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Should I get Animal Crossing?


Still Tagged Accordingly
The game is fairly old now and people have had time to determine how replayable it is after all this time... so I'm just wondering, should I get it?


I was looking for something to play with/out my gf. I was thinking of acquiring AC as well.
Yes. Get Animal Crossing. Three people in my family play it, including my 15 year old sister, and 5 year old sister. Then me, who put had to be, at least 50 hours, if not MUCH more into it. Probably did put more...Great game.


Queen of Denmark
If you're into the kind of gameplay it offers, it's really fun for a decent amount of time -- I think I played on a daily basis for over a month, and then tapered off to a few times a week or weekly in the subsequent two or three months after that. But as Gantz illustrated, it has to be something you're interested in. Does running favors for people, collecting bugs, going fishing, working towards decorating your house, and just chatting with various townspeople sound interesting to you? Do you have friends who would move into your town or, even better, start their own towns? If you answered yes, get the game; if not, you may want to rent first or even avoid it altogether.
I didn't think AC had legs. But I didn't have the patience for it. Some people say you can go back and clean up and play



wait for AC on the NINTENDO DS. The way it is meant to be played

Stylus + typing = fuck yeah.


I loved it when I played it, but a game that requires constant daily attention isn't one I could fit into my life. You can't really get your true money's worth out of it if you have a full-time job, unless you cheat by resetting the GC's internal clock (since many events take place during the day). And AC holidays? Forget those, unless you want to stay at home and try to collect the complete set of "spooky" furniture while your friends are partying on Halloween night.

On the other hand, trading was fun, back when everybody was into the game--I had fun swapping items with players on GAF, and on GameFAQs (where you could get pretty much anything you wanted). And there was a sense of accomplishment that came with growing fruit trees and such. But you might consider getting Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life instead--the gameplay is more complex, and it has a minimum of 120 horus of gameplay. And HM:AWL's graphics are much, MUCH better--it's become a cliche to say that a game looks like it belongs on last gen's systems, but Animal Crossing really does look like an N64 game.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Prospero said:
I loved it when I played it, but a game that requires constant daily attention isn't one I could fit into my life. You can't really get your true money's worth out of it if you have a full-time job, unless you cheat by resetting the GC's internal clock (since many events take place during the day). And AC holidays? Forget those, unless you want to stay at home and try to collect the complete set of "spooky" furniture while your friends are partying on Halloween night.

On the other hand, trading was fun, back when everybody was into the game--I had fun swapping items with players on GAF, and on GameFAQs (where you could get pretty much anything you wanted). And there was a sense of accomplishment that came with growing fruit trees and such. But you might consider getting Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life instead--the gameplay is more complex, and it has a minimum of 120 horus of gameplay. And HM:AWL's graphics are much, MUCH better--it's become a cliche to say that a game looks like it belongs on last gen's systems, but Animal Crossing really does look like an N64 game.

It is a N64 game really ;).

What I see in the GCN port is the anti-aliasing: the Image Quality is the easiest thing for them to work on when porting the game from N64 to GCN and you cannot really complain about it in Animal Crossing for GCN.


It might sound like a nice niche and interesting game to try, I was pretty pumped prior to release, but any "feature" in AC is hideously under developed, gimmicky as hell or simply downright broken.

Even with friends/family, even with the GBA, even with any crutch you could give it, Animal Crossing sucks and it sucks hard.

Simply put, the problem with the game is content, it very literally does not exist in AC's vocab. The entire game can be summed up as: a few fetch quests, a few NES games, a few sets of really tacky furniture and the "amazing ammount of characters and dialogue" in reality are 200 models that come and go as they please running off of 4 or so pre-set personalities cycling a handful of quotes. None of the events have any interactivity, etc. And in certain cases, it's pretty embarrasing.

AC doesn't even feel like a Nintendo game, it's so dodgy, there's no polish to the actual "game", and there's no hint of good design. It feels like one of those shody 3rd party Japanese life sims, only with a little more freedom to wander around.

Maybe it was impressive for the N64, but Nintendo can do a fuckton better. AC is just completely lazy work.


I think it will be better as a DS game. I would wait and see how the DS version will be. If it lives up to what we all hope it will then the DS is the best choice.

If you held out this long, a couple more months won't kill you.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Sp3eD said:
Don't listen to the haters. For $30 it is well worth it.

