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Six Feet Under

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Anybody see last night's episode? Fucking sick. I can't find any threads about it, but it was insanely rivetting.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Yeah, that episode kind of came out of the blue. It really encapsulated what total hopelessness must feel like. Gave me shivers.
I wanted David to kick that guy's ass so many times. So frustrating. But yeah, it was a good show, and did kind of come out of the blue.


I have a few things to say about the episode. Number one, there's a wave of fans angry at the episode...saying how the writers were cheap and are going for a younger audience now--i really don't think that's the case. If the writers call for something violent to happen, it'll happen, they don't have to shield viewers from real-every-day dangers like kidnapping.

Well anyway, tonight's episode wasn't too different from the norm for every character, specifically David. But first, if there are any complaints about Nate's role in tonight's episode-- there shouldn't be. The fact of the matter is that the death of Lisa has changed Nate and has made him feel like he has the world on his shoulders.

Nate used to be a man similar to a teenage boy (which is why alot of my friends like him best), because of the way he played with his life. Lisa's tragedy, as I see it, has lunged him into a world of adulthood--where he knows his bullshit isn't good for anything. He's trying his best to work things out any way he can--and that means even listening to his Mom and going to group therapy.

Number 2, I have noticed how David's character has become the comic relief on the show. This season, he's been the breath of fresh air for the rest of characters on the show--the rock they can count on. With tonight's crazy kidnapping, I found it quite interesting to see some drama come his way besides the repeated 'relationship problems'.

People are complaining about how David's role tonight was too incredible to be believed...but the fact of the matter is that nobody know's how they'll act under fear. David, unlike Sulvester Stallone, isn't acting in an action-movie. He's a real person that didn't grow up as a ballsy bully, but the picked on wuss. This is the basis of his character. His strength is developing through the seasons, and it'll be interesting to see how he handles this mess. What has slowly happened is that David has seemed less and less a Fischer. This drama will only bring him back to the family.

Why didn't David just run? Well my first reason was fear. But I really do think David was getting a kick out of the whole ordeal. His life has become mundane; his boyfriend has a new and exciting career. Its a bit twisted, but think psychology here...

Also think about the dreams he kept having about the possibilities of sex with Jake. The danger was present, but the erotic overtones were bubblng in David's head.

In the end, the only reason why I'm upset about today's episode is because I'm not really "up" for the aftermath. David, according to the previews, isn't telling his family.....ahh--this whole thing is gonna be drawn out! Please don't draw it outttt!


Holy crap, I was about to make a thread last night because I was shocked at last night's episode.

I suffered last night along with David. The way they did the scene was so terrifying that my heart was racing. Rarely any shows these days do this. It was excellent, and well, good thing they didn't kill David or the show would've lost me. I was screaming at the TV "Don't you fucking dare kill him!"

Superb episode!


Ah shit, man, where do you start? I mean, David smoked crack! CRACK! The whole thing reminded me of a Dave Chappelle skit to be honest: depraved, funny and very telling all at once. I found it unbelievable that David was so totally clueless but really, this was just a riff on David's character/nature (thus the sexual fantasies even in the midst of this madness--courting danger and loving it). But jeez did I want that freak to catch a bad one. Man.

"That's not my dog!" LOL.


Console Market Analyst
I thought it was convoluted, mean-spirited, and irresponsible. I can't believe an openly gay executive producer was behind this episode.

I've been an avid fan of this series from the beginning. I still think the first season is probably the best television that has ever been made. The characters all had the inner strength to overcome incredible anxieties, and refused to make themselves victims.

Why have the Six Feet Under producers betrayed that?

Ruth has defined herself through her men since the end of the first season. For me, this dependency has completely killed whatever charm she had.

I was surprised that the writers recognized what I've seen the past few seasons. That Claire is fucking empty. She's become a callous bitch, and it was only this scene I appreciated from last night.

Nate's grief storyline has neutered him. He was the rock. I thought dealing with his illness was enough of an obstacle to test that position. But the entire Lisa arch, and Nate's incessant crying/whining/self-victimization, has left me cold.

My favorite character, Brenda, is now studying to become a therapist?! Do I even need to bring up how much of a hypocrite she's become?

Rico, the highly conservative moral center, is now a sugar daddy? After his lapse in judgement, I think every single character has now cheated on their loved ones.

Kieth and David... I guess you can't expect a healthy gay relationship on TV from even a gay producer. They've become increasingly stereotypical and immoral. I know lack of conflict doesn't create good drama, but they could have taken this storyline to a courageous place -- fighting for custody of Kieth's niece from his abusive father.

As for the mini exploitation film last night, shame on the producers. It felt like a gay bash. Not from the kidnapping character, but from the writers, director, and editors. The gay sex fantasies during the event were incredibly offensive, as if the creative team felt David deserved this. It was just shock TV with an anti-gay edge.

It honestly feels to me like the writers are beginning to hate these characters as much as I am. They're no longer sympathetic. They're just ugly people who don't deserve my time anymore.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Goreomedy said:
As for the mini exploitation film last night, shame on the producers. It felt like a gay bash. Not from the kidnapping character, but from the writers, director, and editors. The gay sex fantasies during the event were incredibly offensive, as if the creative team felt David deserved this. It was just shock TV with an anti-gay edge.

It honestly feels to me like the writers are beginning to hate these characters as much as I am. They're no longer sympathetic. They're just ugly people who don't deserve my time anymore.

I'm not sure how these fantasies made it seem as though David 'deserved' what he went through. The first fantasy was before he knew this guy was a psycho, and the second one took place while he was under the influence of crack for the first time - so he obviously wasn't right in the mind when it occurred. They weren't making him out to be some sexual deviant, just a guy that had what I could only assume to be normal subconscious sexual thoughts. I can only assume that the gay male's mind is as sexually distracted as the heterosexual one, maybe I'm wrong...
While I don't think David deserved it. I do think that that his underlying motives were at fault here. He didn't pick that guy up to help him he picked him up with the idea to scoring on his mind. Evident when the guy after he paid for the guys gas (which you could say someone normal would do) even though that was wierd in itself he continued to drvie this guy around and this is before he pulled a gun on him. Part of it was fantasy but, still he was focued on that WAY too long his judgement was clouded.

But, dude was a complete psycho and I do see him coming back figuring that he has David's drivers licence.
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