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Since Namco seems to be on a "let's release our obscure stuff" kick lately...


...seeing as how they've released Katamari Damacy, and will be bringing out Baten Kaitos and Nightmare of Druaga soon, do you think there's a chance that they'll bring over older stuff like Venus & Braves too? And I wonder what's making them release this kind of stuff anyway, since up til this summer they seemed to be content with just giving us B grade stuff from the US branch and Tekken...
venus & braves... i long for you.

here's a question though... have companies been taking the wrong approach on obscure games? Usually the concept seems to be "release it at a higher price because of lower demand," but katamari took the "use lower price to increase demand" road. Naturally I like the latter a whole lot more.
Kotoba no Puzzle: Moji Pitton? (Has that been released here?)

Considering that it's completely based around Japanese words and characters, that would be pretty much impossible. It wouldn't translate to English at all.


Namco, please get serious about your obscure stuff.

upgrade and release:

Rave Racer
Tokyo Wars
Air Combat 22
Alpine Racer 1&2
Ridge Racer, RR2 (original 93, 94)
Aqua Jet


Cmmon Namco :D



I'd love to see a US release of Drill Land. I'd also love to see my copy of Drill Land show up in my mailbox sometime soon.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
A bunch of Tales games that never saw stateside remix (starting with Phantasia :p)

Don't know much at all about Venus and Braves...

I've played Mr Driller and the Klonoa for PS2 but don't really get the big deal with either of them. They're not bad, but they don't really do much for me...
Saint Cornelius said:
I would like to see a Cadash 2005...

or an updated Assault

Cadash is Taito - But I'd be interested in it also for the record! :) One of my
favorite arcade and tg16 games.

If we're talking about updated Namco licenses now...

SPLATTERHOUSE!!! Please. Please! I remember hearing something a while
back but it just seems to have drifted off into the forgotten.
If Venus & Braves ever does get localized, I'll definitely buy - it looks too interesting and the art is too amazing to be missed.

Obviously the only way we'd ever see Yumeria is if the anime were to turn out to be really popular in it's R1 DVD release... which is obviously not likely. :p The market for the 18+ games in this genre is small enough, never mind the PG ones!


Good move for Namco is to release Tales of Destiny 2 in the summer @ $20-35. Summer game drought + affordable and riskable pricing = happy sales #s. They can just release it without dubbing to reduce localization costs. Gamers may complain but will buy it anyways cause it's the perfect time for an RPG and really cheap. Namco should use this more for branding naming enhancing of the Tales name rather than just worrying about how profitable TOD2 may be here. It is also a good chance to experiment on nonstandard localization procedures.
djtiesto said:
I've played Mr Driller and the Klonoa for PS2 but don't really get the big deal with either of them. They're not bad, but they don't really do much for me...

Have you played Drill Land? Or just plain old Mr Driller? The difference is massive.


belgurdo said:
And I wonder what's making them release this kind of stuff anyway, since up til this summer they seemed to be content with just giving us B grade stuff from the US branch and Tekken...
I've been wondering that too, especially after Namco Hometek's press release from like a year or more ago, stating that there'd be no more of that "cutesy jappy crappy bullshit like Mr Driller"* from the US offices.

As for your real question though, I'd have to go against the flow and not start wishing for Namco games from their entire back catalogue and just answer: I don't think it's going to happen. I really don't see why they would at all, to the point where I can't even motivate it.

* Paraphrasing. Maybe.


aku:jiki said:
I've been wondering that too, especially after Namco Hometek's press release from like a year or more ago, stating that there'd be no more of that "cutesy jappy crappy bullshit like Mr Driller"* from the US offices.
Link? I want to see this.


Hasn't there recently been a substantial management turnover at Hometek (spurred by corperate in Japan)? That's likely what's leading to this new agenda...


Sucks at viral marketing
I think this obscure stuff is coming as a result of not having anything else ready to be released. They don't have many games this year that one would normally think of coming as to the US and none of those are major titles. Had a SoulCalibur or Tekken game been released this year, we probably wouldn't have seen half of these games.


