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So who's spending Christmas alone?

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For the 4th year in a row I'm alone for christmas. Only difference this year is there's actually friends in town.... yet they don't wanna do nothing..... except play WoW. Make me very sad.



Not only do I spend it alone, I also have to spend it at work doing the nightshift.

At least it pays well.

White Man

Yeah, I just broke into the Xmas alcohol stash. This throws off my rationing scheme for tomorrow. Sadly, my impatience means I will not be as drunk as I potentially could be tomorrow. All nearby spots to procure alcohol appear to be closed.


At home, with insipid nuclear family and their even more insipid friends whose children are far younger than me. I'd rather be alone.

White Man

The other part of The New, Improved White Man Xmas involves watching The Warriors repeatedly. I would so be in one of these gangs.

Hmmm, I bet I could convince my brother that it's a family tradition to watch The Warriors on Christmas. He may take my drunkness on the phone as frank sincerity.

"Come on, Francis, The Warriors runs in our family like nearly-functional alcoholism!"
I'll technically be with a bunch of other study abroad students, but I'm not too fond of them so alone is basically how I'm spending Christmas as well.



I'm working, then coming home to an empty apartment with no gifts to open. And no alcohol to help me forget about it.

I may as just end it now. For fuck's sake, I'm spending my Christmas Eve on a fucking game forum.

Fuck all....

White Man

Docpan said:

I'm working, then coming home to an empty apartment with no gifts to open. And no alcohol to help me forget about it.

I may as just end it now. For fuck's sake, I'm spending my Christmas Eve on a fucking game forum.

Fuck all....

You think you've got it bad? I'm slumming Live Journal for embarassingly bad personal blogs.

I returned to an old favorite that I've been neglecting the past two months:


The dark gentleman.

Favorite entry ever: http://www.livejournal.com/users/gothicpassion/10941.html

Makes me smile.


Docpan said:

I'm working, then coming home to an empty apartment with no gifts to open. And no alcohol to help me forget about it.

I may as just end it now. For fuck's sake, I'm spending my Christmas Eve on a fucking game forum.

Fuck all....
Whatever. Christmas is two things.

1) Commercialism
2) Time with the family

Fuck 1). And 2) you can just do any other time of the year. If you don't have a family, then you should be no more upset during Christmas than March 6th.

Seriously, put Christmas in that perspective. Shrug aside everything that surrounds the 'season' (spirit, cheer, etc) and just understand that it's another day.

Btw, I just had Christmas Eve dinner with my parents and three of their friends (two adults + child). I love my family, but it was torture. I was walking a fine line between 'charming' and 'outright asshole' all night. On leaving, they said: "Hey, take care of those two", but they could have just easily thought "What a horrible son! So cruel to his parents!". Fuck, they deserved it. My dad was doing a mock-Native accent all night when dishing out the smoked salmon. My mom was talking about... I'm not sure, no one knew.

Alcohol + family time = BAD

White Man

I kind of have this horrible, evil jealousy thing going on. I have one family member that I talk to on a routine basis, and any conversation with my mom invariably degenerates into a teenage-style bitchfest-contest where the winner is the one that says the most immature, regrettable things. Christmas is about family, I guess, but that just tends to make those of us with sub-par families feel like crap.

But then again, as Tolstoy said: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
White Man said:
But then again, as Tolstoy said: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

And doesn't everyone feel better now?

At least I got presents, so I'm not the worst off here. I don't even mind it that much, I would have thought it'd be depressing.

Musashi Wins!

White Man said:
The other part of The New, Improved White Man Xmas involves watching The Warriors repeatedly. I would so be in one of these gangs.

You may be alone, but you have my new favorite Xmas tradition.
Socreges said:
Alcohol + family time = BAD

God yes. I'm glad it's all over. I would just enter the dinning room to say "I can't find the candy" and they'd all fall into histerical laugher. Bunch of drunkards.

And I'm slightly dissapointed with my gifts (a puzzle book? thanks alot bro). I think my family has almost never managed to surprise me with something I've wanted/liked as a gift.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Come come! You're not alone, you're here and with the GAF family!

