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Smurf: Rescue at Gargamel's Castle


Thanks to this purchase:


(In mint condition too)

I now rule at this:


Frig doom, I'm all about Colecovision Smurf now.



Those gorgeous graphics made my Intellivision-owning jaw fall, at the time.
But at least my games looked better than the 2600 ones!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
This was probably the first game I ever beat. Its a really short game but I used to play it along with Donkey Kong all the time (I was like 3). It goes something like this:

1. Leave Smurf house, jump over fence.
2. Walk through the field, jump over the patches of grass.
3. Enter a cave. Jump over some stuff and leave.
4. Walk through another field and jump over a stream.
5. Enter Gargamel's castle.
6. Walk through the castle and avoid the spiders.
7. When you reach Gargamel jump onto the table then jump again to save Smurfette.

I still have my Colecovision in my closet somewhere too.

Super mario bros was HEAVILY influenced by this game. Gargamel's castle = Bowsers Castle. The game was on a loop too, kind of like Mario Bros repeating castles. My cousin used to have it, it rocked.


Steroid Distributor
JC10001 said:
This was probably the first game I ever beat. Its a really short game but I used to play it along with Donkey Kong all the time (I was like 3). It goes something like this:

1. Leave Smurf house, jump over fence.
2. Walk through the field, jump over the patches of grass.
3. Enter a cave. Jump over some stuff and leave.
4. Walk through another field and jump over a stream.
5. Enter Gargamel's castle.
6. Walk through the castle and avoid the spiders.
7. When you reach Gargamel jump onto the table then jump again to save Smurfette.

That was it??? I never even knew I had finished the game. LoL. Did it get harder as you progressed or was that it? I can't remember and I haven't plugged my coleco in for ages.


Oh it got harder! The addition of more fences, spiders... and the introduction of bats!!!

Man that was a sweet game. Forget Halo 2 or Prime 2, I want Return to Gargamel's Castle!


Thanks a lot! I just had to click on this thread due to "Smurf" being in the title.

edit: I seem to recall there also being a SNES smurf game released in PAL. graphics looked good.
Somebody should make a Colecovision Anthology collection.

And somehow get that super awesome Smurf game in it.

Anyone remember the commerical for the Smurf game, with the father and his kids? I think the kids teach Dad how to play, and Dad gets hooked.


Junior Ace
Senretsu said:
Thanks a lot! I just had to click on this thread due to "Smurf" being in the title.

edit: I seem to recall there also being a SNES smurf game released in PAL. graphics looked good.

There was a PSone Smurfs game, too.
Smurf was the 2nd game I ever owned. The day we bought the Colecovision we hooked it up and I tried to play Donkey Kong with my brother. I kept getting killed by the barrels and couldn't time the jump. I cried my eyes out and got my mother to let me go back to the store with my cousin to pick up Smurf. We returned with it later and enjoyed much smurfing. The next day I woke up early in the morning and played Donkey Kong with much better success.

Smurf was where I learnt jumping skills that have lasted my gaming career!


Unconfirmed Member
I will never forget the day I bought a Colecovision & Smurfs, I returned home to find my idiotic step-brother had set fire to to one of the family dogs. (It was a pekinese & had a fabric dogs bed, he put it up on the cooker "out of harms way" for fear of treading on it, forgetting the fact that the cooker was on.)

Smurfs was the only game I ever managed to get for it, and subsequently was an expensive & regrettable purchase all around.

I now smell burning dog whenever I see a Smurf.

*goes to get the air freshener*
Yeah the Colecovision was the shit. I actually had rare-ass games for it too, that I won on the Starcade spinoff "The Video Game" - Tapper, Spy Hunter... some other ones too.

I miss those days of staying up all night and bugging out 'cause you flipped the score over.

There's this one game you gotta get... I think it's called "World War" or something like that... it's like a top down Missile Command with some RTS elements. And Cosmic Avenger, that was a great game as well.


That is actually a pretty good colection of games you got. You have most of the big Coleco titles. I was trying to think what you were missing and the only things that came to mind were Zaxxon and Turbo. Enjoy.

PS: since you already have the colecovision you might as well pick up an ADAM as well so you can play Buck Rogers. Iwill have to bring over my Colecovision so we can link up for some multiplayer Mr.Do.


This game has a famous easter egg. When you reach smurfette jump on the last platform near hear but so that you are facing away from her.

Get ready for some smurf nudity.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Tortfeasor said:
This game has a famous easter egg. When you reach smurfette jump on the last platform near hear but so that you are facing away from her.

Get ready for some smurf nudity.

Thats not really an easter egg. Its a limitation of the hardware.