Yeah, for $30, you get to play some really good NES games. Just make sure you have an Action Replay so you can play them from the start....otherwise, you have to go through this super-boring interactive menu system to acquire them first. ;)


Why work a few hours of your life everyday and get paid when you can work a few hours everyday in a virtual world and accomplish nothing?


The novelty wears off pretty quick IMHO. I felt like shoving the damn gamboy up Mr Raccoons/ Pigeons/ whatever's ass after helping him retrieve it from Mr Turtle/ Gerbil/ Whatever for the millionth time


It's the ultimate collectathon. If you're into collecting things and decorate/customizing, you can't go wrong with Animal Crossing.

Mr Gump

Possibly the greatest let down in the history of Nintendo games.

Game seriously needed a majora's mask town-esque system. Badly.

AC was boring a shit in summary.
It's a great game. The haters, as always, will hate (why the fuck does Drinky even come into Nintendo-related threads? I should come into RPG threads - and I know little to nothing about RPGs - and talk shit, but I'd get banned for that).


Still Tagged Accordingly
Now I'm thinking I might get Harvest Moon instead. Is it a much better game than Animal Crossing (graphics aside)? Oh yeah... and time is an issue for me. I can't spend hours playing games one day after another. My gaming habits are sporadic. Maybe games like HM and AC simply aren't suitable for my life at the moment?


Scrow said:
Now I'm thinking I might get Harvest Moon instead. Is it a much better game than Animal Crossing (graphics aside)? Oh yeah... and time is an issue for me. I can't spend hours playing games one day after another. My gaming habits are sporadic. Maybe games like HM and AC simply aren't suitable for my life at the moment?

Harvest Moon is a better game for people with lives that take them away from the console. The game isn't tied to the Gamecube's internal clock (which was the deal-breaker for me with Animal Crossing), and you can play through one HM game day in 18 minutes, and then save and end your session. It's less of a fetch quest and collectathon than AC, and though HM isn't open ended like AC, it is 120+ hours, which is more than enough; plus there's much more variety over the game time (your character ages and has a child, etc.).


Yeah, but there's no...uh...planting stuff in AC. That's 10 points off the "Will this bore you?" score right there.


Speevy said:
Yeah, but there's no...uh...planting stuff in AC. That's 10 points off the "Will this bore you?" score right there.

There is planting in Animal Crossing, though it's not like Harvest Moon. I've increased my cash flow by planting several cherry trees thoughout my town (my town's main fruit is pears).

Just remembering that makes me want to start up the game again. I have one more house expansion left and had started to develop a pretty solid plan for paying off my current debt by growing exotic fruits in my town and supplmenting that with turnip sales once in awhile.
Having both games, I can say without any hesitation that it comes down to one factor: are you playing with others?

If you can find a way to involve your spouse/siblings/friends/family into the game then Animal Crossing totally destroys Harvest Moon. Harvest Moon is an okay game, but I would argue that it gets repetitive even faster than Animal Crossing. However, if you can have 3 or 4 people playing regularly in Animal Crossing then I can almost guarantee that you will start calling your GameCube the "Animal Crossing Machine" in your household.

Animal Crossing seems to have a charm and design that can reach out to those who don't normally play games. My sister (never played a game before), brother (total ganster), and girlfriend all became attached to the village we had created. Within a week, we were making trades amongst ourselves, dividing the land, trading little stories (which were all made possible by the wonderful time-related events), and spending every spare minute relaxing in the village.

If you don't have others to play with, go with Harvest Moon. With other people to play with though, Animal Crossing is pretty much guaranteed to show you a great, suprisingly social, gaming experience.
Haha. That too.

I remember one time my brother stole some of my precious foreign fruit off my trees (I knew it was my brother because when I questioned him about it later I could tell he was lying) and I got him back by cuttind down an entire screen of his orchard. As you can imagine, that kind of turned into a war of diplomacy and stupid threats.

Gouging prices for items you know the other players want is also fun. My brother had this one thing I needed to complete my furniture set and he was asking a ridiculous price for it at his gyroid. Then the following morning my sister found the same thing and told me she would under-cut my brother's price by a good 1000 bells :).

God that game is excellent. There better be some sort of online connection in Animal Crossing DS.
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