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So I beat Borderlands 3, it was fun, but these characters


I can't say I really liked any of the new ones, and I feel like a lot of the legacy characters got done dirty.

The campaign feels pretty barebones as far as "story" missions go, so on the whole I was hoping for more, and I really didnt like the direction the plot went in by the end.

Ava is super obnoxious as well, the character does not earn its place by the end of the story. She just hangs around nagging Lilith and being consistently annoying. The characters you do like from the other games don't stick around nearly as long as you'd like.

The Calypso Twins though, easily the worst. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to claw my ears off every time I heard Tyreen's terrible voice say something cringe-worthy. I don't know who was worse, BJ's kids in Youngblood or these two twats. They're just plain annoying. I missed Handsome Jack the whole fucking game.

Maybe I've just got rose colored glasses on regarding Borderlands 2, but this game didn't feel nearly as entertaining or dare I say witty as 2. Not to mention, for whatever reason the controls felt much worse. It took me a long time to find a configuration that worked.

I don't regret playing the game, I think overall it's a fun action game and I enjoyed playing through it with my bud. It just overall felt like a big step down from Borderlands 2 as far as characters and writing goes. Thankfull the gameplay is good.


You're not wrong. The Twins were annoying, but I like to think they were meant to be. Come off like douchebag twitch streamers that you want to punch in the face. Something needs to change with the franchise though. They have fantastic NPC characters but they always want to add 7 more boring ones each game. I don't think I liked any of the new characters this time around. Maya got screwed, I'd have liked a bit more Claptrap nonsense, and more Lilith, Tina (How was she used so little after being a star of BL2 after the DLCS), Brick and Mordi. No, we get boring fucking Hammerlock and his boyfriend, and his boring ass sister. Why have Moxxi along if she also is just kind of an afterthought?

Not sure how you fix this going forward honestly. I need to finish the first DLC but it hasn't been super gripping, a problem I had finishing 3. I have no reason or interest in grinding for guns since there isn't any real purpose for it other then doing it some more.


You're not wrong. The Twins were annoying, but I like to think they were meant to be. Come off like douchebag twitch streamers that you want to punch in the face. Something needs to change with the franchise though. They have fantastic NPC characters but they always want to add 7 more boring ones each game. I don't think I liked any of the new characters this time around. Maya got screwed, I'd have liked a bit more Claptrap nonsense, and more Lilith, Tina (How was she used so little after being a star of BL2 after the DLCS), Brick and Mordi. No, we get boring fucking Hammerlock and his boyfriend, and his boring ass sister.

They did Maya so dirty. Tina was barely in the goddamn game.

Why have Moxxi along if she also is just kind of an afterthought?

Because they had to use one of their flagship characters to sell DLC.


Unconfirmed Member
So you want Anthony Burch back?



Fucking brutal


I have to agree that Calypso Twins were absolutely horrible, it's such a downgrade from having Handsome Jack in B2.

Jack was entertaining, the Calypso Twins are grating, and it doesn't help that they're constantly in your ear annoying the shit out of you.
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I was playing it until I started luigis mansion, then I couldn’t put that game down. Now I’ve got to go back to BL3 and, honestly... I just don’t know if I want to? It wasn’t as fresh or funny or interesting. It just seemed like more of the same, only none of the stuff I enjoyed...

Glad I got it as a present dirt cheap. I would feel a bit cheated paying full price for it...

Luigi on the other hand, wow, amazing game, loved every second of it.


Best thing I did was turn off the dialogue when playing main story missions after a while . It really feels like the writing in this game was done by multiple teams . Some of the side missions and tapes you find are actually well written . Then you get to parts where the devs obsession with fecal matter is quite disconcerting .


Unconfirmed Member
Best thing I did was turn off the dialogue when playing main story missions after a while . It really feels like the writing in this game was done by multiple teams . Some of the side missions and tapes you find are actually well written . Then you get to parts where the devs obsession with fecal matter is quite disconcerting .
But that is literally Borderlands' thing!


Gold Member
Story and characters are the least important things to me in these games.

How were the classes and skill trees?


I agree about Ava and the twins*, but the rest of the new cast was pretty good to me: Lorelei, Wainwright, BALEX, and Clay. Also as a big Tales from the Borderlands fan, Rhys had a big role so that made me happy. Vaughn though felt written weirdly though, nothing like he was in Tales. I REALLY hope one of the DLCs for BL 3 is about Fiona returning and your character teams up with her, Rhys, and Zer0 to find where Sasha disappeared to as that note saying she had purposely vanished needs to be followed up on.

*that being said, yes I miss Jack, BUT I do not want Jack back. He's been in three Borderlands games by now, let's move on already. Write a good new villain, but don't just bring Jack back, that well is dry by now.


My only issue with the game was it was nothing new. At least when assassins creed kept releasing new ones, they changed the game, its a great game now. Borderlands 3 changed nothing...


god dammit man, this is what reddit has done to video games. Destiny 2 was filled with this cringe too. And Outer Worlds is almost as bad as this. I can't fucking take the irony anymore, just make it stop.