From IntellivisionLives.com:

The ColecoVision version of Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle was famous at the time due to a hardware limitation of the system. The ColecoVision can only display so many sprites - moving objects - on a horizontal line at one time. Too many, and some of the sprites will start to flicker or will disappear altogether. In this game, you controlled a Smurf that could walk, jump and duck to avoid obstacles in his quest to rescue Smurfette. Because a sprite could only be one color, the Smurf and Smurfette were made up of multiple sprites: hat, hair, body, shoes, etc.

At the end of the game, when your Smurf reached Smurfette, if you hit the "duck" button, your Smurf would bend over, putting his hat on the same horizontal line as Smurfette's dress. Poof! Her dress would disappear, leaving your Smurf bent over in front of a naked-from-the-waist-down Smurfette.

The word at the time was that Coleco was changing the game so that later copies of the cartridge wouldn't let you use the "duck" button in front of Smurfette. We haven't been able to confirm this; all the copies we have work just fine.

Heh. Sounds like Surfette likes to FSUTA.
Actually she takes her dress off if you leave the screen from the left hand side. But that always seemed like a glitch too, transformed into an "infamous easter egg" by imagination and wishful thinking...


Spectral Glider said:
My all time favorite Colecovision game was Tarzan


I used to love this game, even though I had no idea what the object of the game was. I just liked walking around and climbing trees.

Anyway, Smurf was the second video game I've ever played (first was DK of course.) What an awesome game. The cave sections used to scare me.

I also had Smurf Paint N Play Workshop (still do, actually), which was kind of like a primitive Mario Paint for two players.

I see you have Venture. That's my favorite game on the Colecovision. I also recommend Antarctic Adventure and Super Cobra. Squish'em Featuring Sam too, but that one's rare I think.

Anyone ever play Wing War? That was another game I loved to play even though I could never figure out what I was supposed to be doing.

Edit - How bout FORTUNE BUILDER?!? That game was SimCity before SimCity was SimCity. And it was two players! Me and my friend used to just put arcades all over our town, even though it would get the parents all pissed.
Kevyn said:
I used to love this game, even though I had no idea what the object of the game was. I just liked walking around and climbing trees.

Yeah, and I loved punching that stupid ape into the water. Or watching him run around the screen until he fell into one of the traps. Plus, you could press one of the keypad buttons to do the Tarzan yell. Back then, being able to climb trees and jump into the water and swim was just about the most freedom of movement offered in a game. I believe the object was to free all the gorillas. And there was that temple at the end of the game, I remember I used to die there most of the time.

Venture was pretty good. Wing War I think I remember too, my friend had it. He had quite the collection of coleco stuff back in the day, the sports controller, the Turbo module, the 2600 adapter....he always wanted but never got his hands on the track ball though. And another thing, anyone ever try to play Activision's Decathalon with those controllers? That was a new meaning of pain, lol.


wipeout364 said:
That is actually a pretty good colection of games you got. You have most of the big Coleco titles. I was trying to think what you were missing and the only things that came to mind were Zaxxon and Turbo. Enjoy.

PS: since you already have the colecovision you might as well pick up an ADAM as well so you can play Buck Rogers. Iwill have to bring over my Colecovision so we can link up for some multiplayer Mr.Do.

Hah, will do.


You weren't fucking kidding, that system looks like it just got off the assembly line!

One controller is shot though. I'm looking for a couple of these to make it the perfect coleco experience:


Then I'll be set.


Queen of Denmark
I remember my copy (or my Coleco) was glitchy, and so 99% of the time that I played it, I ended up walking through this black void with flickering grass sprites everywhere. Eventually, my Smurf would become a mass of distorted pixels and the game would freeze.

I also remember my favorite game was this 3/4 overhead game where you controlled a ship...Zaxxon, was it? That was lots of fun, and the graphics for the time were mind-blowing.


If you like Smurf, you might also want to check out the game "Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure In The Park". It's a lot like Smurf mixed with some elements of Pitfall (swinging from vines.) Very fun, despite the fact that your character is a damn Cabbage Patch Kid.

What's that game with the blue label next to Ladybug?

Unfortunately, I don't see a Colecovision collection coming anytime soon. Unlike the 2600, where all the best games were made by either Atari or Activision, the CV was pretty much a third-party machine. Venture and Moustrap belong to Exidy. Donkey Kong and DK Jr belong to Nintendo. Ladybug belongs to Universal, etc.

Apparently these guys are going to release some sort of CV collection, but the games on it suck. Gut Buster and Campaign '84? Why bother?


Kevyn said:
If you like Smurf, you might also want to check out the game "Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure In The Park". It's a lot like Smurf mixed with some elements of Pitfall (swinging from vines.) Very fun, despite the fact that your character is a damn Cabbage Patch Kid.

