The ballerina is right up there with Mangle as the most unnerving thing in the entire series for me.
Stuck on the second nightI hide under the desk and pulled over the metal grate, but they still find me, can I somehow turn off the flashlight?
Stuck on the second nightI hide under the desk and pulled over the metal grate, but they still find me, can I somehow turn off the flashlight?
We made it! Less than three hours until the show starts.
Alright, now stuck on night 4,how do you get bonnie's power module?
Dude segmented faces are so fucking creepy, I can only imagine what kinds of horrors this game has with four characters with face panels that can pop open.
I've never played a FNAF game because I'm too much of a wuss, but I keep hearing they have really interesting lore. Can someone point me in a direction to read/see/hear about it? Is it just from watching/playing the games or are there like puzzle pieces that people are putting together outside the game to fill stuff in?
Dude segmented faces are so fucking creepy, I can only imagine what kinds of horrors this game has with four characters with face panels that can pop open.
I've never played a FNAF game because I'm too much of a wuss, but I keep hearing they have really interesting lore. Can someone point me in a direction to read/see/hear about it? Is it just from watching/playing the games or are there like puzzle pieces that people are putting together outside the game to fill stuff in?
Dude segmented faces are so fucking creepy, I can only imagine what kinds of horrors this game has with four characters with face panels that can pop open.
I've never played a FNAF game because I'm too much of a wuss, but I keep hearing they have really interesting lore. Can someone point me in a direction to read/see/hear about it? Is it just from watching/playing the games or are there like puzzle pieces that people are putting together outside the game to fill stuff in?
I'm completely fascinated by these games. Never played a single one
I'm completely fascinated by these games. Never played a single one, but my gf's little cousins play them. Should I just start from the first one? Can I just jump in and play this one?
Haha glad I'm not the only one!
I'm completely fascinated by these games. Never played a single one,
I agree, never really played more than just a bit of 1 (though I own 3 now since Humble Monthly, could I just jump in on that?) but I love the aesthetic/atmosphere.
I'm completely fascinated by these games. Never played a single one, but my gf's little cousins play them. Should I just start from the first one? Can I just jump in and play this one?
So I'm stuck on the beginning of Night 4.Anybody know what to do here?I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Baby says you need to wind up the springlocks, but I'm not sure if I have to wind all of them up or just go for the red ones? I keep on dying in that part.
You need to keep all of the locks from reaching the end of their wind. The moment a single lock reaches the end, you get jump scared. Imagine this sequence as the music box from 2 but on overload.
Easiest way to do this is to start winding the locks on the left, then the ones on the right, starting from the top each time. Cycle through this pattern. Keep them all around 100%. When it gets too difficult, change your maximum wind threshold to 75%, then 50%, and so on, until you hold out long enough to win, which is about three minutes.
Note: Hold the mouse button the whole time. The locks recognize left mouse click being held down when you're hovering. So no need to click more than once as it wastes time.
The Minireenas crawling on the sides are the only ones that can kill you. Use the wiggle controls to shake them off, but wiggling speeds up the unwinding of the locks. Ergo, wait until one is near the top of the screen and only press the buttons four times (ex. DADA) which is the minimum needed to shake them off. The ones crawling inside the suit are just there to psych you out, so ignore them.
This part is hard as fuck. Near the end, nearly all of the locks will be flashing and you'll be doing one or two winds in order to manage your time. Once you know the mechanics, it's nothing but practice. Good luck!
They aren't on sale, but you can buy the first four games in a $25 bundle which saves you about $4 total if you want to dive straight in.Is the series still on sale? I saw steam was having a robot sale the other day. I hope I didn't miss it. I've never played a Freddy game unless we are talking the fish.
Hey guys, I just made an update live that should hopefully take care of two issues that people were having.
1) Some people seem to get stuck under the desk on Night 2 due to the cut scene not activating after shutting the door the second time. I have hopefully fixed this, although it's difficult to tell since I have no computer available to me that experiences this problem. It honestly seems to be computer specific for some odd reason.
2) A lot of people are struggling with Night 4. While it is still tough as nails, I did take the edge off by making the Minireenas climbing the sides fall more easily, often with fewer shakes.
Update. Contains gameplay spoilers:
Man, the ending is fucked up
The scooper literally rips your whole skeleton out of your body ala MK style. Then an animatronic just slides into the flabbly skin left on the ground.
congratson getting the bad ending, like i feel the majority of us (if not all) got
That is the true ending tho since it says it in lower corner if you brighten the screen. First time I've ever heard of a game having an easy true end but a hard to figure out fake endng for more context. Pretty neat.
I don't play these games, just watch them on YouTube since I don't have a pc. (If they ever come to 3DS/PSV/WiiU/PS4 I'd play the hell out've them!) but seeing the whole game I must say it turned out quite awesome. Love the old 12AM to 6AM strategy style, but the new linear story is quite different and it works. Voice acting is top notch and adds a completely different feel to the series.
This one is SO above the other ones it's insane. The voice acting, the variability of the rooms and what you have to do, the writing, the humor the everything about this is just top fucking notch.
Like, it takes everything that worked about the series, plays with it and pushes it up to 10. Like holy shit. The female narrator's monologue when you go under the desk when you're not supposed to...holy shit.
watched Markimoo plow through this game, loved it.
I am half expecting a Halloween update.
Currently watching a video of Markiplier talking about the FNAF series with a friend and I'm rolling. Markiplier would bring up a topic that he has questions about and his friend, who has only seen bits and pieces of the installments, would make an off hand comment causing him to be mind blown at the possibilities. XD