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SMT3 GET! - Official SMT3 impressions thread


Running off of Custom Firmware
Mine's shipped and should arrive sometime early next week. Does it come with a bonus or a soundtrack or something? Edit - Fuhget it. Soundtrack it is.


Junior Ace
RevenantKioku said:
Well I went and pissed off the manager at Gamestop.
"Hi, did you get your shipment."
"No, still not in."
"Okay, I'd like to cancel my pre-order then."
"But we'll get it in soon."
"Sorry but I'm busy and other stores have it."
<to the other co-worker> "Boy he's being mean to us."
"I don't want to hear that crap. Give me my money back."
"But its UPS's fault, not ours."
"I know. Its not your fault. I don't care. Give me my money back."

Got my money and went to EB.
I wouldn't have flown off the handle if she hadn't given me that "Boy he's being mean." I was being rather civil.
Oh well, time to play.

Where's this, Marketplace Mall?


Drunky McMurder
I can honestly say I would have never thought I would string these words together, but(small spoiler on an enemy's apperance...physical apperance, not when or where it appears in the game)
I hate that damned grim reaper in a matador costume.


Noooo! I underestimated the damage I'd take from poison, and lost about 40 minutes of progress! And the terminal was right freaking there! Agh!
Has anyone been cursed yet? I heard the warnings from some NPCs, but I haven't been cursed once and I've hit level 24.

And one more thing I didn't realize (concerning fusion)
It can fuck up! I had two 16-18s fusing into something, I don't remember now, and I threw in a sacrifice, and then they just pumped out a level 11 angel! The only difference was she had two extra elemental spells! I hadn't saved in a while, so I was stuck with her. Although I got a Jack Frost, put a level or two into the bitches and did one fusion with my Uzume to get a level 24 Kikuri-Hime, and then did a sacrifice-fusion and got another level 20 Uzume, who's a bit better than my first. The Kikuri-Hime though is just chock full of sweet spells.


Here's the best tip I could ever give on the game based on my experiences:


Once you get a monkey keep it the whole game and keep leveling up its forms. Best character in my party by the final boss.


Bebpo said:

Once you get a monkey keep it the whole game and keep leveling up its forms. Best character in my party by the final boss.
dude, what were the names of the forms? =)

the demon names are mostly the same in the US version. can you remember?

actually, i just made this monkey dude tonight, and i was wondering if this was it? it says in the FAQ that he can mutate twice:

Yoma Ongkot --> Genma Hanuman --> Hakaishin Seitentaisei

that it? i'll start using him, if so.
Spent nearly 8 hours on this today. Oy!

I'm pretty amazed by how similar it is to the previous games. I wasn't expecting it to be so faithful for some reason. Just used to so many DECADES IN THE MAKING sequels making major overhauls, I guess. This is so old timey, and it's awesome. I flipped when I saw the SMT style world map (again, not sure what I was expecting, but I was surprised for some reason), and hearing the remix of Funk Luv Theme From SMT1 when I got to Ginza made me all nostalgic. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to get nostalgic for a 12 year old game I never played until a few years ago, but it was pretty neat. Duneons/settings are just like the old ones, too.

The combat's perfect. Every RPG should move this fast, and the whole weakness/miss system makes what's pretty much otherwise totally vanilla turn based stuff feel real fresh. Difficulty's great, too. I've died around 4 or 5 times so far, which has been kinda cool rather than frustrating. Not enough Game Over screens in modern RPGs.

Some of the battle music sounds strange to me, though. All the stuff with guitars sounds like some bad mp3 rip. Maybe it's my tv, or maybe it's cuz I'm sick. But I popped in the soundtrack CD to compare and they sounded fine on there. Probably just more tilde-style retardation on my part.

The game is also sooo Pokemon. I'd forgotten all about that. Right now I've got that Snuffleupagus thing, that Okami gone daschund thing, and that fairy from the beginning the game that I've leveled up like mad. Does that demon you run into at the fairy construction site with the giant cock ever join? And does his cock grow as you level his forms? Cuz that would be great.
ferr sent my copy out Friday and it's NOT HERE YET!! :( :( :(

I better clean up my apartment and do some errands ASAP, cause I'm goin' into my special Gaming Fugue Stage once this bad boy hits.


ferricide said:
dude, what were the names of the forms? =)

the demon names are mostly the same in the US version. can you remember?

actually, i just made this monkey dude tonight, and i was wondering if this was it? it says in the FAQ that he can mutate twice:

Yoma Ongkot --> Genma Hanuman --> Hakaishin Seitentaisei

that it? i'll start using him, if so.

