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Sin and Punishment being localized...


...for China. :p

Here's the website and (small) pics...




...bringing the total iQue game count to 10...

01 Super Mario 64
02 Dr. Mario 64
03 Wave Race 64
04 Star Fox 64
05 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
06 Mario Kart 64
07 F-Zero X
08 Yoshi Story
09 Paper Mario
10 Sin & Punishment

...half of them starring Mario characters. Evidently Nintendo's planning to release iQue in other Asian and South American nations. I'll just take DS ports of everything, thanks. :)


I really want to play this title.
I hope theres an N64 Collection on the GC with this on it.
Or I hope the DS gets a port.


Gold Member
I'll just take DS ports of everything, thanks.

Or I hope the DS gets a port.

Why do people keep saying this? Going from N64 to DS is like going from the DC to the PSOne. Do you really not like your N64 enough to play a much uglier version of the game on a handheld?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I wonder if the DS could do this game justice? "Tsumi to Batsu - Sin and Punishment" was certainly among the more demanding N64 titles (it looks very good). Have you actually seen it in motion? Hard to believe they pulled it off on the N64...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Doom_Bringer said:
get a good n64 emulator and download the rom.

That's not actually a great option...

Sadly, the game has some nasty graphical flaws when running on the various emulators. It is still playable (more so even, due to the custom controls), but it looks much nicer on the real deal.

It's still one of the only N64 games that I can look back on and say "this looks good". A lot of the later titles just ran so badly...


ManaByte said:
Why do people keep saying this? Going from N64 to DS is like going from the DC to the PSOne. Do you really not like your N64 enough to play a much uglier version of the game on a handheld?
Well, I'd say it's more like going from PS2 to PSP. ;)

Regardless, DS games look pretty good so far, Mario 64x4 is pretty impressive with more characters (all of which are modeled using more polys) and running at 60 fps...
I knew this would be a trick thread. Most of Sin & Punishment is already in English, including the voice acting. It would indeed be awesome to get a DS port or sequel. I have the N64 version, and it's a hell of a lot of fun and very impressive for N64 software.


Link316 said:
this is a great game and I'm glad I imported it, its too bad Nintendo wouldn't publish it here
Blame Rare, evidently it was after Conker floundered that NOA decided to finally can S&P. :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Was there any reason as to why Treasure's last couple N64 games never showed up in the US? Was the N64 simply past its prime or did Nintendo actually turn them down?


01 Super Mario 64
02 Dr. Mario 64
03 Wave Race 64
04 Star Fox 64
05 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
06 Mario Kart 64
07 F-Zero X
08 Yoshi Story
09 Paper Mario
10 Sin & Punishment

This console has the most amazing ratio of killer games vs crap games.


dark10x said:
Was there any reason as to why Treasure's last couple N64 games never showed up in the US? Was the N64 simply past its prime or did Nintendo actually turn them down?
S&P was actually designed with a US release in mind, Nintendo was planning a summer 2001 US release internally but changed their minds when the N64 market suddenly dried up. Bangai-O would've been up to 3rd parties as it wasn't Nintendo's (though they did pick up Mischief Makers early on)... in Japan Treasure released it themselves via ESP.


Gold Member
jarrod said:
Well, I'd say it's more like going from PS2 to PSP. ;)

Regardless, DS games look pretty good so far, Mario 64x4 is pretty impressive with more characters (all of which are modeled using more polys) and running at 60 fps...

No, going from the PS2 to the PSP you get the same graphical effects the PS2 can do, but they can be done in the PSP hardware as opposed to software on the PS2 and you have roughly the same polygonal perfomance. That's why Ridge Racer PSP looks a bit better than RRV. Nice try to troll/derail the thread into a PSP vs DS flame war though.

My point is that the N64 is still more powerful than the DS. You have higher poly output on the N64 as well as texture filtering. Asking for a N64 to DS port is exactly like asking for a DC to PSone port as a PSone from DC port will lose the same things that a DS from N64 port will.

As for Super Mario 64x4 I always kind of wondered what SM64 would look like running without any filtering on the PSX and now I know. IGN has a video of Mario running around the first level.

I still own my N64 and if I ever really want to play SM64, I'll play the original. Unfiltered and pixelated textures are so 1997.


ManaByte said:
No, going from the PS2 to the PSP you get the same graphical effects the PS2 can do, but they can be done in the PSP hardware as opposed to software on the PS2 and you have roughly the same polygonal perfomance.
Actually you have roughly half the polygon performance on PSP vs PS2, not to mention less RAM, slower clocked chips and less programability... it's also worth noting DS is actually quoted 20k pps above N64.