Destiny 2 had it to an extent with Cayde-6, then they took him out back and shot him in the face. They haven't done that kind of dialogue as much since.
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Destiny 2 had it to an extent with Cayde-6, then they took him out back and shot him in the face. They haven't done that kind of dialogue as much since.
you have the crashed ship a.i., the scientist guy, dinkle bot went from a somewhat serious character to just nolan north saying some light hearted joke every other line. The tonal shift from Destiny 1 to 2 just pisses me off.


But that is literally Borderlands' thing!

Actually, compared to what I saw in the Battleborn beta, Gearbox toned it down for Borderlands 3. For real, I've never seen a game with obnoxious dialogue on the level of Battleborn, like holy fuck.

That being said, they were fools to not hire some of TellTale's staff if that option existed. Tales from the Borderlands (which Telltale made) is easily the funniest in the franchise, 2 has a lot of funny moments, but nothing compares to Tales IMHO.
I enjoyed every bit of the game myself. But I'm not one of those that analyzes and does a breakdown of what I liked or not liked about a game. I know what I'm getting with Borderlands....a crazy wild environment with very unique, interesting, and funny characters.

With that said, I had a grand time with it. Now I need to break down and purchase the DLCs.


Borderlands honestly should have just ended with the second game. The series has had diminishing returns since then.


I enjoyed every bit of the game myself. But I'm not one of those that analyzes and does a breakdown of what I liked or not liked about a game. I know what I'm getting with Borderlands....a crazy wild environment with very unique, interesting, and funny characters.

With that said, I had a grand time with it. Now I need to break down and purchase the DLCs.

which funny from bl3?


I think it had the best boss battles of the series, but the worst characters, maps and enemies. Borderlands 2 was far more diverse in terms of environments and enemies and that was even before the expansions came that even added more.


As soon as I finished the campaign I dropped it, with the previous 2 Borderlands I played for a while after the main story but I just really wasn't feeling it with this one. Not sure what it is but something just felt off and it became a drag to finish the final bit of the game.


My biggest issue was that your character meant nothing in cutscenes, like half of the issues in the story could've been stopped if you had control at that time, plus the end scenes/boss was kinda weird that you wern't in it at all despite saving the universe
I’m working on it now and I’ve turned off the dialogue and subtitles. Every time someone opens their mouth, I want to blow my brains out. Ava, the twins, and Vaughn are absolutely unbearable and the rest are barely tolerable. Even returning characters are barely tolerable. The writing is atrocious.

The gameplay is good, but at what cost?

Also, the previous borderlands games weren't the pinnacle of writing, but they weren't this bad. At least they were mildly entertaining. Pre-sequel included.


I can't say I really liked any of the new ones, and I feel like a lot of the legacy characters got done dirty.

BL3 has great gameplay, truly, but the writing is a total shitfest.

Pre-sequel included.

So you want Anthony Burch back?

Fuck yes.
He's an amazing writer, he's witty and really funny, especially when he's not scared of offending someone (which sadly put a brake on his creativity).
How were the classes and skill trees?
Pretty meh.

At least when assassins creed kept releasing new ones, they changed the game
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Gold Member
I didn't like the twins dad. The Jewish stereotypes were just....too much. Nothing against Jewish folks but you don't have to stuff it down our throats. I didn't mind the Twins so much honestly. They were cringey, which made me hate them more but when you think about it...they are caricatures of streamers and twitch culture. Since I stream I kinda get it and can relate. Troy was definitely the better of the two though. I was sure he was gonna kill Tyreen before the end of the game. Was kinda disappointed that didn't happen.

Has anyone played through the DLC? I was gonna wait until all of them came out so I can do em all at once. Any opinions?
After loving Borderlands 1 and 2...Borderlands 3 was fun for most of the campaign but the ending got way too..."Fempower" for me, and usually that type of stuff doesn't bother me but this time it seemed so obviously forced. And I play a crapton of games with female leads and enjoy them because I go in with the expectation of thats what they'll be. The mixture of Ava, Lillith, and Maya being the sole saviors of the universe felt cringey when the previous games did a pretty good job of spreading the savior sprinkles around was nice. Its like Gearbox forgot other characters that THEY THEMSELVES WROTE, topped off by the ending song I just couldn't build up the motivation to grind the game and DLC for guns like I did with the previous two.

And its weird, OP hated the twins but honestly I found them one of the few good parts of the game making fun of the overly saturated world of youtubers doing anything for likes.


worst borderlands of them all. stupid enemies, weapons that dont make much difference , silly shooting . all comes up to bad mix for me. its not as fun as before games where, i dont like shooting those AI enemies over and over. you leave area , you come back and everyone just spawned on again ... i mean what ?


I didn't like the twins dad. The Jewish stereotypes were just....too much. Nothing against Jewish folks but you don't have to stuff it down our throats. I didn't mind the Twins so much honestly. They were cringey, which made me hate them more but when you think about it...they are caricatures of streamers and twitch culture. Since I stream I kinda get it and can relate. Troy was definitely the better of the two though. I was sure he was gonna kill Tyreen before the end of the game. Was kinda disappointed that didn't happen.