FoneBone said:
If there's been a turnover, then it's about damn time they start supporting GBA again.
Hometek's lack of GBA support has more to do with media costs than software. Still, seeing as two of their four GBA releases are million sellers, you'd think they would be up for taking a few more risks... fortunately DS and PSP seem to remedy the media cost issues for them. :)
jarrod said:
Hasn't there recently been a substantial management turnover at Hometek (spurred by corperate in Japan)? That's likely what's leading to this new agenda...
This is true. Over the past 18 months, Namco's management has been going through a "re-org" of sorts and just about all of the old management is no longer there.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
bobbyconover said:
Have you played Drill Land? Or just plain old Mr Driller? The difference is massive.

The original one in the arcade... I mean it's a pretty decent game though, just not my type of game.


Mistaken iRobbery!
TheDiave said:
Or how about Gunvari Collection + Time Crisis for PS2. That'd be sweet!
I have the import bundle, but I'm hoping Namco releases that next year for PS2 or else they have no Guncon2 game to release... :D
We might get Space Adventure Cobra though....

Defensor said:
I have the import bundle, but I'm hoping Namco releases that next year for PS2 or else they have no Guncon2 game to release... :D
We might get Space Adventure Cobra though....


Namco made a cobra game??? Details! I'm a big fan. Got the PC Engine games, typing the psychogun, the segacd game, and the PSX digicomics - and the DVD box set of the TV show :)


Mistaken iRobbery!
Johnny Konami said:
Namco made a cobra game??? Details! I'm a big fan. Got the PC Engine games, typing the psychogun, the segacd game, and the PSX digicomics - and the DVD box set of the TV show :)


Namco's Time Crisis team is taking an unusual direction with its next project -- its first licensed game. At the ongoing 42nd AM Show in Japan, Namco debuted Cobra: The Arcade, a new shooter based on Buichi Terasawa's famous Space Adventure Cobra comicbook and animated series.

Cobra, the eponymous rogue and reformed space pirate, wields a "psychogun," an energy weapon powered by his mind and grafted in place of his left forearm. In the game, therefore, it's not necessary for him to reload his weapon, though players can still duck behind cover by pressing the same action pedal control featured in the Time Crisis games.

Namco's adaptation features several familiar bosses from the series, drawn from the ranks of the Space Pirates' Guild that incessantly pursues Cobra, including the transparent Crystal Boy. We'll look out for more Cobra details once the show concludes and Namco updates its online arcade catalog.



Can't wait! :D


I'm not sure ToDII would be a good idea actually. RPGs take up more localization resources (too much for a budget release), and it'd likely sell far less than Symphonia too thanks to the visuals and competition. I say releasing the PS2 port of Symphonia would be a much better idea, especially as the script's mostly already done.

As for other Namco games, there's some stuff in their back catalogue that'd make good budget western releases...

-Alpine Racer 3 (PS2)
-Family Staduim 2003 (GC)
-Ghoul Panic! (PS1)
-Klonoa Beach Volleyball (PS1)
-Mr Driller: Drill Land (GC)
-Mr Driller G (PS1)
-Point Blank Collection + Time Crisis (PS2)
-Smash Court Tennis 1-3 (PS1)

...porting Genki's Wangan Midnight games from System 246 might be a good idea too, since Namco's evidently given up on console Ridge Racers. And I still think Seven/Venus & Braves could do well here.


Mistaken iRobbery!
We need a port of Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune for the PS2 from Namco :D
I played the Maximum Tune at my University's Arcade and the visuals have been improved from the previous Wangan Midnight for the PS2.
jarrod said:
As for other Namco games, there's some stuff in their back catalogue that'd make good budget western releases...

-Alpine Racer 3 (PS2)
-Ghoul Panic! (PS1)
-Klonoa Beach Volleyball (PS1)
-Mr Driller: Drill Land (GC)
-Mr Driller G (PS1)
-Point Blank Collection + Time Crisis (PS2)
-Smash Court Tennis 1-3 (PS1)

...porting Genki's Wangan Midnight games from System 246 might be a good idea too, since Namco's evidently given up on console Ridge Racers. And I still think Seven/Venus & Braves could do well here.

- Alpine Racer 3 = TERRIBLE port! I mean REALLY TERRIBLE :(
- All PS1 games = not likely due to PS1 being all but dead (in the U.S. atleast)
- Mr Driller: Drill Land = Please god, make it so!
- Point Blank Collection + TC = A good idea, just to complete the TC series on PS2 ;)

my 2 cents
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