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Signifigant Other 'Morally Opposed' to GTA


The solution is really very simple. Wear headphones and tell her not to look at the screen.

Ta - da!

Me?, I have kids so I don't play it in front of them. I play it after everybody goes to bed.


On a population scale her arguments are valid ones...

but on a personal level, it basically boils down to whether she thinks you'll go crazy playing these games.

Of course you won't, so you tell her that if she trusts and loves you as her husband, she knows you well and that there's absolutely no problem with you disentangling the notion of fictional from real violence, having learnt to do so during 1st grade. That you'll assure her that while playing this you'll be cognitively aware of the preciousness of human life and the atrocities that you commit in the virtual world in the name of fun... but that you're also cognizantly aware that the game is just that and that it gives an outlet for expressing perfectly healthy genetically ingrained drives such as the lust for pure unadultered violence! On a virtual scale of course.


You could probably just as easily knock on something she likes, which you should, and bring it up everytime she says something about your games. Something like "As if your soap operas are so much better" and ignore whatever she says after that.
I just going to go out on a limb here and surmise that you've never been in a long-lasting relationship with someone.

Do you really say "I'm not getting any tonight, am I?" to your wife?
Yes. All the time. With tears of frustration in my eyes. But enough about me....what about the argument?

Wow settle down there junior
Typical. I haven't been called 'junior' for a loooong time. Junior status certainly has its perks.

Of course you won't, so you tell her that if she trusts and loves you as her husband, she knows you well and that there's absolutely no problem with you disentangling the notion of fictional from real violence, having learnt to do so during 1st grade. That you'll assure her that while playing this you'll be cognitively aware of the preciousness of human life and the atrocities that you commit in the virtual world in the name of fun... but that you're also cognizantly aware that the game is just that and that it gives an outlet for expressing perfectly healthy genetically ingrained drives such as the lust for pure unadultered violence! On a virtual scale of course.
I like this approach.


Has problems recognising girls
Pussy whipped?

Seriously to a certain extent I do agree with her arguments, but on the other hand I don't see why she is causing such a ruckus over it. Anyone who cannot define that special line between reality and fantasy is a crackpot. I'm just thankful that I was grown up in such a relaxed family and not have to be forced into such issues.






kumanoki said:
I just going to go out on a limb here and surmise that you've never been in a long-lasting relationship with someone.
Yes because doing everything she tells you to makes for a very interesting long lasting relationship, and messing around having fun is for losers!


Knows the Score
My wife enjoys jacking and collecting cars in the GTA games. Also, she's the one that seems to enjoy murdering the old ladies.

She's more likely to complain about me playing Viewtiful Joe or Katamari Damarcy due to them being very noisy and bright as opposed to the cartoon violence contained in GTA.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I believe it's more immoral to kill innocent animals and eat them. Not that I'm vegetarian, but that's more immoral than killing polygons I guess, yet everyone is fine with that (exept vegetarians).

Is your wife vegetarian?

Anyway, when my wife says me it's immoral to kill innocent people in GTA I just say "so what?". And the conversation is over before it even started.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The missus and I had a further conversation about this thread last night and I thought I'd share some of her additional comments. We don't agree on everything in life but her feelings mirror mine in this one.

This is a rated M game. It's rated that way because there are things that happen in the game that are defined as situations that only a mature adult can safely comprehend. i.e. Yes you can commit immoral acts in this game.. but it's a GAME. It is not a teaching aid, it's not a training aid, it's simply a leisure time activity. MOST adults by the time they reach adulthood have left the stage of being impressed upon by seeing, doing, or playing something. Part of the maturation process it the ability to separate right from wrong, real from fantasy. In that respect a normal adult understanding that the things done in the game have no connection with their real life should be able to play GTA without any consequence.

If I was in the original posters shoes I'd be happy that we have the large house we do... our gaming room is down in a separate room off of the family room, so I can go (if I choose) to game in solo peace and quite, and my wife wouldn't(if I was in the situation of the original poster), have to be offended by what she see's on the TV screen.

Thank god I don't have that problem.... there are so many more LARGER concerns in life...


My parents don't really care how much violence there is, how much bad language/drug reference is used. They know it's fake. End of story.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
TeTr1C said:
My parents don't really care how much violence there is, how much bad language/drug reference is used. They know it's fake. End of story.

.... ok I guess I could have wrote the above as that pretty much sums up our feelings on it was well. ;)


She needs to get over it. I guess she doesn't watch horror movies because 'innocent people' are murdered? She must have hated the Green Mile as well because an innocent guy was murdered. Come on, it's freaking entertainment. When you get an AK and start shooting it at passing by neighbors, maybe then she should be worried.

