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Sky Rogue |OT| 'Fwooshy' is a perfectly cromulent word

I couldn't find anything at all about Sky Rogue here so I thought I would share one of my favourite indie games of the last year.
This is my first OT, be gentle.


Current version: Alpha 22 (itch.io)

Sky Rogue has been Greenlit! I think that anyone who has bought the game previously will get a key. The site currently says you are guaranteed a key with purchase, but it's not actually available on Steam yet so I haven't received one. No confirmation on Early Access plans yet.

Sky Rogue is a game about flying jets around procedurally-generated hex landscapes, blowing up ground and air targets, and looking great doing it. Produced by a three-person team in Unity, it's available for most personal computer platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux) at itch.io as a $10+ download. It is currently in a heavily-changeable alpha state, but very playable. I have put a good few hours into several of the iterations, and each has been fun to play and appropriately arcadey. Alpha 21 is definitely the most solid-feeling yet.

Get it! ($10 or more)






(All credit for these to the developer's itch.io page.)

You start off with a quick tutorial, which shows both mouse/keyboard controls and the corresponding 360-layout buttons.
First you pick a plane, and with a flick downwards you can pick a loadout as well (see below). You will be able to change either or both any time you return to your aircraft carrier.

You launch from a flying aircraft carrier, and can return to it any time to restock and refill your health bar. Weapons refill quite quickly (<30s), but the flares do not. You're flung off the carrier at top speed and an island emerges from the clouds below you. The island will have a number of ground targets, such as Radar and Hangar buildings, and a Command building that you must destroy to progress to the next island. Between you and that progress stand multiple airborne drones (in the first level - there are tougher air enemies as well) and multiple SAM/AAA installations. You don't have to kill anything except the Command buildings to progress, but you may find it difficult to resist mashing X when your micromissiles lock on to a lazy drone.


The game was originally called Sky Rogue to reflect that any progress of any kind would be lost upon death (as in roguelike), and that was the case until recently. Now, the Scrap and Tech (researched weapons, jets, etc.) carry over, but your progress through the islands does not. You still only have one life to get as far into the game as you can, with enemy difficulty/numbers mounting based on 'alert levels' that rise as you progress. Be prepared to see this screen a lot.


This is where your Tech levels increase, though, so only through death(s) can you research new things.

This game is a lot harder to play if you don't have an Xbox 360 controller to plug in, or a compatible joystick. But even with just the 360 controller, it feels great. Controllers are well catered for in the game and I generally don't have to use the mouse after launching the game. (As of Alpha 21, 'Back' on the 360 controller doesn't work as 'Select' for me, so you may have to press Tab occasionally in menus.) Your mileage may vary with joysticks, but the developer has some advice here.

Left stick changes pitch (Y-axis) and roll (X-axis), RB and LB control yaw. The triggers speed up (RT) and slow down (LT). X fires, Y/hold Y changes weapon or opens the change weapon rosette, A changes target, and B releases flares/other extras. Right stick rotates the camera so you can admire the view, clicking right stick locks the camera on to your current target.


Every time you kill an enemy, you gain Scrap (currency) which can buy ordnance for your loadouts. You also gain experience towards your next Tech level. Both of these carry over between runs. At each Tech level you can research a new thing, be it a different jet, a new type of missile, or sundry equipment for the planes such as different engines. There are two types of loadout points that must be contended with in order to add a new item to your loadout: payload, and avionics. Payload is to do with mass/weight, and avionics is electronic systems capability. So a cluster bomb would have a high payload cost but low avionics cost, and an infra-red air-to-air missile would be the opposite. Different jets have different payload/avionics balances so there's a fair amount of customisation if that's your thing.

In the bottom right of the loadout screen is a 'skin' selector which you can use to change the colours of your missiles, carrier, and the jet itself between a number of themes. I understand that the game is also moddable around this concept, but I haven't seen much information about it. The third GIF above depicts the 'RAUSER' theme, for example.

Weapons fall into one of four categories: cannons, micromissiles, missiles, and bombs. There's a comprehensive post about them on the subreddit that you can read, but it won't do much good if you're not already playing the game. Cannons work as expected (deadly at close range), micromissiles lock on to targets, some missiles also lock on to targets, but take longer to refill ammo, and bombs just fall towards the ground.

The enemies in the game are fairly varied: anti-air installations, airborne aircraft carriers like your own, battleships, hovercrafts, and of course, other jets. While early on the other planes are relatively easy to avoid or take down, they do get tough later on. There does not seem to be a specific difficulty ramp for the installations or other ground/sea enemies, but you may find more of them in later levels, and the AAA/SAM guns which defend most of them are formidable enough to kill you in one pass if you're not careful. Again, a detailed breakdown of enemies is available on the subreddit.

Other resources
Rock, Paper, Shotgun review (older alpha)
Eurogamer review (older alpha)
The subreddit is here; it's a small community but seems to be fairly responsive. (Disclaimer: I'm not a part of that community.)
The developer's blog about the game

Thanks for reading! Let me know if I went overboard with the images, if I left out anything glaring, or if you know a better way to format stuff than putting it in quote boxes.


Junior Member
Haven't played it since one of the earlier alphas, which was hard as balls. Most of the time I couldn't last 30 second without getting shot down.
Having been shot down multiple times by the OP, this game toooottally sucks.

Nah, Sky Rogue is cool stuff.

You must be talking about their other game, Los Cuervos. It's basically Sky Rogue multiplayer, but far less fleshed-out. We played it that one time.
You're totally not talking about any awkward advances that were gently turned away.

Flat shaded polygons are so lovely. Take a look at Enemy Starfighter if you haven't already!

Oh, that looks fabulous. Thanks for the tip! I'll be keeping an eye on it.


I love the flat shaded style. Makes me miss the 90s and the period before fully textured objects became the big thing...

I'm buying this first thing when I get home from work.

There was this one tank game that looked a lot like this with pretty advanced graphics but I never remember the name of it. And yes, I've tried several times in the dedicated thread:(
I love the flat shaded style. Makes me miss the 90s and the period before fully textured objects became the big thing...

I'm buying this first thing when I get home from work.

There was this one tank game that looked a lot like this with pretty advanced graphics but I never remember the name of it. And yes, I've tried several times in the dedicated thread:(

Hope you enjoy it. :)

I'm a huge fan of flat-shading, which has a lot to do with my purchasing this game in the first place. A-10 Attack! way back on the original iMac was a masterpiece in my young eyes. The amount of stupid stuff I did in that plane is pretty funny to think back on. But it was a fairly realistic and high-poly military sim for the time, maybe your tank game is related? Edit: doesn't seem so, Parsoft only made flight sims apparently.

Also a flat-shading gem for me: Gotcha Force on the GameCube.
Bought from that Indie Game Stand site, doesn't appear to come with a Steam Code though.

I don't think it is yet on Steam, although it has been Greenlit. My guess is that if and when it makes it into the store, you'll get a key. I look forward to it, keep forgetting to update it manually.

Oh man, this new GIF looks ridiculous! I need to update this and go kill some sky battleships tonight!

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