Don't remember names but he's the monkey whose looks like a normal small monkey with a sword. The names do sound familiar though so I think he's that one. Anyway's his final form looks awesome and blocks all physical attacks while having an extremely strong all-enemy physical attack :)
Rummy Bunnz said:
Some of the battle music sounds strange to me, though. All the stuff with guitars sounds like some bad mp3 rip.
I've noticed this too, and it happens with all of the battle music and the level-up theme. It's strange, because I haven't seen any mention of it outside of your post. It made me wonder if my PS2's model had anything to do with it (I've got an old Japanese SCPH-15000).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, the battle music sounds very compressed. Quite disappointing, really, but not a huge deal.
It could be the speed at which the music streams. I'm playing mine on the super-loader PSTwo and I never ever have even seen a load time, the music compression artifacts, jitters, stilts, or slowdown I've heard about from others who, admittedly, have old PS2s that are on their last legs.


Unconfirmed Member
keeblerdrow said:
It could be the speed at which the music streams. I'm playing mine on the super-loader PSTwo and I never ever have even seen a load time, the music compression artifacts, jitters, stilts, or slowdown I've heard about from others who, admittedly, have old PS2s that are on their last legs.
I haven't played all that much yet, but I haven't seen any of those problems, and my PS2 is a launch unit.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
keeblerdrow said:
It could be the speed at which the music streams. I'm playing mine on the super-loader PSTwo and I never ever have even seen a load time, the music compression artifacts, jitters, stilts, or slowdown I've heard about from others who, admittedly, have old PS2s that are on their last legs.

No, I don't think it's a PS2 problem. My PS2 is very new and the game runs flawlessly. The music sounds fine in every other situation as well, it's just poor compression. It's sounds the same way in the videos on the net, but I assumed that it really was just poor video compression...but it actually was accurate.

The songs are playing properly, the quality just isn't too terribly high.

It's one of the few PS2 RPGs with actual streamed audio, though. The only other RPG I can think of is Star Ocean 3, but that had very high quality sound (hence the two discs). All of the other RPGs use sequenced audio (including the recent Shadow Hearts 2).


Musashi Wins! said:
So for those who are now experiencing both, how do you think it compares to Shadow Hearts: Covenant?
apples and oranges, really. i gave them both 8s. =P

SMT is a dark, atmospheric, slow and methodical game. positive features are the visuals (the designs of the demons and the environments are amazingly distinctive and awesome) ... the unusual story, and the demon fusion system (and how that plays into the battle system.)

SHC on the other hand is a very excellent attempt at an FF style RPG with an usual setting, interesting/funny story and cool characters. battle system has some interesting ideas, and there's tons of crap to do.

really depends on what you want.

Musashi Wins!

ferricide said:
apples and oranges, really. i gave them both 8s. =P

SMT is a dark, atmospheric, slow and methodical game. positive features are the visuals (the designs of the demons and the environments are amazingly distinctive and awesome) ... the unusual story, and the demon fusion system (and how that plays into the battle system.)

SHC on the other hand is a very excellent attempt at an FF style RPG with an usual setting, interesting/funny story and cool characters. battle system has some interesting ideas, and there's tons of crap to do.

really depends on what you want.

You give all rpg's an 8, nutt. j/k, I'm just curious...I'm forcing myself to be done with SH before beginning SMT. I'm glad to hear it's apple and oranges. I'm just so shocked at how good SH is. The art style in SMT looks amazing.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm in absolute love with this game so far, Paper Mario has been shelved since its arrival, and SH:C....practically still in shrinkwrap :sigh:

Out of curiosity, what was that SMT Nine(?) game that came out for Xbox some time ago in Japan? Related in any way to the core franchise, a side story like Persona or DDS?
Brandon F said:
Out of curiosity, what was that SMT Nine(?) game that came out for Xbox some time ago in Japan? Related in any way to the core franchise, a side story like Persona or DDS?

It's story doesn't connect to the core series. It was meant to be a spinoff since it was going to be online for the Xbox.


Picked it up last night but haven't played it yet. Going to be sitting in Shrinkwrap for awhile heh.