Ranger X

My god this is picky. What the fuck she have to do with "wich games you should play or not"?. It's not even because you have a small children or something. No matter what you argue it is close minded or immature behavior from her.
If YOU have to respect all HER principles, your life must be really boring. Is she consistent with her values anyway? (means you barely can watch any movie, can't watch TV, etc...)

Playing is part of things you like you like to do in spare times and she must respect this as you respect what she likes to do in hers. You should wear your pants or divorce my friend.


Nine out of ten people in this thread have not had any encounters with vaginas since birth, based on your responses


Junior Member
Here is what I hear all the time, "Stop playing Grand Theft Auto and come watch TV with me or no sex for a WEEK."

I have resorted to waiting till she falls asleep and then sneaking a few hours in the early morning.

Its odd that when she talks about the game she says its, "sooo pimp". Only time she is ok with it is when it plays songs she likes but as soon as I try to leave the car and the music stops she gets pissed off and tells me to drive around in circles till the song ends.
I'mjust curious. What would your wife do if you played DOA? Or The Sims, and had your sim cheat on his wife? Or have a threesome? I actully felt bad when I made my sims cheat hahahah. My husband caugt me in the spa with three other dudes when he got home from work eek! I got so bitch slapped for it tho :( EA promostes domestic violence! :lol

I'm a chick, albeit it I am not uptight at all. I don't get what the big deal is. I mean, I dont like violent games too much, they give me terrible dreams where I (not my avatar) start klilling people I know in real life. Does this mean I wouldn't let my boyfriend or anyone else play them? Hell no. It's my problem not theirs. You are your own person, its not like you are forcing your wife to watch or play with you. It's not like youre really killing hookers, right? ;)

I find the fact that she would deny you sex becasue of a video game very disturbing. She is only punishing herself. Damn, I would never go without sex just cos my man made me mad. WTF is that shit about? Chicks who use sex as power over men are fucking bitches. Sorry, its true.

Ranger X

onion_pixy said:
I'm a chick, albeit it I am not uptight at all. I don't get what the big deal is. I mean, I dont like violent games too much, they give me terrible dreams where I (not my avatar) start klilling people I know in real life. Does this mean I wouldn't let my boyfriend or anyone else play them? Hell no. It's my problem not theirs. You are your own person, its not like you are forcing your wife to watch or play with you. It's not like youre really killing hookers, right? ;)

I find the fact that she would deny you sex becasue of a video game very disturbing. She is only punishing herself. Damn, I would never go without sex just cos my man made me mad. WTF is that shit about? Chicks who use sex as power over men are fucking bitches. Sorry, its true.

Your post gave an orgasm to my ears (eyes?). Women should all think like you. (about that at least ;)


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
My wife gave me a little bit of crap about GTA. But she got used to it. I admitted to her though that some of the stuff I do in there makes me uncomfortable too, but I also said in the end it's just a game. I think that was good enough for her because she doesn't bug me about it anymore and just asks for story updates.

Also she keeps asking, "when's the California knows how to party song coming on? Make it play that."

I think the irony is that she's a big reality TV Show fan and I fuckin abhor them. I have to leave the room when they're on. For some reason those shows bug me on a moral level more than the game does :D. But I don't keep her from watching them. I guess that's how marriages work and all that.


Neo Member
epmode said:
several of them had uzis. they deserved what they got.)

They deserved to die because they were armed? They were RC toy couriers, not drug dealers. Presumably they were armed because Berkley warned them about his rivalry with Zero. They only fire on your plane in self-defense after you fire at them. Even then, they're firing at an RC plane. Retaliating by firing on them is a wildly disproportionate response.

Dsal said:
I think the irony is that she's a big reality TV Show fan and I fuckin abhor them. I have to leave the room when they're on. For some reason those shows bug me on a moral level more than the game does

Certainly you have the better of the argument. Humiliating real people on national television for entertainment is worse than virtual killing. It's true that the contestants on reality shows volunteer to be humiliated, but television producers and audiences shouldn't take advantage of their stupidity.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
People that try to disassociate the GTA series from violence are kidding themselves.

It has plenty of violence, but I do not understand why that is a problem.


My dad doesn't really care about the content, he just thinks it's a waste of time. This doesn't stop him from watching television, though. Silly old fart.
Trakball said:
Nine out of ten people in this thread have not had any encounters with vaginas since birth, based on your responses

Yes because liking a violent videogame equtes to virginity.

and FYI: my significant other loved video games it didnt matter if u were mario or stomping hookers, its a game, lighten up.
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