
FloSlam isnt airing this weekends Evolve shows anymore. Shit has hit the fan now!
You absolutely should. One of my fave albums. Probably top 5.I might check it out. I don't hate the one or two Alice in Chains albums I've heard. And I love random suggestions anyway.
That must be why you suck.
i can't wait for roman to get the 1 2 3 on cena
end this shitty shooting stuff with cena just having all his points go to waste
Cena on the E and C show
Cent sure loves putting himself over.
Boots will be able to tell you a bit more perhaps, but Ambition is a shoot style tournament that wXw run, at least currently, alongside their big 16 Karat Tournament. Matt Riddle won the last one. I hear good things. I think they should be some on Highspots Network, or wXw Now.
Tetsujin is a similar tournament that ran in 2015 with UK guys, the video is on Demand PROGRESS if you have it, and they have a second tournament coming up next year.
Hey Xia why isn't Zach banned for attacking me yesterday?
Are we encouraging that kind of behavior? 'Snotty fuck' were the words used, I believe.
He's the best in WWE for a reason. And nobody is stepping up. He's right.
Oh bullshit. No one who is of rational mind thinks that Reigns problem is for example him not stepping up. Reigns himself has never been the issue. His booking is.
Reigns? I didn't think anyone was still fixated on him. He's been good the past few years.
"Stepping up" is the vaguest platitude. Nobody knows what that means, especially in WWE's environment.
Millennials struggle with this concept as well, in WWE.
I solidly will always put Dolph Ziggler (not a millennial, but cries like a child often) in this camp. He had multiple opportunities and just kinda WAITED.
It's not really just Reigns. I might be wrong but wasn't some of the Miz Mania build up being about how Miz never took advantage of how big he could be or some shit
Is there any cause to believe this was him and not creative/booking that stalled him multiple times?
I know what stepping up means to Vince McMahon:
Say yes to everything and fill your body with illegal substances that will probably kill you in a couple years from now
Miz kinda also leaves it on the ground. He tends to get white hot every few weeks, and then is right back to where he was before.
Clearly, though, I am in no place to say whether or not he's complacent. I don't work for WWE, none of us can say who is complacent.
Cena knows because he's there at the top and has a better perspective.
This is gonna be you, me and Sweeney marking out together.
People are afraid to "step up" post Zack Ryder."Stepping up" is the vaguest platitude. Nobody knows what that means, especially in WWE's environment.
I wouldnt trust the guy at the very tops view of those under him.
Especially when its basically they just dont want it enough and arent working hard enough.
I know what stepping up means to Vince McMahon:
Say yes to everything and fill your body with illegal substances that will probably kill you in a couple years from now
People are afraid to "step up" post Zack Ryder.
Zack trying to get another push by slowly becoming more and more insanely jacked every week.![]()
People are afraid to "step up" post Zack Ryder.
So we're talking a handful of guys in a peer group in the dozens upon dozens over the past 7+ years? Those are the only ones that made a sincere push? That I don't buy.
It's this weird dynamic where everyone understands that the system of booking and creative is so fundamentally scatterbrained and ill-conceived that the only way to rise above it is to be some dynamic firebrand who pulls up themselves by the bootstraps and makes something of themselves. It's no different than working for a company with incompetent management that blames its employees for not doing the job that management should be doing well in the first place.
I don't think it's that far fetched, because if you go to bat for yourself and they do see money in you, you could be booted. Why not be happy with your spot, get much better pay than the indies, and chill?
cena's right that people don't step up
but also bullshit that he 'stepped up'. you got picked because orton was so much of a fuckup. you were always the backup plan. you aint step up shit, son
Zack trying to get another push by slowly becoming more and more insanely jacked every week.
If we pretend to understand how booking works, we can try to blame it on that. But there's so many factors going on that don't involve us that we're not privy to.
If anything, the booking for Ziggler has given him a ton of chances.
[Austin's] right that people don't step up
but also bullshit that he 'stepped up'. you got picked because [Triple H] was so much of a fuckup. you were always the backup plan. you aint step up shit, son
It's a convenient narrative. They're the ones putting themselves out there week in, week out. They're the face of the product. But when you have an army of writers and road agents and bookers and things are stale, then the blame has to be shared. Even if you buy into the bullshit narrative of a complacent generation, then it's on management to cultivate an environment of competition and self-advancement. If you don't adjust your management style, then you're just as complacent.
Is this fair and true?
It's a better perspective than a crew of babies saying things weren't given to them. I'd trust the person who did it, not the bunch of people who want it given to them.
What babies? I dont see anyone fitting your description. Who wants everything to be given to them?
The acne on his back is just the main thing that makes me think Jinder is clearly on something.
True story: I just watched Stunning Steve Austin vs. Johnny B. Badd the other day. Both wonderful and strange.Replace "Triple H" with Marc Mero.
Then realize how depressing that is.
They gave Ziggler the entire damn Survivor Series, and he just sat there and pooped himself.I don't blame anyone for thinking "maybe Ziggler just isn't going to make anything of himself."
I had it posited in a podcast the other day that there is 0 chance that Steve Austin would succeed in today's WWE. I'm inclined to agree.
True story: I just watched Stunning Steve Austin vs. Johnny B. Badd the other day. Both wonderful and strange.
I'm talking about this myth of complacency, not actual value and talent. Did he poop himself because he sucks or that he just didn't have this FIRE and DRIVE?
I was thinking about how much Vince probably wanted both him and Disco Inferno. With their gimmicks in tact, that is.I bet. Badd was a great character.