Slitterhead launches November 8 for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, and PC


Gold Member
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Not what I expected at all from this game or studio - so it's nice to be surprised.

So you're some alien who creates and controls a hivemind of humans, and you use them to fight other aliens? Honestly I respect trying to do something different in games.

BUT those animations across the board, in and out of combat are stiff as hell. It should be delayed.
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looks budget as hell.

but much better than their announcement trailer.

Don't know if it's something i'd play though, looks kind of poor action wise, but the aesthetic is good, it looks like the type of vibe that ghostwire tokyo should have gone for to be honest.

The Fartist

Gold Member


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
concept seems unique.
Im ok with the visuals.

But what is going on with the animations?
looks like it was made by inexperienced indie studio, even a DREAMS game animation is better.


I love the vibe and aesthetic. Really don't know how to feel about combat and gameplay, which is a shame. But I'm certainly not just straight up writing it off just yet.
The Toyama game that was supposed to be at the summer game fest?

Looks interesting, concept wise, jumping to different bodies, but the animations are really bad.


Looks weird in a good way.

But man, still cross gen. We're in 2024 my guy, those prev gen consoles is tech from 2012. (It's when they had to lock the hardware). And weak CPU's at that. Let alone 12 years later.


Reseterror Resettler
Unless you're like Kojima, this is the trade off for unique or risky concepts: a tight budgetary leash. Want super tight animations and visuals? You'll most probably find those in the most samey safe "hit many nails with a wide hammer," AAA games.

The benefit though, is the gamble on mainstream success. If it's unique and good enough, it's likely to become a mainstream genre basically overnight like Soulsborne titles. Demon's Souls was initially enough of a system shock to the established "rules," of contemporary games that basically everyone threw their hat in the ring and now there's so much choice in titles that pay homage or incorporate elements of that genre.

I support it.

Hunter 99

The enemies kinda look very samey to me and the gameplay wasn't what I looks strange in a good way but I was thinking more survival horror but looks like a comedy action horror with lots of different super powers..hmm not sure about it.


But man, still cross gen. We're in 2024 my guy, those prev gen consoles is tech from 2012. (It's when they had to lock the hardware). And weak CPU's at that. Let alone 12 years later.

It would not have looked better if it had skipped PS4. This is the budget and tech and design style they're working with.

Not the tone I was expecting from the original teaser trailer. It's like Beatlejuice fucked The Thing with Ghostwire watching from a chair in the room.

The original concept trailer was weirdly stylized and not "realistic" like the current trailer, but they actually showed gameplay last year that gave a clue where they were taking it gameplay-wise.

Yeah, Im good.

Not at all what I wanted from the man who created Siren.

Combat-wise, maybe not, but Siren specifically was an extremely janky experience imo in either form; way more ideas than polished execution. Even Gravity Daze never clicked for me, I enjoy the idea but the play mechanics felt obtuse and arbitrary (albeit I have only played a level or two of each. )

I expected more of a graphic style abstraction, but as far as gameplay, this does not seem shockingly out of character to me.
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I totally missed this video last year. :messenger_confounded:

I think most people did.

I saw it, but still didn't really take it as being the thrust of the game. I think I thought of it as like boss combat or encounter techniques but still assumed it would be survival horror rather than a horror-tinged hero action game?
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If this is what Japan Studio was cooking before its closure then maybe Sony was right. I have no idea what kind of game I'm looking at at all.

We'll see when it's actually released, but I predict this will be an hourlong youtube video in 2 years.
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