So Alicia is now dead, how convenient. One thing I hate about Smallville is how much development the minor chracters get (i.e. none). I mean, what the fuck? Clark supposedly fell in love with her? When the fuck did this happen? Inbetween the period of time she tried to kill Lana and the time she used red kryptonite on him...? Seriously, give the girl a few more episodes so that the audience can actually get to know her (and her relationship with Clark) before you hang her from a wooden beam. While I'm on the subject, why the hell didn't she teleport away; oh yeah, I know, its because people occasionally forget their abilities on this show like Lana and her kung-fu... Atleast Chloe now knows Clark's secret (thanks yet again to the now dead psycho-girl), so hopefully that progresses the series to a more watchable level. Yet, somehow I know judging from previous episodes where major events happened that next week's episode will have all the main characters mysteriously forgetting the events that happened in this episode. Such is Smallville. Atleast Louis Lane is back. She's hot and I know the writers won't kill her off.