Great OP!
I've been seriously vacillating whether or not to preorder this game. Actually, I keep preordering and cancelling my preorder. I honestly don't have time to play this game, and when I do have time to play, it's Animal Crossing, VLR, Luigi's Mansion DM, or Fire Emblem Awakening just to name my recent backlogs. I don't want to miss out on the goodies, since $50 is the MSRP with and without them.
I'm really hoping that Amazon makes it go on sale sometime in the near future (Luigi's Mansion is $30 right now).
Since I bought FE:A on eShop day 1, I'm hoping I am eligible for the $30. It would be a great incentive to bite right away. I'd use it for Pokemon Y digital.
Maybe I'll just buy it and only start playing it like by the end of the year?