What's that game with the blue label next to Ladybug?

Unfortunately, I don't see a Colecovision collection coming anytime soon. Unlike the 2600, where all the best games were made by either Atari or Activision, the CV was pretty much a third-party machine. Venture and Moustrap belong to Exidy. Donkey Kong and DK Jr belong to Nintendo. Ladybug belongs to Universal, etc.

Apparently these guys are going to release some sort of CV collection, but the games on it suck. Gut Buster and Campaign '84? Why bother?

Not interested in Cabbage patch kids. I just picked up for nostagia, so I'm only looking for my old favs.

The game with the blue label is BC - Quest for tires.



Kevyn said:
Anyone ever play Wing War? That was another game I loved to play even though I could never figure out what I was supposed to be doing.

WING WAR WAS GREAT ! Goreous graphics for its time and i loved the way you had to tap the button to flap the dragon's wings. It was kinda hard at first, but once you got used to it you could fly high and dive into those narrow caves at crazy speed.
I also could never figure what i had to do...i only remember you had to pick 3 or 4 gems (blue, from water, red from lava, yellow from....dunno, white from air) and bring them to your...nest ? and then what ? they became a 'super gem' ? I don't remember :\
You could do the same with eggs, which would grant you an extra life...i remember having to fight a demon in the caves and i remember there were strange creatures appearing in some areas for no apparent reason and with no apparent use. I never understood what triggered their presence.
Can't remember anything else...it was almost 20 years ago i think ?


belgurdo said:
Coleco is dead, right? Or do they make toys now?

According to the Colecovision FAQ on Gamefaqs, they're gone.

Unfortunately, the ColecoVision suffered the same fate as the rest in
the great video game shake-out of 1984. Coleco's unsuccessful bug-ridden
ADAM computer only complicated the problem; running behind schedule, Coleco
is rumored to have used another manufacturer's computer as the Adam
prototype at a CES show while at the same time Adam software was being
developed with the system. Some believe if it wasn't for Coleco's Cabbage
Patch dolls, they would have completely disappeared. Even the Cabbage Patch
dolls couldn't keep Coleco going forever, though; the company went under for
good a few years later. Ironically, Mattel (the producers of Intellivision)
now own the rights to the Cabbage Patch dolls.

Coleco stopped production of the ColecoVision in 1984. Their last few
titles (Illusions, Spy Hunter, Telly Turtle, and Root Beer Tapper) were
barely seen in stores. Soon after that, Telegames bought much of
Coleco's stock and even produced a few titles of their own that didn't
reach the shelves before the shake-out. As recently as 1991 a mail
order electronics store was known to sell ColecoVision motherboards
and joysticks.

When Coleco left the industry they had sold more than 6 million
ColecoVisions in just two years, even with the last year being troubled
by the shake-out. Many in the industry believe if it wasn't for the
videogame crash of '84, that Coleco could have gone through the 80's as
the system of choice, especially with its proposed Super Game Module. It
was clearly beating Atari and Mattel, but just didn't have the installed
base to last out the crash.
Bah, you rich kids and your Colecovisions. I still remember when I finally got my 2600 for Christmas, only to discover that the little creep down the street got the Colecovision with Smurf and Donkey Kong! Even back then I was a late adopter.

Screw all that, at least I had The Empire Strikes Back. I could shoot Snow Walkers for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and.....etc.


Killkernal said:
Bah, you rich kids and your Colecovisions. I still remember when I finally got my 2600 for Christmas, only to discover that the little creep down the street got the Colecovision with Smurf and Donkey Kong! Even back then I was a late adopter.

Screw all that, at least I had The Empire Strikes Back. I could shoot Snow Walkers for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and.....etc.

Well, you know Colecovision had expansion module #1 and #2...
Now i don't remember which one was which---anyway, one of them allowed you to play Atari 2600 cartridges, while the other one was the first racing wheel in the history of consoles, and it was bundled with sega's Turbo. Or maybe it's the other way round. Or maybe not, since it only worked with Turbo anyway.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
RazzleDazzleRB said:
You know wayyy too much about this game. Kind of scary. ;)

That's cause I'm a Colecovision fanboy. :)

And I was wondering when you would start posting again. You know Atari has a collection coming out right? Wanna guess what's on it? Adventure!!!


(more a nerd than a geek)
What is the current status of the Exidy titles? I'd like to see a few more arcade compilations...


wipeout364 said:
PS: since you already have the colecovision you might as well pick up an ADAM as well so you can play Buck Rogers.

You didn't need an adam to play Buck Rogers. Me and my friend use to play it all the time and neither of us had an adam (or even seen one).
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