Ok, it seems like the audience for Smallville here is dwindling, but I'm sure at least some of you had to have been watching. To summarize for those who didn't: Villain of the week is some freak who was also the photographer for The Torch. After having been rejected from every college he applied for, he goes insane and tries to create a perpetual high school, where he collects people from the real high school and forces them to do high school stuff, or else he uses his power - the ability to sort of "freeze" someone indefinitely by touch. Some of the people he kidnaps are Clark's friends, so obviously you know it's on. As far as side stories, it looks like Jason's mother didn't take that threat from Lionel last week very well, and she and Jason abduct both Lex and Lionel.
Spoilers just in case:
Spoilers just in case:
I know one of the paradigms of TV is that everything should be back to normal by the end of the episode, but did anyone find it really creepy how Chloe saw one of her classmates having been decapitated while frozen, and her head smashed onto the floor right in front of her, yet by the end of the episode, she seems to not care about it at all? Lana didn't seem to effected after having seen an entire body smashed upon the floor either. I guess it's sort of the Redshirt Syndrome.