- I actually liked Jinder's promo this week, starting off NOT doing the same old shit with exaggerated reactions from the Singh bros leading into SWERVE, the same old shit but done in a way that actually worked. Meanwhile the fans chant USA and Jinder is proven absolutely correct.
As a bonus his voice didn't sound nearly as hoarse as usual.
- Tag Team match was fire, as expected, Kofi redeeming the Kendo stick after Bliss/Bayley ruined it. Not even mad at the hot potato, this is one of those feuds where I'm digging it because both teams come across as strong and competitive and heck it's only the SD tag titles anyway, prestige ain't even there anyway.
- Women's match however....yeesh, not a strong showing when you're surrounded by the MYC stuff. I appreciated the feel good Naomi reigns but she just ain't good enough to stack up as the women's roster of WWE continues to grow. Lol as Ellsworth on a leash.
- I expected the tag match between Gabenjamin and Hype Bros to tease the break between Gable and shelton coming off last week, instead we get the tease calling back to a few months prior for the Hype Bros.
You know both teams having this angle could at least lead to a nonsense opposite team up at some point.
- Fuck Ziggler, it's almost surely leading to Roode so can we have one of these long winded segments just end with Ziggles getting beaten down at least soon?
Also don't you disrespect Bayley!
- Vinny Mac can still go, it always impresses me how effortless his mic work is.
- Owens got the rub big time there, where are you Orioto?!
- SD still carries story progression across the show weekly better than Raw even with its decline as of this year.
MYC finals musings
- For all the "Shayna better not win" fears, I think she looked real solid in that match. Kairi is good as well but perhaps isn't quite meeting my expectations, don't get me wrong she's a valid choice of tournament winner but this could've gone either way and not been a bad thing.
That said it's nice that it ain't being used as some kinda horsewoman match promotion gimmick.
- JR commentating live had me fearful, but he didn't blow it, hooray!
- Ultimately the tourney was merely good and not great but I'd love for it to make a return and it spotlighted some neat talent.
All in all a solid night of WWE branded wrassles, and look we got potential avatars for Sunny Mac!