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So late to the party that the party had grandkids: Super Mario Brothers.


So, um, yeah, my GBA is the first Nintendo console that I've ever owned. I had a Sega Master System, then a Genesis, then a long gap, and finally a PS2.

Anyway, I finally got around to picking up a copy of Super Mario Brothers. It's harder than I thought...mostly because I can't quite get the hang of running/jumping versus just jumping, and the whole mid-air steering thing is kind of wacky too. Still a classic game, though.

So I can understand that the whole point is to beat all eight levels. What do you do AFTER that? Also, what is the "preferred" way to play -- go through all the stages, or use the warp zones to finish as fast as possible? Last but not least -- is there a way to save your game other than the "sleep" option so you can continue your game later?

(Yes, I'm prepared for derision.)


Can't save on NES Classics Mario. The only way to save SMB is if you're playing the SNES All Stars cart.

This thread should be really interesting, on a sidenote.


IIRC the levels keep going on with crowns in front of their numbers. Been a long time, maybe that was just a Game Genie thing.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Kobun Heat said:


Me too. It's really hard to believe someone's never played Super Mario Bros. before, whether they owned an NES or not.


Lyte Edge said:
Me too. It's really hard to believe someone's never played Super Mario Bros. before, whether they owned an NES or not.
My parents kept a pretty tight leash on our videogame playing until we were older...probably not a bad thing in retrospect. The few times I did play something on NES, it wasn't SMB...mostly because the friends who owned the NES were sick of it. ;)

For what it's worth, I also picked up the original Zelda and Castlevania so that I'll be able to appreciate the GBA sequels when I get to them. I didn't get Metroid since I had already bought, beaten, and totally enjoyed Metroid Zero Mission. If I want to play the original, it's unlocked.

Musashi Wins!

-jinx- said:
The few times I did play something on NES, it wasn't SMB...mostly because the friends who owned the NES were sick of it.

Your friends and parents should be flogged. That's like angels tiring of gods grace. Sorta.

In answer to your first question, first you just explore and beat the game. The next time you beat it getting every coin you can, then you see how fast you can beat it, then you sit behind your sister and give her tips to beat it, then you write your best times and scores on your Mario notebook and then GOODGOD, ITS THE GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME YOUVE DONE IT OUT OF ORDER YOUR LIFE IS ALL WRONG!
You CAN save in the GBA version. While there is no menu or option to choose to save from, you can actually do it.

NOTE: I'm pretty certain you have to get game over. If you turn off the GBA or use the emulator menu to reset the pak, then the level you are on won't be saved.

So get a game over. You can now be started at the beginning of the world you were upto, but I think you sacrifice potential high score.

Hold A + Start at the title screen and you'll be back in no time.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Can't save on NES Classics Mario. The only way to save SMB is if you're playing the SNES All Stars cart.

This thread should be really interesting, on a sidenote.

You can save on Super Mario Bros. DX


I honestly wouldn't recommend replaying the original Zelda. Not because it isn't great, but because we've all been spoiled by videogames modern presentation trappings and it can be a real slog to work through. Some areas require the determination and energy that only an 8 year old with an over active imagination hopped up on Mars Bars and Cola can muster.

A Link to the Past would probably be a much better choice. It's gorgeous to this day and many consider it the quintessential Zelda.
Seriously, try the save technique I just posted. Thought I'd chime in on this game again too:

It suits the GBA so well. It's one of those games that you can just pick up and have a quick blast at anytime, anywhere. It's quite a challenge of skill to see how far you can get and how fast, whether you do it by using inbuilt cheats / warp zones, or bug exploits, or by playing it as intended. It's aged really really well.

I'd love a Paper Mario styled 2d mario platformer. The DS "New super mario bros" game seems to be disappointingly going for the 2.5d angle, with Mario 64-esque models. Boo-urns.

My F*cking Grandpa said:
I honestly wouldn't recommend replaying the original Zelda. Not because it isn't great, but because we've all been spoiled by videogames modern presentation trappings it can be a real slog to work through.

A Link to the Past would probably be a much better choice. It's gorgeous to this day and many consider it the quintessential Zelda.

I whole heartedly back that statement. Something to go back for, for the really big fans of the series, but not for everyone. If you do play it, check out an overworld map on the interdweeb.


- Don't use warp zones; play it all the way through.
- Keep moving forward unless you have a reason not to.
- Be aggressive against the Hammer Bros.
- After you beat it, you can play through again with tougher enemies.

Wait... does this mean you've never played Super Mario Bros. 3?
impirius said:
- Don't use warp zones; play it all the way through.
- Keep moving forward unless you have a reason not to.
- Be aggressive against the Hammer Bros.
- After you beat it, you can play through again with tougher enemies.

Wait... does this mean you've never played Super Mario Bros. 3?


Holy crap!
I'm thoroughly excited for him. We should find him a copy of The Wizard too.


“You've never played SMB before? :eek: :eek: :eek:”

Like any of you guys really give a shit


anyway, congrats on being a SEGA gamer in the old days :D and welcome to the world of Mario where you can jump on shrooms and fire up some magical herbs. Just remember that SMB2 is different but fun, and SMB3 is the Mario forumla perfected

aoi tsuki


Ahhh, the Power Glove. Yes, you could hunt down one on eBay, but it's cheaper and more fun to just jack off for six hours straight, because that's what your arm will feel like after an hour with the Glove.
belgurdo said:
Model 1 Genesis really is a work of art. I'm going to have to pick one up off Ebay sometime.

As for Mario, well, I never had a "house copy" of SMB with our NES, but I knew a number of people who had it. Always enjoyable, always memorable. I'm just afraid that you've never experienced Duck Hunt with the NES Zapper. That's just blasphemy.
I have a power glove... it collects dust bettr than anythign else I own. What a waste.

But as for SMB, the main pleasure comes from doing complete run-throughs, never stopping, with 1 life.

I think my record was 10 run-throughs before giving up and throwing mario off one of those mushroom platforms. And this was when the game first came out on NES, not the GBA versions. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it now, my reflexes arent as fast as theyused to be.

I miss the 80's for gaming, a mush simpler time.


-jinx- said:
Last but not least -- is there a way to save your game other than the "sleep" option so you can continue your game later?

if you lose all your lives you can continue at the beginning of the world by holding A and then pressing Start


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
trippingmartian said:
Model 1 Genesis really is a work of art. I'm going to have to pick one up off Ebay sometime.

As for Mario, well, I never had a "house copy" of SMB with our NES, but I knew a number of people who had it. Always enjoyable, always memorable. I'm just afraid that you've never experienced Duck Hunt with the NES Zapper. That's just blasphemy.
Speaking of Duck Hunt, you can plug a controller in the second port and control the duck while the 1st player shoots at the duck :O CRAZY ACTION...
NetMapel said:
Speaking of Duck Hunt, you can plug a controller in the second port and control the duck while the 1st player shoots at the duck :O CRAZY ACTION...

I did that once to my dad. He was ballistic.
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