ManaByte said:
Nice try to troll/derail the thread into a PSP vs DS flame war though.
Hey, one good turn deserves another. :)

ManaByte said:
My point is that the N64 is still more powerful than the DS. You have higher poly output on the N64 as well as texture filtering. Asking for a N64 to DS port is exactly like asking for a DC to PSone port as a PSone from DC port will lose the same things that a DS from N64 port will.
Hardly... DS & N64 are much closer than DC & PSone... in fact it's closer to DC & PS2 comparatively. DS also has some hardware advantages over N64 (hardware cell-shading, faster RAM, higher media storage, more hardware sound channels, etc).

ManaByte said:
As for Super Mario 64x4 I always kind of wondered what SM64 would look like running without any filtering on the PSX and now I know. IGN has a video of Mario running around the first level.
So PS1 would run Mario 64 with more geometry and double the frame rate?

Funny thing here though, by saying 64x4 looks like a PS1 title, that means you'd think N64 Mario 64 was Dreamcast standard going back to your original comparison. Logic hurts. :p

ManaByte said:
I still own my N64 and if I ever really want to play SM64, I'll play the original. Unfiltered and pixelated textures are so 1997.
Well I'll play the upgraded rerelease... with 3 friends over LAN. :)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
this game is still availible from most import shops, and "modding" an N64 is easier than "modding" a Genesis. Or a converter cart is like 10 bucks. And there is no language barrier. Do people just have that much of a hang up about importing games?


jiji said:
Enix America brought Mischief Makers over here.
No they didn't, Enix of America had folded by 1995 (before they could release Mystic Ark/7th Saga II) and didn't reopen until 1999. Mischief Makers was released in fall 1997 by Nintendo.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Not sure how much it's going for on Ebay now... (I got it for about $50 back in the beginning of the year).. but if you own an N64, get a GameShark, order this game off Ebay, download a translation for the intro menus (if you don't know Kana)... everything else (except the end credits) is spoken in English (with Japanese subtitles)

PLEASE, bring this game to DS, or a Revolution sequel... and make the stupid ass heatbomb enemy weaker, I always die on that thing like 10 times :p


hyperbolically metafictive
why don't you people just buy the n64 version instead of hoping for a port that won't come? it's cheaper now than it was when it came out. and it's worth every cent.


jarrod said:
Actually you have roughly half the polygon performance on PSP vs PS2, not to mention less RAM, slower clocked chips and less programability...

Where are you getting this from? The PSP has the same RAM and DRAM as the PS2 (32MB and 4MB, respectively). And the CPU is 10% faster, actually (333Mhz vs 300Mhz).


Miburou said:
Where are you getting this from? The PSP has the same RAM and DRAM as the PS2 (32MB and 4MB, respectively). And the CPU is 10% faster, actually (333Mhz vs 300Mhz).
I was off on the RAM (dunno why I was thinking PSP was less?)... same with chip speeds, seems the PSP GPU is also a little faster (150 MHz vs 166 MHz)?

DS also has more RAM than N64 it's worth noting though... I still feel the PS2/PSP & N64/DS comparison is pretty solid.


Cool, now the Chinese can see what they weren't missing.

*snicker* You're entitled to your opinion, but for some of us, S&P is literally one of the best games of all time.

this game is still availible from most import shops, and "modding" an N64 is easier than "modding" a Genesis. Or a converter cart is like 10 bucks. And there is no language barrier. Do people just have that much of a hang up about importing games?

That's my biggest hangup with people here... importing isn't just an option for me, but it's a necessity. I don't understand why people are so against it. Especially on the N64 or SNES where the ability to play imports is so darn easy. And cheap. And has no risk.

why don't you people just buy the n64 version instead of hoping for a port that won't come? it's cheaper now than it was when it came out. and it's worth every cent.

Again another answer I'd like to know. Why does the game have to be ported to another system for people to play it. Did everyone go and sell their N64s? I would say it's worth it to have a N64 just for this one game.

get a good n64 emulator and download the rom.

I'd also like to add, in opposition to running this on emu, that you have to play S&P with a N64 controller. There is a learning curve and it seems overly complex at first. But once you get the hang of it, you wouldn't have it any other way. The control and the on-screen character becomes an extension of you. No PC pad or keyboard combination could even hope to mimick the intuitive controls of the N64 pad for this game.


Tsubaki said:
That's my biggest hangup with people here... importing isn't just an option for me, but it's a necessity. I don't understand why people are so against it.

most of us aren't accustomed to paying more than $50 for a game, I only import when I have no choice

Tsubaki said:
Again another answer I'd like to know. Why does the game have to be ported to another system for people to play it. Did everyone go and sell their N64s? I would say it's worth it to have a N64 just for this one game.

heh, a N64's only $15 now & Paper Mario was only $12 at TRU ^_^
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