I can't say I really liked any of the new ones, and I feel like a lot of the legacy characters got done dirty.
The campaign feels pretty barebones as far as "story" missions go, so on the whole I was hoping for more, and I really didnt like the direction the plot went in by the end.
Ava is super obnoxious as well, the character does not earn its place by the end of the story. She just hangs around nagging Lilith and being consistently annoying. The characters you do like from the other games don't stick around nearly as long as you'd like.
The Calypso Twins though, easily the worst. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to claw my ears off every time I heard Tyreen's terrible voice say something cringe-worthy. I don't know who was worse, BJ's kids in Youngblood or these two twats. They're just plain annoying. I missed Handsome Jack the whole fucking game.
Maybe I've just got rose colored glasses on regarding Borderlands 2, but this game didn't feel nearly as entertaining or dare I say witty as 2. Not to mention, for whatever reason the controls felt much worse. It took me a long time to find a configuration that worked.
I don't regret playing the game, I think overall it's a fun action game and I enjoyed playing through it with my bud. It just overall felt like a big step down from Borderlands 2 as far as characters and writing goes. Thankfull the gameplay is good.
The campaign feels pretty barebones as far as "story" missions go, so on the whole I was hoping for more, and I really didnt like the direction the plot went in by the end.
Ava is super obnoxious as well, the character does not earn its place by the end of the story. She just hangs around nagging Lilith and being consistently annoying. The characters you do like from the other games don't stick around nearly as long as you'd like.
The Calypso Twins though, easily the worst. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to claw my ears off every time I heard Tyreen's terrible voice say something cringe-worthy. I don't know who was worse, BJ's kids in Youngblood or these two twats. They're just plain annoying. I missed Handsome Jack the whole fucking game.
Maybe I've just got rose colored glasses on regarding Borderlands 2, but this game didn't feel nearly as entertaining or dare I say witty as 2. Not to mention, for whatever reason the controls felt much worse. It took me a long time to find a configuration that worked.
I don't regret playing the game, I think overall it's a fun action game and I enjoyed playing through it with my bud. It just overall felt like a big step down from Borderlands 2 as far as characters and writing goes. Thankfull the gameplay is good.