Ugh...man that was too sugary sweet for me :(

And what does your tag say? Something about hentai....

And the picture in your post looks like it's from a dating sim...

And the dessert in your pic looks like a dick with two balls pointing at the screen...

Maybe I ought to lay off the alkyhol...


I've never spent a Christmas alone and I don't know what I'd ever do if I had to. I admire those of you that are stronger than I am. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


all alone aswell.
i admit it would have been better if i woke up next to a girl this morning, im pefectly capable of having a blast on my own.

poor little old me.....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My mom came over last night...but that's it. I'm not really into Christmas that much, so I might find something to do alone. Like hit up the arcade or meet up with some friends, see if anyone wants to watch a crappy movie. But I'll most likely be alone for the good part of the day.

The being alone doesn't upset me, it's how everything is freaking closed today.

aoi tsuki

i've been recovering from a cold/flu for most of the week, and i'm currently in the "coughing up crap" stage. i'll probably stop by my uncle's house today since he lives a couple blocks over, but that's about it. i might drop by a friend's house if he's still in town. He's hoping to have gotten a DS. Hopefully so, i've been dying to play more people.


I'm spending Christmas pretty much alone...i have my daughter til 10:30am...then it's all but me...no friends and family in the area, just me and my presents....

Yeah, i'm alone. I got drunk and yelled at my ex's answering machine last night, never did that before. :lol I should have bought myself a present. I don't know if its mean, but you guys made me laugh. Thanks.


being watched
Count me in the 'lone club. :(

I usually do the family thing on Boxing Day, as the lack of transport on Xmas day means I can't get to Grandmother / Uncles. I was going to buy a cycle for Xmas but never got around to it.

(pours another Vodka)

But when your on GAF - your never alone!


Crotchety Old Man
White Man said:
You think you've got it bad? I'm slumming Live Journal for embarassingly bad personal blogs.

I returned to an old favorite that I've been neglecting the past two months:


The dark gentleman.

Favorite entry ever: http://www.livejournal.com/users/gothicpassion/10941.html

Makes me smile.
:lol Oh god, that guy is the champion of the universe.

"Side Note: Halle Berry should be clothesline from hell for making the movie, Catwoman. by the way, eating her out is very optional and for her to give an optional blow job."

""Loving and enjoying dark music gives us meaning and understanding. To me, it gives me peace and sanity with my goblet of wine."
Robert Chavis, The Dark Gentleman. (I am leaving these throught my life, to inspire many for years to come)"

:lol Bless you and your many goblets of wine, Robert Chavis.


about 2000 miles away from home and family. But I've managed to get invited to Christmas dinner with some friends and I'm going to see The Life Aquatic tonight with some other friends. Had a nice long Christmas morning conversation with the fam so I guess it's all good.


Sitting here.... Alone.... I feel like shit both emotionally and phyically (flu). I turn on the TV and see nothing but happy families gathering around the tree and sharing good times, so I turn it off. I put on some games but have no desire to play them whatsoever, so I turn them off. I turn on the computer and sulk on a message board, yet it makes me feel no better.

Maybe it's 'cuz I'm just not used to being alone on Christmas. Or maybe it's because that one day of the year where you get to flip off this bullshit world and forget all your troubles has been stripped away from me.. Either way, it sucks and I have nothing to look forward to.

Well... Time to get ready for work...

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I spent it alone, but only because my family wasn't going to be able to all get together until this evening. So, yeah, today is belated Christmas.

It didn't bother me much, really. Christmas isn't a big deal to me, nor has it ever been, so I was perfectly content to spend a quiet day gorging on fine cinema: Days of Heaven, Paris, Texas, and the 5-hour version of Fanny & Alexander.


Time ta STEP IT UP
I spent my Christmas with my family from morning to 8PM. My family has some crazy/stupid members, but there are just as many cool ones too.

Then at 9PM I went out with my friends. We cruised, smoked, and made use of our Christmas presents. Ren and Stimpy + Weed = Bliss.
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