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sister is desperate confirmed


The bear of bad news
invites babies daddy everywhere for thanksgiving even though there not together or friends and hate eachother this is crud dont want this cheeter eating my turkey people pretending hes my family sooooo fake if I get drunk ill tell him off

should i let him in??



Parody of actual AJUMP23
I don’t know that it is your job to talk to him. You should talk to your sister and encourage her not to continue to hope he gets his act together or what. Also he and your sister have a child together so they are connected no matter what now. I think it is good of your sister to include him in their child’s holiday events. It isn’t easy for you but you hold your tongue out of love for your sister and the kid. Talk to your sister privately. Don’t make a scene and create more drama on top of what is already there.


Just show your dominance.

If he wants a piece of turkey you take a bigger piece. If he wants to sit you sit first. Remove all toilet paper and make him ask if he wants a shit.

Just let him know he's a peasant in your castle.

(I'm joking BTW, just in case people take it serious)
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Gold Member
I spent at least some time for holidays at my ex wife’s parent’s cabin until the last few years. We had a kid and it worked best for us to share holidays together than to try to split them. They might have thought I was a loser or that she was. Either way, our daughter always comes first. Finally, a few years ago, I told my adult daughter that I think I am going to pass on those ex-wife holiday visits. :messenger_grinning_squinting:


If he is paying for the kid you should just stay out of your sisters life choices. It won't be easy knowing she probably still wants to bang him but that's her business.


Gold Member
Let him in but give him the worst of the turkey cut. Follow him around everywhere he goes but don’t say anything, side eyeing him occasionally. Don’t allow him a place to sit, pointing out sitting is for women, children, and chumps. Time the wine pour so it empties just as you get to his glass. Find out his most hated music and play it loudly on repeat while insisting how great it is. When you do talk to him, tell him long rambling incoherent circular stories about nothing. Insult his favorite sports team, politicians, movies as if you both agree on the matter. When he goes to the bathroom bang on the door but leave just before he comes out so no one is there. Etc.
He won’t be back.
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The bear of bad news
Maybe she wants the child to at least have holidays all together?

Co-parenting is healthy as long as it’s not a total clusterfuck of drama.
nooooo they spend every days together with baby buuuuuut hate eachother i dont understand not in relatonship

OP getting cucked by his sister. Legendary GAF moment in the making.

Take an english class bro. Reading that was fuckin painful.

It’d be great if this thread was one big intervention

But alas. Proven long ago this dude is hopeless.

Get some fucking help man, seriously.

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Hey OP, as long as the baby daddy isn't a total POS then it's good if the guy actually wants to have a relationship with his child.
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