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Skyrim IRL TikTok "star" arrested for murder of his own wife. Could face death penalty

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Death penalty? What time is it? The medieval?

No, this is America

There was a guy in my hometown that killed his wife who cheated however unlike this guy he did not beat or abuse her, he had just lost his father and when he found out his wife was fucking his best friend he snapped.

Thank god they had no kids he just walked in on them both caught them right in the act, shot them and then turned himself in, her lover survived but he was disabled and has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

In court the guy plead guilty and got 22 years in prison he may actually end up getting out in five years.


Holy shit, the jokes in here.

On the other hand though, I’m happy to be in a community where you don’t get instabanned for making those jokes. A gamer killing a woman who had already made up her mind to leave him... it’s Christmas come early for some people out there.

Shit news, anyway. The human mind is a dark place.
I bet that there's nobody here who could do such a terrible crime. Nevertheless I think it's good that humor (even of it's dark) is allowed. You take that away and you become a bunch of miserable cucks like at reeeeee-era.

To continue the trend: always quicksave before comitting a crime.


Gold Member
This is true, and we'll ignore the fact I've put an Oblivion picture, my brain saw the headline and thought Oblivion :messenger_tears_of_joy:

But I mean in general, the stories you read now are borderline insane. Women leaving babies for five days to party while the baby starves to death, police raping and being massive peados, more knifings and shootings, and this is just the UK, the US has just the same amount of crazy

But could this be the knock on effect of a drug fuelled 60's? Or prescription drugs that are out of control? The air?

Something odd is afoot. Even in my home town, the amount of crazy is everywhere, people talking to themselves, drunks on every corner, proper weirdos just coming up to you for no reason..

It's off the scale!
Violent crimes have been decreasing for centuries globally. It went up during the pandemic for obvious reasons. As if men killing their wives was anything new in the history of humanity. Something wrong in the air? Fucking lol. What’s next? Gay frogs from the water?
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Gold Member
Oh god, how did this thread turned into an anti-gypsy echo chamber? Wtf guys

do you know how many articles I can pull up like that of non gipsy people? Wtf
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What the actual fuck is this. I used to watch his videos, he was shooting together with his girlfriend. This is some crazy shit. People are out of control.
Pretty wild story. She kicked him out, he installs a listening device in their kids iPad and then murders her and her new man. I’m not condoning his actions but I almost feel for the guy.


Gold Member
Care in the community. Those people always existed, they were just in institutions where you didn't see them. What happened over time was that the bar for how seriously mentally ill you could be and not be sectioned kept on dropping. So now you have unmedicated paranoid schizophrenics wandering around and occasionally stabbing people. You used to only see them in big cities, but as you have found they eventually end up all over the place.

All part of the reason I left the UK and have no intention of ever going back.
About two hours after making my post it hit me like a brick that this was the cause, you're right. And I remember when it came about.

Violent crimes have been decreasing for centuries globally. It went up during the pandemic for obvious reasons. As if men killing their wives was anything new in the history of humanity. Something wrong in the air? Fucking lol. What’s next? Gay frogs from the water?
I meant weirdness in general has gone up, and Trimesh stated the very reason..

And did you just assume those frogs were gay? They could be Bi or just practising trans with they/them pronouns, lets not get carried away here.


Sympathize with the victims, empathize with the killer.

Been looking down that barrel myself (figuratively, they don't hand out guns willy nilly where I'm from). Doesn't sound like cold blooded murder to me (we can't say either way for certain from that article).

Hope he has to repent for a very long time though. I don't nessecaraly want to see him punished but treated humanly or even rehabilitated.

(You can mock about being an incel all you want, but being rock bottom being waved off as being incel..? Detrimentally low effort and dismissive in my eyes)
You are, though. You read an article about two people being killed and you say dumb shit like "empathizing with the killer" and "it doesn't seem like cold blooded murder" even though they were seperated, and he bugged his kids ipad so he could listen in. He broke into the house, vandalized it, and then came back later and put three bullets in the guys head and shot his, soon to be ex, in the forehead. It was 100% premeditated, cold blooded murder, and only an incel would be twisting themselves in knots to try and make this story about anything other than a controlling, abusive piece of shit who just executed two people because his woman had the nerve to leave him.

You literally hate women. If this is garbage you are posting god knows what kind of sickness you actually think.
Pretty wild story. She kicked him out, he installs a listening device in their kids iPad and then murders her and her new man. I’m not condoning his actions but I almost feel for the guy.
Anything said before the but doesn't matter.

What is with all the incels on this thread?


Gold Member
You are, though. You read an article about two people being killed and you say dumb shit like "empathizing with the killer" and "it doesn't seem like cold blooded murder" even though they were seperated, and he bugged his kids ipad so he could listen in. He broke into the house, vandalized it, and then came back later and put three bullets in the guys head and shot his, soon to be ex, in the forehead. It was 100% premeditated, cold blooded murder, and only an incel would be twisting themselves in knots to try and make this story about anything other than a controlling, abusive piece of shit who just executed two people because his woman had the nerve to leave him.

You literally hate women. If this is garbage you are posting god knows what kind of sickness you actually think.

Anything said before the but doesn't matter.

What is with all the incels on this thread?
This thread should be locked. People empathising with controlling wife killers is the last thing you want to know that exists on GAF.


This thread should be locked. People empathising with controlling wife killers is the last thing you want to know that exists on GAF.
Why should it be locked then? If the dude said something which is against the rules or mods don't like it'll get removed anyways or he gets banned

"oh nooo the outrage!"


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I didnt read the whole thread but a couple simple jokes seem to have gotten out of hand

Innocent until proven guilty
Murder is almost never justified
Tiktok and gaming have nothing to do with this.
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