Kittonwy said:
Uh... how about NO? So you're comparing SOCOM to online gaming on the DREAMCAST? Jeebus.
is your reading comprehension broken? i didn't compare socom to any of those titles.
Then make it GOOD and make it PARTY-BASED. Who's to say SOCOM gamers wouldn't want a GOOD party system and GOOD match-making?
you can't have ranked, party based matchmaking and still have the lobby system. at best you'd have to turn the lobbies into unranked only custom games where no one ranks up or collects stats and that's the dumbest thing i have ever heard. that isn't socom, that's halo.
You speak as if having a good online interface and having good gameplay are mutually exclusive, which is not the case.
i speak as if having good gameplay is a million times more important than fucking up the online setup.
SOCOM is proof of implementing vehicles and large map-size poorly, that has nothing to do with implementing a good online interface and improving on what you already have.
why would they implement a party based matchmaking system? oh yea because like you said, a lot of other online games have it. why did they make the maps huge and up the amount of players and add vehicles? oh yea because other online games were doing it. so yea, like i said, socom is solid proof that taking a formula that works and making drastic changes to keep up with the times is a horrible, horrible idea. you want a party system? fine, but not for matchmaking. keep the servers alive and well and ranked.
Like I said in Resistance you don't have groups being split and ranked games are standard. If a party-system can make SOCOM better then it definitely needs it, anything that can improve SOCOM, SOCOM needs. Just because the implementation is bad doesn't mean the idea itself is bad. Having vehicles could have made SOCOM better had they implemented them properly and tuned them well.
why do you keep falling back on resistance as if it is the only game to have ever had matchmaking and parties? problems do exist in online games, it happens guy. and as far as i know these guys have 0 experience in making an online game.
There's hardly any fluff to Resistance online, it's very easy to get into, ultimately it all came down to player skill, we have very skilled clans playing, the online gameplay is great. Making the online interface better isn't going to keep SOCOM from being true to itself.
you have no idea what you are talking about. splintering the online game into ranked matchmaking for parties and unranked custom games is a stupid idea, one that would only come from someone who wasn't a true socom fan. i don't want my game playing like halo, sorry. if i want to log on to an online game to play ranked matches on random maps against random douchebags over and over i'll play halo.
If you hate that map wouldn't the solution be NOT TO HAVE THAT MAP instead? That has nothing to do with the party system. Who's to say if SOCOM has a great party/match-making system that people aren't going to use it? You can still have your lobby system and custom games, it's just that people who want to play ranked games can, within a party.
that has everything to do with a party based matchmaking system. go play halo for awhile.
Probably why I don't play it these days, nobody I know is still playing it.
probably because it is old as fuck. i don't know many 4 year old console games on last generation hardware that a lot of people still play.
Once again if the match-making system is great people would use it, it might not be the hardcore users but then SOCOM needs more than the hardcore clans to survive, it can't survive as a niche title.
yea because i mean, having a matchmaking system with parties is so vital that without it, it just sits on the shelf as a niche title :lol
Now you're trying suggest that their failure to implement and tune gameplay in the last two games has anything to do with implementing a party/match-making system, it doesn't. If they fucked up the maps before, they can do it again, REGARDLESS of whether they implement a party system or not, a party/match-making system has proven to work extremely well for Resistance, and it can work for SOCOM..
no? where did i suggest anything of the sort? if they waste their time screwing up the online setup of the game, that leaves less time for ironing out gameplay and making sure everything is solid in the game, no weapon glitches or soft spots or any shit like that. it's not difficult logic to follow. look at halo 2, bungie said the matchmaking system took so long to perfect that they didn't have time to completely iron out all the problems and you had shit like flags going through walls and bombs going through floors. socom's online setup isn't what is broke, the gameplay was.
Once again I'm not even using COD4 as an example of party/match-making.
your point? you are using resistance because apparently it is problem free. well too bad, because not every implementation is like that.
actually yea, it must have been. you know next to nothing about socom online and definitely nothing about what the gamers who made the games million sellers want to you should quit preaching like you do.
SOCOM's online set-up is not perfect. Custom games can be ranked if they're standardized.
socom's online setup as far as the lobby based games is perfect. i don't want standardized ranked games, that isn't socom.
WTF does that have to do with implementing a great party/match-making system? NOTHING.
why do you continue to ask questions we have already had answered posts and posts ago? should i paint it out for you in small words or something? i'll try a basic breakdown.
large maps, 32 players, vehicles = massive change
no ranked lobby games (or "standardized" at best), focus on party based matchmaking = massive change
what i said and what you are asking for are the same thing; massive changes to something that was already working great. both unwanted and unneeded. simple enough?
That's not what I'm proposing. I'm suggesting a better online interface, they implemented vehicles and big maps without tuning them properly, two completely different things. Oh and you can blame that on zipper, that's their fault.
we can go over this all fucking day man. "better" is subjective at best. you're proposing changes socom players don't want. if old school socom players don't buy this game it doesn't have a chance in hell.
I want SOCOM to play like Resistance, meaning I want it to be awesome.
it already did play awesome.
Having match-making to play ranked games is awesome, you're always playing against different people, you're not stuck on a single map over and over, it's always a fresh challenge, your team is always on their toes, they get experience on every map instead of having no idea on some maps while only being good at certain ones, if they want to do a custom game to practice on a certain map, they can.
see, a response like that just proves you are totally clueless when it comes to how socom works online. completely ignorant and clueless. i log onto socom, i join a game. my buddies join the game. we play against 8 people on one map. map is over. guess what? the map CHANGES. omg! then people come and go and we are playing against different people on a different map. wow! and then when that game ends, the map changes AGAIN. neato! and then again people come and go, teams are rarely exactly the same.
and hey, i like playing the same people over and over again. that's what makes halo's setup so fucking lame. if i have a great game against a group in matchmaking and the game ends, what happens? we all go our separate ways. the only way to go against each other again is to friend up and play unranked custom games or be lucky enough to be pitted against each other again. socom is not like that. if i have a great, epic 30 minute + battle in socom, we all go back to the same lobby where the next map comes up and we can all do it over again, with whatever weapons and accessories we want on or off and still play ranked. and if those people we beat want more, they know exactly where to find us, and they will. that is socom. you want quick, random matches against strangers, establishing no real community or uniqueness to the games and the best part is you think you are right and people want that :lol im done trying to explain to you why you are so wrong. enjoy resistance.