Has anyone played through the DLC? I was gonna wait until all of them came out so I can do em all at once. Any opinions?
As far as DLC I think it was MUCH better than main story .

1. The use of the word turd is all but eliminated
2 there is no Ava or Ava like character
3. There are no anointed enemies .(still ton of badasses though)
4.Wee loader bots in various random containers make a return
5.loot drops are definitely high and you should have no problems getting most , if not all, if the new dlc specific legendaries . People are kinda expecting them to nerf this next patch though but who knows. Specific rolls however are as RNG as RNG can get
6. Zane's best class mod comes from this DLC. Amara and Fl4k have a good ones to but Mozes I dont really care for .
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My biggest issue was that your character meant nothing in cutscenes, like half of the issues in the story could've been stopped if you had control at that time, plus the end scenes/boss was kinda weird that you wern't in it at all despite saving the universe

My bud and I just started making jokes about how our characters kept fucking disappearing during cutscenes. It was like you didn't even fucking exist. The bit where Tyreen is just tearing through the main cast and you're literally nowhere just made me laugh.


Borderlands honestly should have just ended with the second game. The series has had diminishing returns since then.

Funny since BL 3 is the best selling title of the whole franchise. Game is a straight up goddamn masterpiece in the gameplay department. Now the rest is kinda outdated, especially the quest design. Don't know why they felt the need to add Ava and stuff, she's straight up responsible for at least one siren death so far and is just an entitled brat

Here's hoping Tina will have once again the best DLC that would coincide with level cap raise. B Team easily got the best side quests in the game, Tina's wedding logs are fucking hilarious and they got really under used, was so mad about it
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Finished the game last night. I'll say this, I didn't like Handsome Jack, I hated the Calypso Twins more. I loved BL1 more in terms of overall feel for the game, it felt more serious with some underlying craziness. BL2 and BL3 seems to put the craziness front and center. Despite that, the gameplay is fun and the loot is interesting. Its enough to make me want to chase more loot and try out the other 3 characters.

The 1st DLC mainly focusing on the legacy of Handsome Jack, is not doing the DLC any favors for me. I'll wait for the next DLC before deciding if I want new BL3 content.


bl3 a masterpiece.. oh man 🤣

in the gameplay department ? absolutely, it trashes everything that ain't made by ID / MachineGames

Its fast, fluid, hyper responsive, you actually have to aim well to hit crit spots and the variations in gunplay (from projectile based including various speeds, to super precise hitscan with guns actually having recoil management and everything) make the whole experience a dream to play through

And if you're genuinely trying to argue otherwise in utter bad faith you're not worth my time period. Gearbox on this game have been absolute magicians purely on a gameplay perspective
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The humor is absolutely toothless. It tries to say its “woah edgy and funny!” But it’s not, so you are left with a shell of a story done by committee without anything fun.

it’s the only game I can name where the characters and the story actually took away from my enjoyment of the game and actually want to stop playing. Beyond irritating.


Anthony Burch's writing was bad as is, but now it's written by people who try to emulate Anthony Burch.. and it's even worse.
Yes, the gameplay was good, although the game was seriously lacking QoL features when I played it at launch compared to its modern counterparts like Destiny. The interface was total ass.

The game was a much needed step in the right direction gunplay and movement wise, but practically everything else was a step back. Very forgettable game.


always chasing the next thrill
in the gameplay department ? absolutely, it trashes everything that ain't made by ID / MachineGames

Its fast, fluid, hyper responsive, you actually have to aim well to hit crit spots and the variations in gunplay (from projectile based including various speeds, to super precise hitscan with guns actually having recoil management and everything) make the whole experience a dream to play through

And if you're genuinely trying to argue otherwise in utter bad faith you're not worth my time period. Gearbox on this game have been absolute magicians purely on a gameplay perspective
Destiny 2 is miles ahead tbh.
I liked bl3 because the loot.


Destiny 2 had it to an extent with Cayde-6, then they took him out back and shot him in the face. They haven't done that kind of dialogue as much since.

The sad thing was that Cayde wasn't originally that kind of character. He'd quip about wanting to leave the Vanguard and go out on his own, but he wasn't an in-your-face puckish rogue cartoon character until Destiny 2. In the launch campaign, Bungie destroyed any nuance the character had by relegating him to being the comic relief. At least Bungie realized that they had irreparably ruined Cayde and had the good sense to write him out.


always chasing the next thrill
The sad thing was that Cayde wasn't originally that kind of character. He'd quip about wanting to leave the Vanguard and go out on his own, but he wasn't an in-your-face puckish rogue cartoon character until Destiny 2. In the launch campaign, Bungie destroyed any nuance the character had by relegating him to being the comic relief. At least Bungie realized that they had irreparably ruined Cayde and had the good sense to write him out.
srsly stop pretending destiny has a good story :pie_roffles:


I played BL 2 with great joy(played it solo, beat the final boss co-op). After that i tried BL 1 but couldn't get into. There was free weekend for BL3, so i tried it, and decided to move on with this series. I guess i've had my fill with BL.
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