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So why don't you own a PS2?

Why not? HUH? All two of you, answer up. I don't because I absolutely refuse to buy systems. Might spend four times their cost on games, but I ain't buyin one. I've won a GC, XBox, 2 PSs, and a GBA. For some reason there ain't very many contests to win PS2s. I've won plenty of PS2 games (Full trade-in value at TRU thx), but not a system. It don't bother me much though, I don't play my box/cube hardly at all as it is. Plus it seems that just about everyone I know owns a PS2, so it's hardly out of reach.


Redbeard said:
Gave it to my brother.

Where do you win all this stuff?

He's a pre-teen pimp if I recall correctly.


Chili Con Carnage!
where do you win all these competitions?

I 'won' my ps2 by getting my N64 stolen and claiming its full (original) value back as credit as at a game store from the insurance company.


-Multiplayer option is sold seperately (they bothered to add DVD movie playback but didn't go for two extra controller ports, yeah I'm sure extra ports would have sent the MSRP to the stratosphere)
-Sony was late with progressive video support
-Sony was late with HDD support
-No easy way to play different region games

Well, actually I do own a (used, cheap) PS2, but those were the main reasons I've held out on buying one for so many years.

And oh yeah SCE is evil

Sho Nuff

There are just too many choices on the PS2. I'd rather have a system with one great game every two months, like the --

(fill in the blank)


I don't want to spend too much on games, and the only franchise that matters to me is Zelda so where Zelda goes I go. I also don't have much time for games, and I still haven't finished half the games I have for my GC.
How do i win an XBox?

I`ve been broke all year and g/f claims if she buys me an xbox for my birthday, i`ll be talking about how cool PSP and DS are and wanting them too, so no xbox for me....WTF?

Someone help me win an xbox
I know I've told this before, my ma and a couple of her friends joined a sweepstakes club a few years back. She'd sit there filling out sweepstakes while watching tv or a movie or something. Everyone else in the family wanted absolutely nothing to do with the nonsense, but she got lucky and won a few good prizes and got me a bit interested. There's this newsletter that she gets I don't know how often with a list of national sweepstakes. You know, all those stupid no purchase necessary send 3x5 to enter things. She tells me if there's anything decent with a high amount of prizes. I'll fill out entries if I remember. It's mostly all luck though. Just keep trying and you'll win sometime.

The whole thing is a little insane. They meet every month and there's like national conventions and shit too. She didn't let me take a job I interviewed for because they have alot of sweepstakes (A few years later she won a truck from them). Seeing all the others involved, it seems basically something old people do once they've retired, which is bad because it looks and sounds like such a scam. And I'm sure she's on a billion mailing and calling lists that she wouldn't be on. She also spends her saturdays running around to local radio remotes and whatever dropping off entry blanks.
We had one when I lived in a flat with buddies... here's why I don't have one now:

2 controller ports,
don't need another DVD player,
it has loads of good games but not so many that I feel I NEED the thing,
...and it's been sold at a premium to Xbox and Gamecube in the UK until last week.
Now it's the same price as an Xbox.

I'm more likely to pick up an Xbox.
Just don't have the money or the time for it. As it is we still have huge WE tournaments every weekend at a friend's house, so there's no real need for me to own one.


Tag of Excellence
Ok fine I admit it, I don't own a PS2 because I hate Sony and they ruined videogames. Not just a few videogames but every single videogame ever invented and will ever be invented. Once the PS2 came out I was like "Oh! Videogames are ruined, time to play Tennis."


kpop100 said:
No offense but going to the store with $150 sounds much easier.

And therein lies the beauty of the sweepstakes. You know how many people think that way? I know someone who fills out that sort of thing (well a little different) during his lunch breaks at work. He gets free samples of shit and checks in the mail for like $5. But its still stuff, and all he loses is time he'd just spend in work eating, so what the hell, eh?
Seven or eight PS2 games, still no system. I'm like that with music, too; I'm a short termist. Instead of saving up a grand or so to buy a proper set of direct drive turntables, I spank more than I can afford every month buying records that I absolutely cannot be without. Similarly, when I see a used Ico special edition in good nick, the willpower required to save up the money to buy a system to actually play the damn thing on seems to recede over some sort of horizon.

So mainly it's a budget thing. I would have a PS2 if I could ever seriously meet or justify the outlay, but I'm happy to wait even two or more years to pick up a decent second-hand one for say £30. That's how much I bought my PS1 for, and it still works fine. By the time I buy a PS2 I'll have shitstacks of great games to play through on it, and to me (as a scabby no-mark pauper) this seems to me to be the game-acquisition model that makes most sense.

There was an excellent thread on this some time back, started by a guy who (I think) was planning either to give up games for good, or buy and play games a generation behind everybody else, due to the fact that he didn't really feel he was getting his moneys worth running to keep up with generational trends. I sympathise a lot with this; I sometimes feel we're all being hoodwinked into parting with a lot more cash than is really necessary. However I won't try and pretend I'm some kind of master-economist: as I say, I'm just too weak and lazy to even rise to the bait.


I don't own one for a couple of reasons.

1 my brother has one and I can play it anytime i wish
2 Multiplatform games are usually better on the other 2 systems
3 Crap hardware
4 Not really a huge fan of sony first party titles, with a few exceptions
5 Don't get me wrong..I'd like to have one for some games, but I'm not gonna pay $150 for it when i can play it without paying.


