the final disc), a tweaked fighting engine, the ability to speed up time, etc etc...overall though, I enjoyed Shenmue 1 more; the world was just so convincing. Also, it was such a nice change to play an rpg set in a contemporary, real life setting, and more games need to follow suit.

Sho Nuff

Weee! I owned myself. My foolish conjecture was based on a drunken Watami run with Rex/AM2 peeps six months ago, so I guess Sega got a big fat injection of Stupid in the meantime.

A funny quote from one of the Mue guys: "We all knew that it was gonna bomb hard, but nobody actually had the guts to cancel the damn thing and lose the investment. Not to mention Yu Suzuki is on the board of directors and completely insane."

When I hinted at Mue III they laughed and said it would be financial suicide and would never happen... so maybe we can thank Sammy ;)


Sho Nuff said:
Weee! I owned myself. My foolish conjecture was based on a drunken Watami run with Rex/AM2 peeps six months ago, so I guess Sega got a big fat injection of Stupid in the meantime.

A funny quote from one of the Mue guys: "We all knew that it was gonna bomb hard, but nobody actually had the guts to cancel the damn thing and lose the investment. Not to mention Yu Suzuki is on the board of directors and completely insane."

When I hinted at Mue III they laughed and said it would be financial suicide and would never happen... so maybe we can thank Sammy ;)

"Let's lose some money!" - Sammy
Sho Nuff said:
Weee! I owned myself. My foolish conjecture was based on a drunken Watami run with Rex/AM2 peeps six months ago, so I guess Sega got a big fat injection of Stupid in the meantime.

A funny quote from one of the Mue guys: "We all knew that it was gonna bomb hard, but nobody actually had the guts to cancel the damn thing and lose the investment. Not to mention Yu Suzuki is on the board of directors and completely insane."

When I hinted at Mue III they laughed and said it would be financial suicide and would never happen... so maybe we can thank Sammy ;)

But it's been in development since February 2003. Explain.

Sho Nuff

KyotoMecca said:
But it's been in development since February 2003. Explain.

Beats me, but they thought the idea of a Mue III was gut-bustingly funny.

But... I NEVER ASKED THEM ABOUT A MMORPG! Dun dun dunnnnn. And then again, maybe it's all been in the hands of the Koreans.
Sho Nuff said:
Beats me, but they thought the idea of a Mue III was gut-bustingly funny.

But... I NEVER ASKED THEM ABOUT A MMORPG! Dun dun dunnnnn. And then again, maybe it's all been in the hands of the Koreans.

Try harder at back peddling. As it stands, you're still owned.
I think what's funny is that not only Sho Nuff was owned ... so was all of AM2 and D.Rex

Yu Suzuki: So the Koreans are making a Shen Mue MMORPG
AM2/D.Rex: WTF?!
Yu Suzuki: FWAHAHA
Lazy8s said:
In the English scene where Lan Di tells Iwao, "Get up. I'll allow you to die like a warrior", it would've actually been more accurately translated as, "Rise, so that I may deliver a strike befitting (worthy of) this home."


In the English scene where Ryo says, "I am looking for some sailors", it would have been more accurately translated as, "May I please have some hot man-sex?"

It's dissapointing to hear negative opinions about Shenmue. I had a lot of fun with both games and found it to be a pretty immersive, enjoyable experience..

G4 Filter though, man... I don't really expect well rounded gamers to be voting for
those lists, if you know what I mean.
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