Am I the only one that's bothered that all of the NPCs in the game just stand there and wait for you to talk to them? It's especially sad going into a club or a bar, and there's nothing going on. It ruins the game's otherwise stellar atmosphere. Being a demon must be awfully boring.
This game is a treat! I'm so glad it's so faithful to the series - gameplay, atmosphere, conversation styles, world. Free control is a little weird for me, so I like to use the hold-circle control...keeping my turns 90 degrees preserves the feel a lot better. Everything feels like SMT1 (especially) and SMT2, but 3D and fleshed-out and beautiful. I don't mind the lack of guns/equipment/COMP, because it makes sense, as your character is a demon and demons never could use equipment in this series. The magatama are a neat way of providing customization that keeps your player feeling like a demon. I really like the way demons now have speaking skills, and how in conversations each demon has its own (better-defined) personality and interacts with different demons in different ways. They've made everything I liked from SMT1 deeper, easier to use, and more fun.

I'd almost forgotten what I've been waiting for since the Japanese SMT3 was released, but I've been fully reminded and I'm very pleased. :) I'm that much more tempted to get a PStwo just to fix the battle music.


SMT: N >>>>>>>>>>> SH: C (overrated, imo) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SO3


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm that much more tempted to get a PStwo just to fix the battle music.

I can't imagine that it will change anything...

Why on earth would the battle music only function on the PSTwo? That's just a stupid idea...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
adelgary said:
I heard that the American version was censored, they removed the big penis on the Incubus demon.... USA, NO WANG FOR YOU


There was a demon in Yoyogi park that seemed to have some sort of large...errr...wang. :p
dark10x said:
I can't imagine that it will change anything...

Why on earth would the battle music only function on the PSTwo? That's just a stupid idea...
No, I'm saying that the fact that my PS2 is old is the most likely indicator of where the problem is. I'm sure the music works on most PS2s, and I'd be more likely to buy a PStwo than an older model right now.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jiji said:
No, I'm saying that the fact that my PS2 is old is the most likely indicator of where the problem is. I'm sure the music works on most PS2s, and I'd be more likely to buy a PStwo than an older model right now.

Well, what is your problem then? If the music simply sounds downsampled, a PSTwo isn't going to fix that...

The music is simply muffled. That's all there is to it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jiji said:
The music isn't muffled for everybody. See keeblerdrow's posts in this thread.

Yeah, but come on...

Not everybody judges sound quality in the same way. You can play a single song back for 10 people and they may have totally different opinions on the quality.


dark10x said:
Yeah, but come on...

Not everybody judges sound quality in the same way. You can play a single song back for 10 people and they may have totally different opinions on the quality.

Yeah, for example, I have no idea what you guys are talking about with the sound. Sounds fine to me.


honestly i think it's just the way the song was recorded. to sound like muffled shouting and distorted guitar. some of the battle musics (the one inside the kalpa, for example) are nice and clear. i'd put it down to a stylistic thing and just move on with life. =)
ferricide said:
honestly i think it's just the way the song was recorded. to sound like muffled shouting and distorted guitar. some of the battle musics (the one inside the kalpa, for example) are nice and clear. i'd put it down to a stylistic thing and just move on with life. =)
I've spoken to a few more people and I'm pretty convinced that it's normal. It's no big thing at all - it just would have bugged me more if that wasn't how it was intended to sound. :)
I've just hit the 17 hour mark in this game and I am loving it to DEATH. I can't think of one major complaint I have of the game and only one little minor one. For someone like me who likes to bitch, that's pretty impressive.

My protagonist, Hiro Odegame, is at level 26 right now and I have a 6 demons in my stock, the lowest level of which is my lvl 19 Jack Frost. Jack Frost is a muthafucker. Straight up. I'm loving this game and it hasn't even let up for a second. When I shut off the PS2, it was right after having seen the creepy Mario 3-esque stage scene again with our favorite couple. I think I'm far too high of a level to be where I am.

Anyone have any tips on must-haves for skills for the protagonist? I don't want to miss any truly good ones.
I died against Thor three times. And then I got killed by Dante three times, with the first battle lasting only one turn. I cast Taunt on him like an idiot. His turn came up, he did that multi-strike attack, every hit was a Critical, and it just lead to this massive wave of death. It was awesome.

I think I'm around 25 currently. I've made my guy into a magic user for the most part, and my demons are all big ugly things that hit hard. Earlier I was more of a melee guy with a Girl Power party. I'm having more fun with the uggos.

