The game's out with absolutely no marketing or talk about it. Has anyone here played it yet? How is it?
It's got a 62 on Metacritic but we all know how review scores are truly the epitome of measuring a game's actual worth.
Here's a trailer:
Apparently the game is quite different from the previous Sacred games and developed by a different studio as well.
gripe I've heard is that you can't aim your skills, they go in the direction your character is facing, and you control your character with WASD, not the mouse.
To quote The Escapist's review:
The open environments are replaced with stages selected on a world map, the traditional dungeon crawling action has a distinct brawler vibe to it, and the idea of sprawling character progression and loot has been replaced with a streamlined and linear leveling system. The result is a game that's still quite enjoyable to play, but far more repetitive, restrictive, and ultimately exhausting.
That sounds pretty damning. Without loot or progression, what is there to this game?
Just played the first mission (on 360) and boy... It's not even the gameplay that bothers me the most (but don't expect Sacred 2). The voiceacting and attempts at humour are grating. What were they thinking?
And why the fuck do I need that blue circle around my character when playing solo? (Diablo III console only does this when in multiplayer).
Also... where's the loot? Am I missing something here?
And this is probably the most useless manual ever: