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So...do you have WIRUSES?

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Cause Stop Sign can offer you Wirus protection, whatever that is.

The dude tells me I may be infected and not even know it. I tell him I've got Nortons antivirus protection, but the blonde, cute chick tells me I may have Wiruses.

What the hell? I buy Virus protection and yet I may end up with Wiruses? What's next? Xiruses? How can I keep my PC safe?

Should I go to stopsign.com and get checked for Wiruses? Are you Wirus free?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
What the hell is a Wirus?


I have no idea, but I'm scared to death of Wiruses. Ads on the ESPN networks have me tweaked. Norton Anti Virus has me pretty well prepared or so I thought. Then these commercials come on warning me of Wiruses. I don't have Wirus protection! They say that this website stopsign.com can protect me from Wiruses. I don't want a Wirus! Do you? Does Stopsign.com protect from the dreaded Wirus? How can I protect myself from a xyrus?
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