Guileless said:So what is your point, that the West is prosperous because it was "fortunate" to expand to other contintents? What does "fortunate" mean? Was Spain merely "fortunate" to send a small group of conquistadors to conquer the entire Aztec empire? Why didn't Montezuma attack and subjugate Madrid instead? He wasn't "fortunate" enough? Were the British "fortuante" to erect a global trading empire instead of, say, the Chinese? How does being "fortunate" explain Western dominance?
What is your conception of how wealth is created? What Third World country did Bill Gates plunder for his vast fortune?
A few centuries ago, the West was languishing in the dark ages and had been so for a thousand years.
Fortunate means having the right set of circumstances. It still takes people to seize opportunities that present themselves, but you don't have the same opportunities everywhere. And it also depends on how those opportunities are exploited.
Spain was fortunate to be among the first to discover the new world. They ultimately squandered it, made a big ugly mess in Latin America and regressed to a shadow of their former selves. Britain got in later and were smarter about it, right down to purposely sabotaging their newly not-so-independent African and Middle-eastern colonies.
The US was fortunate to be a continent away from Europe and its world wars. It protected its industrial base and left the shattered old continent endebted and completely open to America's big business after WWII.
Bottom line, none of these things happen because of a parliamentary system, a regulated market and the judiciary system doing its job. It's about seeing an opportunity, beating someone else to it and exploiting it to the max.