Musashi Wins! said:
So for those who are now experiencing both, how do you think it compares to Shadow Hearts: Covenant?
I was kinda digging SH:C, but I can't go back to it now. It's too slow, and feels very b-list in comparison. All those long, stupid custcenes with unskippable dialogue. And its "wackiness" just came across as real awkward and forced. I liked the battle system and all that, but dealing with everything else just made it hard for me to play it in anything other than short bursts. There's very little getting in the way of the game with SMT, and that's the way I like my RPGs. SH:C's a nice little bit of FF-lite, and I can see how people would really like it, but SMT outclasses it in every way.

ferricide said:
honestly i think it's just the way the song was recorded. to sound like muffled shouting and distorted guitar. some of the battle musics (the one inside the kalpa, for example) are nice and clear. i'd put it down to a stylistic thing and just move on with life. =)
I initially thought it was a stylistic choice, but the tracks with guitar on the soundtrack CD sound much cleaner. Don't think it's an issue with the PS2 hardware or anything, though. Just the way it is, I guess. No big deal.

Yusaku said:
Am I the only one that's bothered that all of the NPCs in the game just stand there and wait for you to talk to them? It's especially sad going into a club or a bar, and there's nothing going on. It ruins the game's otherwise stellar atmosphere. Being a demon must be awfully boring.
I hate chasing around NPCs to talk to them. I don't mind sacrificing immersion for convenience. But yeah, it does look weird. At least it's better than SMT1. In that you couldn't see other people from a distance. You'd just be walking along and they'd pop up out of nowhere.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ferricide said:
honestly i think it's just the way the song was recorded. to sound like muffled shouting and distorted guitar. some of the battle musics (the one inside the kalpa, for example) are nice and clear. i'd put it down to a stylistic thing and just move on with life. =)

Well, I had heard the complete soundtrack prior to playing the game...and the versions present on the OST are perfect sounding. :)


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
adelgary said:
I heard that the American version was censored, they removed the big penis on the Incubus demon.... USA, NO WANG FOR YOU

The giant pink and black striped wang is INTACT... OMG 100% CONFIRMED

I gotta say, there sure are a lot of random battles in this game, but they do it right.

1. There's no discernable load times at all. Half the frustration of random battles can be from them taking too long to load (see DC Skies of Arcadia).
2. You have the detection meter thingy that gradually turns red as a battle is imminent. It really diffuses the frustration factor since you are able to anticipate it and can heal or what not if you have to.
3. The Auto feature lets things resolve superfast if you want them to, especially against super weak enemies. This way, battles against low-level weenies are only minor nuisances that clock in at a few seconds.
4. For all other battles, you have to use alignment strategies to maximize speed and minimize damage. Against the weak, no strategy is needed and things go very quickly, and really unless you're backtracking you won't face the weak very often. Against the middling, you still need to plan or else you will waste needed HP/MP for later battles. Against the strong, you really need to plan or you are toast.

The battle system design keeps the level of frustration down and mantains a good level of mental engagement. That equals solid RPG gameplay.


I got lucky to get my copy on Friday since I did not preorder. Went over to my local Gamestop right after work, and they had just got the shipment in. I had to wait for about 15mins for them to unpack it and get it ready for the shelves. It turned out they only had two extra copies, one for me and the other game who was also waiting for it.

That all said the game simply rocks, by far the best RPG yet for the PS2.


Bebpo said:
Don't remember names but he's the monkey whose looks like a normal small monkey with a sword. The names do sound familiar though so I think he's that one. Anyway's his final form looks awesome and blocks all physical attacks while having an extremely strong all-enemy physical attack :)
yeah, this is the one you were talking about. i just checked the guide. start with yoma onkot (lv. 37) guys! according to bebpo, anyway. =)
Pedigree Chum said:
This game has some of the best art ever, maybe even the best.
Someone just told me it was the ugliest cel shading they've ever seen. And that the only RPG they could think of with worse art was Legaia 2.


Anyone know of any sites with lots of Kaneko art? Google is givin' me nuthin', and I remember someone linking to a bunch of hott Persona 2 pixx back on the old forum.


Rummy Bunnz said:
Someone just told me it was the ugliest cel shading they've ever seen. And that the only RPG they could think of with worse art was Legaia 2.
were his brains actually leaking out of his ears while he was talking to you or already pooled on his shoulders, dripping down his shirt?

Rummy Bunnz said:
Anyone know of any sites with lots of Kaneko art? Google is givin' me nuthin', and I remember someone linking to a bunch of hott Persona 2 pixx back on the old forum.
i was going to suggest this super awesome book i picked up in japan but it's not even on amazon.co.jp. jesus.

googling his name in japanese is not giving me a lot of love. japanese people never scan shit and post it anyway, but i was hoping for something interesting. for some reason it's resulting in a lot of .tw hits, too. meh.
Rummy Bunnz said:
Anyone know of any sites with lots of Kaneko art? Google is givin' me nuthin', and I remember someone linking to a bunch of hott Persona 2 pixx back on the old forum.

Here's some:



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