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So apparently Teamxbox members hate GAF


thatbox said:
Not allowing signatures makes the average GAF poster appear at least four times more intelligent, and anyone average and below should be thanking the administration for that decision.

Good god you have no idea how thankful I am for that.
Crackerman16 said:
I can bash Xbots/Microsoft/X360 all day long and not get banned here...
1 mention of Wiitards/Nintendo/Wii negativity and I get a month ban...
I see tons of Sony bashing daily and only the worst of the worst trolls gets a ban...

GAF's mod bias:

1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Microsoft

You have the power to bend reality too? Cool.
Oh and it's funny Neogaf only have 17 to 18k registered users. TXB has 150k registered users worldwide. And these forums still keeps it's sanity. That says alot and is truly impressive. I think thats why the developers like these forums.
how true is this?


Crackerman16 said:
I can bash Xbots/Microsoft/X360 all day long and not get banned here...
1 mention of Wiitards/Nintendo/Wii negativity and I get a month ban...
I see tons of Sony bashing daily and only the worst of the worst trolls gets a ban...

GAF's mod bias:

1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Microsoft
I smell a rat....

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Segata Sanshiro said:
This is true, but let us instead celebrate the great minds of Segata and Dude Who Has Cute Mushroom Girl For Avatar thinking alike.

:lol SHIRO!
:lol Weeee!

Crackerman16 said:
I can bash Xbots/Microsoft/X360 all day long and not get banned here...
1 mention of Wiitards/Nintendo/Wii negativity and I get a month ban...
I see tons of Sony bashing daily and only the worst of the worst trolls gets a ban...
Uh...Yeah good luck with that.


Crackerman16 said:
I can bash Xbots/Microsoft/X360 all day long and not get banned here...
1 mention of Wiitards/Nintendo/Wii negativity and I get a month ban...
I see tons of Sony bashing daily and only the worst of the worst trolls gets a ban...

GAF's mod bias:

1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Microsoft

I'm say negative shit about Nintendo all the time, and never have been banned. The thing is that you have to back up what you say. You can't just say baseless and pointless BS. And I think thats a good thing. What you say actually needs SOME thought and merit to it. So yeah just going around saying "Nintendo sucks, because its kiddy!" will likely get you banned. But by the same token there were scores of people band during the whole "now I don't need to buy a PS3" thing when MS was seemingly getting PS3 'exclusives' every week.


That Ferrari man dude is obsessed with GAF. He comes in the IRC channel and begs to be unbanned, he begs on one of the GAF splinter forums to be unbanned, and then he trashes GAF on TeamXBOX apparently (first time I've read that forum).


pj325is said:
I closed the thread because what they said about gaf was stupid, and all the quotes of stupid txb posts followed by :lol :lol :lol here were stupid


Team Xbox:
kelsonk said:
I've never been to those forums, but I have noticed that over the past year GAF is slowly being turned into something from 1984. When people are banned for using slang like "gay" or "rape time", something is seriously wrong. There was a time when the internet was only place someone could freely speak, but that doesn't seem to be true on this forum. I'll stay for the gifs and photoshops, though.

why do people say this?

Isnt this forum privately owned?

If I go into a privately owned bar and kick up a fuss, isnt in the owners right to toss my ass out?

Why do people think this does not apply on the internets (when usually everything hosted is owned by someone)?


bluemax said:
That Ferrari man dude is obsessed with GAF. He comes in the IRC channel and begs to be unbanned, he begs on one of the GAF splinter forums to be unbanned, and then he trashes GAF on TeamXBOX apparently (first time I've read that forum).

Link one of his posts, I gotta see this guy.
Nameless said:
I'm say negative shit about Nintendo all the time, and never have been banned. The thing is that you have to back up what you say. You can't just say baseless and pointless BS. And I think thats a good thing. What you say actually needs SOME thought and merit to it. So yeah just going around saying "Nintendo sucks, because its kiddy!" will likely get you banned. But by the same token there were scores of people band during the whole "now I don't need to buy a PS3" thing when MS was seemingly getting PS3 'exclusives' every week.

Check my post history and read my posts before I got banned. I'm serious when I say a mod banned me for a month ONLY because I called certain people in a Nintendo thread "Wiitards." Heck, I like Nintendo and the Wii. But I can't stand a lot of blind, ignorant, and stupid Nintendo fans.

All the bans I've gotten on GAF so far are because I said something negative about Nintendo, Wii, and/or their fans. And I don't even trash Nintendo/Wii that much. Certainly not as much as Microsoft/X360.


Crackerman16 said:
Check my post history and read my posts before I got banned. I'm serious when I say the mods banned me for a month ONLY because I called certain people in a Nintendo thread "Wiitards." Heck, I like Nintendo and the Wii. But I can't stand a lot of blind, ignorant, and stupid Nintendo fans.


Insulting members without making a point constitutes trolling in the eyes of most mods. If you had explained WHY they were "wii-tards" your probably wouldn't have gotten banned.

Red Scarlet

Well, I certainly wouldn't go there (no Xbox/360), but you gotta bitch about stuff somewhere. What doesn't get bitched about by someone, somewhere? People here bitch about lots of stuff, people everywhere do. Some of the statements were :lol , but lots of people say things about stuff they don't like.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
muttyeah416 said:
how true is this?

Registered user numbers are meaningless on any forum. Generally over 90% of them have never posted, and a significant fraction of what's left aren't current posters. Since GAF filters registrations both automatically and manually (which is why you may have to wait quite a while to get in sometimes, if you even succeed), the registered user number is significantly lower than at any other forum of this size.

What matters when gauging traffic is uhhh traffic. Pageviews, unique users per day/week/month, active viewers at any given moment, posts, etc. We're very active, as would be completely obvious to even a casual observer.

Crackerman16: Take your whining to http://www.neogaf.com/index.php?option=com_contact&task=view&contact_id=2&Itemid=35

...or (wait for it) you know what'll happen.


I am a member in BOTH forums, and haven't been to TXB in a long while, that being said this place is being a little to "MODERATED" and banning someone shouldn't(usually) be a gang FU*K.


TeamXBOX site reminded of GameFAQs Next Gen board, or LUE board. Total chaos.

I myself prefer NeoGAF, but I can understand that there will be a lot of people who prefer TXB, since they have no BAN. :)
Nameless said:

Insulting members without making a point constitutes trolling in the eyes of most mods. If you had explained WHY they were "wii-tards" your probably wouldn't have gotten banned.

You obviously didn't read my posts in the thread I posted in before I got banned. Not that I expected you to. But if you did, you'd probably agree with me. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. This forum's MODS definitely has a big bias toward Nintendo, some for Sony, and almost none for Microsoft.

EviLore said:
Crackerman16: Take your whining to http://www.neogaf.com/index.php?option=com_contact&task=view&contact_id=2&Itemid=35

...or (wait for it) you know what'll happen.

I'm not whining. I'm just stating an observation and experiences I've had on this forum that's somewhat pertinent to this topic.

My bans are in the past, so I'll leave it at that. No need to delve into it because it doesn't matter. But if you're honest with yourself, you'd admit that there is a bias in your ranks here.


Zyid said:

Link one of his posts, I gotta see this guy.

I'm pretty sure he was on the first page of the thread linked by the OP. Also he pimps a banned board around these parts on page 2.


apujanata said:
TeamXBOX site reminded of GameFAQs Next Gen board, or LUE board. Total chaos.

I myself prefer NeoGAF, but I can understand that there will be a lot of people who prefer TXB, since they have no BAN. :)

Hey, don't hate on LUE. It's nothing like the other GameFAQs boards.


good credit (by proxy)
I've always thought that they should have a sticky with bannable offenses listed. It's almost like you have to either only lurk, or be here 24/7 checking out every single thread to not get banned.
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