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So "Sacred" wasn't the Diablo-dethroner it was made out to be?


I read about this game yesterday in an old issue of PC Gamer I bought from a newsstand (I don't know why they have old issues and never have Next Generation in stock. =P). Anyway, the way they talked about the game, it seemed like it was going to be a Diablo clone on sterioids.

I haven't heard anyone on the boards even mention it so I'm guessing the game isn't out yet or it bombed hard? Which one? o_O


I agree with both of MAF's posts.

I thought it was really good at first, but about halfway through, I just lost all interest. I'm not really sure why it was worse than Diablo II, but I think, like MAF said, it has something to do with the items.


The items are the key. They all look too similar and when you find new stuff, it isn't much differrence from the older stuff except minor stats. Therefore, there is really nothing rewarding for griding out for a few hours.
Also, the skills are lackluster and collision is horrible. And the animation gets weirdly choppy. And you have to read waaaaaaaaaaay too much text for the quests you get. C'mon, it's a Diablo II clone. Since when is reading required?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Skills = Boring and for the most part useless
Items = Boring and repetitive
Collision detection = Super amazingly asstastic

The only really redeemable things about Sacred are that its quite pretty and the world is MASSIVE.
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