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Sly and Arnold has no plans to retire, and they apparently invented the action genre

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"...Arnold and I invented it,’ declares Stallone. ‘I’m serious. People go: “You’re egotistical.” No, we invented it. We came up with the idea of wall-to-wall action from the moment you got there. You knew you were in for a roller coaster. We stumbled upon something. The audience responded to it. It was man against man. That’s why we do it and we still do it because it’s in our blood."

Stallone concedes that what cinemagoers want has changed even if they haven’t. But with the popularity of The Expendables films, it seems the hunger for old-fashioned action flicks might be re-emerging.

"The audience today has become more appreciative of the artistry of technology," says Stallone. ‘Our genre is somewhat a thing of the past that we continue to do but eventually maybe history repeats itself and it’ll come around.

‘These other films [such as The Avengers] are so expensive. If they don’t work, the studios are in trouble. Ours, if they don’t work, well, they’ll at least break even.’

Despite their ages, they continue to hone their bodies. ‘I work out like I always do every day and I get to the set well-rehearsed so I can do the scenes,’ says Schwarzenegger, a former Mr Universe and seven-times Mr Olympia.

‘I did that when I was 30 and I’m doing it now. But if someone asks me to jump from a tree and land in boxes, I let the stunt guy do that because if I miss them, I’m in deep trouble.’

Stallone chips in: ‘I’ve had 11 operations but that comes with the territory. We have joint problems because of all the years of bodybuilding but our muscles are very strong. How you register how old you are is how old your body is. We’ve been tested and we are about 25 years behind the curve. This is what I keep telling my wife: “You know we’re about the same age now.”’

So, how long can they go on for? Neither seems in a hurry to call it a day.

‘We are anomalies because no one in film history has continued to do action films past 55,’ says Stallone. ‘We are a different breed.’

‘You do your work until you can’t do it any more,’ Schwarzenegger adds. ‘When you find something you love to do, ask yourself the question: “Why would I now stop doing it?”’

‘I think we can go on until the audience goes: “Urgh, God they’re so ugly to look at,”’ says Stallone. ‘We could definitely go on into our seventies for sure.’



‘I think we can go on until the audience goes: “Urgh, God they’re so ugly to look at,”’ says Stallone.


Jokes aside, I agree with the sentiment over people wanting those '80s style action movies, I uh, just don't think the expendables fill that roll very well. They need to hire a real writer or something because Expendables 2 was really hard to even sit through due to how bad (bad bad, not Commando bad) the dialog was.


They popularized action movies in the 80s, big muscular dude mowing down people.

Previous action stars like Charles Bronson never looked like Arnie or Sly. But not sure if they invented the genre, just changed it a bit

Jokes aside, I agree with the sentiment over people wanting those '80s style action movies, I uh, just don't think the expendables fill that roll very well. They need to hire a real writer or something because Expendables 2 was really hard to even sit through due to how bad (bad bad, not Commando bad) the dialog was.

Well the thing that most people seem to not know is that the 80s action films were fucking awesome because they often had awesome writers and directors behind them, in combination with the on-screen presence of somebody like Schwarzenegger - who, if we're being completely honest, was a much better action hero than Stallone.


Stallone's Rambo is every gun nuts titular fantasy, the macho tough man with a license to wield an M60 like a school cane.


I would say the "action genre" was invented by the old serials of the 1920s. Lots of action, ridiculous story, over the top stunts (and acting), high body count.

Even if you mean '80s style, I think some of the James Bond movies touched on that long before, and then movies like Where Eagles Dare and the Dirty Dozen (and countless others from that era)


sparkle this bitch
Well the thing that most people seem to not know is that the 80s action films were fucking awesome because they often had awesome writers and directors behind them, in combination with the on-screen presence of somebody like Schwarzenegger - who, if we're being completely honest, was a much better action hero than Stallone.

We need the likes of Cameron, McTiernan, Verhoeven more than the stars to return.


‘We are anomalies because no one in film history has continued to do action films past 55’



They didn't invent the action genre but I guess they were the ones to help pioneer the larger-than-life, muscles-galore action star popularity in films (moreso Schwarzenegger stemming from his bodybuilding days).

Personally it's their golden days that were the 'golden age of action cinema'. I enjoy action films in this modern era but Arnie, Stallone, etc. films will always stand out the most for me. It's what I grew up with of course.

Who gives a shit about semantics though, they're among the greatest action heroes to have ever played the game. I still find enjoyment in their new stuff, so I wouldn't like to see them retire anytime soon.


Don't they dislike each other or something?

Stallone was pissed Bruce wanted more money for Expendables 3 so Bruce was dropped. Stallone then said recently that they're still friends (at least he regards Bruce as a friend still) and he was wrong to call Bruce out in public (he did so on Twitter without naming names but everyone knew who he was referring to).

Something along those lines anyway.
What's Steven E. de Souza up to these days? Why don't they get a guy like him to write them an action flick?

Even better, what about Shane Black?
“Why would I now stop doing it?”
It's sad he doesn't realize it's not that same any more when they're old. I love the 90s and 90s action flicks but couldn't really get into the new ones like Last Stand and Bullet in the Head. Could be because of the horrible scripts though. It's really been a while since we had a well written action movie.

Endo Punk

Well they sort of did, a machoism subculutre of the genre. Of course these guys are a genre in their own right. Ive grown up with their movies and as much as I'd like for them to give up I'll of course continue watching the action films as long as they pump them out.

I do agree the action films of the 80s had good directors behind them which you don't really see today. Then again Sly is perfectly capable of directing a great action film, wouldn't mind if he revisits Rambo once more. And I'll definitely be checking out Escape Plan this week, heard pretty good things.

edit: Rambo and Matrix film needs to happen!
I would say the "action genre" was invented by the old serials of the 1920s. Lots of action, ridiculous story, over the top stunts (and acting), high body count.

Even if you mean '80s style, I think some of the James Bond movies touched on that long before, and then movies like Where Eagles Dare and the Dirty Dozen (and countless others from that era)

Lot of those movies like Bond were not walls to the walls action packed. You would have a big action climax or scene or two, but not like the ridiculousness of non stop macho action of the 80's films.


Escape Plan was pretty awesome. Arnold and Stallone might not have actually invented the action genre, but they certainly were part of the type of action I love seeing.
Yup, I enjoyed it a lot. Arnie especially was great.

Looking forward to seeing Arnie in Ten and Maggie when they come out.

Escape Plan and Bullet to the Head were decent action films that no one sadly went to see. But they are depending on nostalgia to bring people into the theaters, the current gen of movie goers just has no idea or cares about Arnold and Sly. These lower budget action flicks with no current stars are not going to fill seats.


I will go see Arnold and Sly movies until the day I day or they do.

Give zero fucks if the movie gets bad reviews and the movie bombs.

I grew up watching these motherfuckers.

They are my heroes.
Sly and Arnie need to realize they are both almost fucking 70. They aren't going to last much longer. They really need to start doing some more personal shit instead of doing Box Office bombs that are not that great.

They don't need to retire from action movies. Just stop starring in them. Start taking supporting roles or some shit, or stick to directing.

Then again, Arnie is pretty fucked without his muscles. Stallone has talent as a writer, director and actor. Arnie only has charisma that has only ever worked in an action setting.
Sly and Arnie need to realize they are both almost fucking 70. They aren't going to last much longer. They really need to start doing some more personal shit instead of doing Box Office bombs that are not that great.

They don't need to retire from action movies. Just stop starring in them. Start taking supporting roles or some shit, or stick to directing.

Maybe they enjoy it? Shit when I'm 70 I hope I can still do what I love doing.


‘I’m serious. People go: “You’re egotistical.” No, we invented it. We came up with the idea of wall-to-wall action from the moment you got there.

Sam Peckinpah would like a fucking word or two.
Would say they invented the one liner action genre.

Too bad there arent writers in Hollywood anymore that could make these guys shine one more time.

Last Stand was unbelievably mediocre.


Love some of their movies, can go either way on some of their movies, but going into their seventies... I dunno, they're not Bolo.
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