Cause I pretty much hate Sony...

on top of that, I hear they break easily, and while that may seem like an embellished "rumor" online, the sheer number of replacement PS2's customer service asks for to fulfull product-replacement 2-year plans (not to mention customers rebuying when they didn't buy the service, plus tons of customers asking for PS2 lens cleaners cause it won't read CD and/or DVD and/or CD-game and/or DVD-game). Our store ran into some customer-upset incidents because we'd have people coming in to replace their broken system and 3-week PS2 shortage left us without anything, all we could do was give vouchers, but of course they had no use for that since they'd already bought their PS2 games...

hating Sony + faulty hardware = no buy from me...
-I'm a graphics whore.
-There aren't many games that interest me.
-I don't feel like spending good money on old technology.
-Team Ninja's bodacious T&A games aren't on PS2.
-One of it's nicknames is 'GayStation' and my deeply homophobic nature prevents me from having such a device in my household.
-I'm a graphics whore.
-I've hated Sony since the days of squashing the Dreamcast. (previously I was a Sony whore).


Redbeard said:
Gave it to my brother.

Ditto. He loves PES3 too much for me to have taken it with my when I moved out, so I sold it to him really cheap.

Plus I didn't play it nearly as much as I played my xbox and cube. It just didn't click with me for some reason.


Error Macro said:
-I've hated Sony since the days of squashing the Dreamcast. (previously I was a Sony whore).

Sega did themselves in, if they hadn't had a history of money-losing projects they could've kept the Dreamcast alive. Sony had nothing to do with it outside of just being the other kid on the block.


1. Dislike of Sony
2. Lacking in the software department (Growlanser 2-4 is probably all I'd play)
3. Still too expensive and can't justify the purchase (jPS2 is still 19800 yen MSRP, US PS2 I wouldn't buy at any price)


Does anyone think the rpgs on PSone completely destroyed the rpgs on PS2? I don't think there's ONE rpg I loved on PS2 except for maybe BOF5.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Because Xbox takes care of my home-entertainment (modded media centre) and Halo needs and Gamecube gives me more than my fill of top notch games. There is no more time or room for a PS2, plus I just generally kind of think they suck which is why I swapped mine for an xbox.


-I purchased a PS2 about 6 months after launch and had it with Gran Turismo 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry, and Silent Hill 2. I was underwhelmed by the graphics and just wasn't that impressed with what $500 bought me so I sold it on ebay.

-I'm a graphics whore, after playing games on Xbox I just can't go back.

-Technology wise I can't justify the purchase with only 2 controller ports and having to buy memory cards.

-I had my Xbox modded in the last couple of months and at this point it blows away anything PS2 could offer.

-Most of the games I like are offered on Xbox with better graphics and more features.

-I don't have enough time for a PS2 at this point, I got rid of my Gamecube for the same reason. Not enough gaming hours to go around to more than one console.


AssMan said:
Does anyone think the rpgs on PSone completely destroyed the rpgs on PS2? I don't think there's ONE rpg I loved on PS2 except for maybe BOF5.

I feel that way. I bought a PS2 earlier this year for the rpgs and a few of the action games, and for the most part, it's been mostly miss more than hit. While the rpgs look better, I just can't get into them for one reason or another like I did on the PS. The action games are good, but I have plenty of those on the Gamecube. While I plan on keeping it, there have been numerous extended times where I didn't play it, and that doesn't look to change.


- The graphics for the most part suck.
- It has no exclusives that call out to me.
- I was a PC gamer and still like PC games but PC games do not translate well to the PS2.
- I already have an Xbox and GC and have no room for a 3rd system.
- I prefer Microsofts online model even though I have to pay 4 whole dollars a month for it.


I'm a PC gamer and even with a gamecube (metroid, zelda) and xbox (duh), I have about 10 games on my backlog.

I don't need more. If anything I shouldn't have bought a gamecube. I'm glad I did though.

Also, the GTA games are all on PC and MGS games are all on other consoles.


Tsubaki said:
1. Dislike of Sony
2. Lacking in the software department (Growlanser 2-4 is probably all I'd play)
3. Still too expensive and can't justify the purchase (jPS2 is still 19800 yen MSRP, US PS2 I wouldn't buy at any price)

What do you own, just curious?


This one's easy:
I don't like purchasing things with a hidden expiration date inside.
The day the PSTwo is launched, I'll be the first in line to get it. Until then, it's not worth it.


Mine broke down about a week ago. It wont read anything. I got on top of it on my knees and beat the shit out of it.


AssMan said:
Does anyone think the rpgs on PSone completely destroyed the rpgs on PS2? I don't think there's ONE rpg I loved on PS2 except for maybe BOF5.

You could at least wait until the current gen has passed before making a statement like this.


I have an Xbox and a Gamecube. Most of the games I like are on those.

I might get a PS2 when it comes down further...


kpop100 said:
What do you own, just curious?

Current gen? Just GBA actually. It's not really a matter of price, as I spent more on GBA hardware than any console I've ever owned ($100 GBA + $80 TV adapter + $300 TV cuz it doesn't display well w/o Svideo, etc) Sure I benefitted from the TV, but the primary reason was for the darn GBA. Will likely eventually buy a cube + gb player, because I hate how bulky the GBA becomes with the TV Adapter.
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